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Naozane laid there silently. He had gotten five hours of sleep and figured that was as good as it's going to get. He sat up and pushed his blankets off his lap. Naozane's chest was free from clothes and concealer.  His bare feet met the floor and he pushed himself to the kitchen. After grabbing the Tupperware full of sliced watermelon, he trudged back to his room. For the next to hours, he was the only one awake. Eventually, Mina woke up and flopped onto the other side of his bed. "Do you want to go wake Naga and Sekian up?" She asked. Her voice was muffled because of the way she was faced down on the bed. 

"Yeah, sure. Let's go," He agreed after a moment of silence. The two high schoolers snuck into Nori and Kian's shared bedroom. The neko and inu were peacefully sleeping and spooning. 

"NORI!!! KIAN!" Mina shouted and jumped onto the end of the bed. Nori threw her pillow at us and groaned. "Wake up!!!~" We both gave each other a look then altered our appearance. As cats, we began to walk over them. I swatted at Kian's face a couple times, and Mina was biting Nori's cheek. 

"Okay, okay," Nori sighed. "What do you two want?" 

"It's already seven. Wake up." 

The two of them eventually gave up and got up. "Do we have any plans for today?" Mina asked. She was now in her human form. I continued sitting at the end of the bed as a cat. 

"Nori and I need to take care of something in the office," Kian answered and yawned. 

"We'll be back in time for dinner, but the two of you can do anything you want today," Nori said.

"Okay, can I go to the mall with some of my friends?" MIna asked and smiled widely. That'll be perfect because I'll have the house to myself. "Do you want to come with us, Nao?" She asked. I shook my head and licked the fur on my paw. 

"I'd rather not spend the weekend with a bunch of girls." 


I didn't even bother to put a shirt on. I didn't see why there was a need for one. No one else was home except for a couple of the house's workers. They never bothered me much anyway. I stayed in my room for most of the day. Around noon, the door slammed open causing me to jump a bit. Tamaki stood there with a smile on his face. His eyes drifted down to my chest and arms. "I-I'm sorry, Nagusa," One of the female maids apologized and panted. "I tried to stop him."

"It's fine. Leave us," I said and turned my head away. Once she left, I turned back to him. "What are you doing here?" 

"I-I wanted to see you," Tamaki quietly answered. "Wh-what is..." 

"I have vitiligo," I explained. "It's a condition where some of my skin is missing some pigmentation." 

"Oh, then why do you hide it?" Tamaki asked and tilted his head. He motioned to the spots on my neck as he spoke. 

"Would you still have approached me if you knew?" I whispered and approached the closet. I pulled out a normal t-shirt and slipped it over my head. 

"Yes. Why wouldn't I have? It's just like a birthmark," Tamaki said. I rolled my eyes and grabbed a hoddie that laid on the edge of my bed. His arms wrapped around my shoulders and pulled me into his chest. "Naozane, it's really not a big deal," He whispered. "You don't have to hide it from me or any of the other members." 

"Tamaki, the last friends I had didn't treat me kindly. Becuase I'm a neko and my skin, none of them really liked me. They thought I was gross. Because of that. they made fun of me. I haven't had any real friends since then," I whispered. 

"I think your neko features are adorable. The way your skin is or looks doesn't matter. It's different, but it's a good different. None of us would ever make fun of you! We'd protect you!" Tamaki said. His arms stayed tightly wrapped around me. "You don't have to hide it." 

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