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To be clear, Kyoya's still wearing a shirt.

Tamaki sat in the on a beach chair away from where the couple was sitting. He felt himself frowning when the boys moved closer to each other. Of course, he was happy that the two cared and loved each other very much. He was happy his two friends were happy. The feelings he had for Naozane weren't lucid in the slightest; they were confusing and contradicting.

Tamaki preferred how it was before the two began dating. He missed the times when he could hold Naozane in his arms and whisper sweet things to him. Tamaki enjoyed the thought of being close to the neko boy, but not once did it cross his mind to be in a romantic relationship with him. Maybe Tamaki did have feelings for Naozane. He wasn't entirely sure what to think of the situation.

He forced himself to look away from the couple and back to the blue waves. Emina happily sat down beside him and bumped his shoulder with hers. "What's wrong, Tamaki-kun?" She spoke in a cheerful voice. Tamaki's demeanor completely changed.

"Nothing. I'm just enjoying the ocean view," Tamaki lied to the girl. "The ocean's beautiful, isn't it?" She hummed in agreement, Mina's eyes drifted to her brother and his boyfriend. Naozane was rubbing sunscreen into his skin and Kyoya had his eyes on his notebook. She could tell that they were having some sort of conversation because of their moving lips. Emina frowned and turned back to the boy beside him.

'You're lying, aren't you?" She spoke quietly, so no one else would hear their conversation. Emina was the only one who knew about Tamaki's feelings. The two were close friends and quickly began trusting each other, so they had a few conversations about it. As much as it hurt Emina to see her friend upset, she couldn't do anything about their relationship.

"Yeah," Tamaki slowly answered. "I'm trying to get over it, really, I am. They're happy with their relationship, so I can't interfere." Emina grunted and frowned in frustration.

"I know, I'm sorry. I just wish I could do something... I want to help," she explained. Emina flopped back onto the towel and stared up at the umbrella above her. "I know you asked me to stay quiet about this; I have and I will. I wish there was something that I could do to make you feel better." 

"Well, there isn't; there's nothing we can do. I'll get over it, Mina. Kyoya knows he loves him. I only have a small crush, okay?" Tamaki answered. "It's best for all of us if my feelings are left in the dark." 

"Yeah, I understand," Emina answered.


Naozane laid on his side beside his lover. The two boys stayed underneath the umbrella for most of the day. Neither of them enjoyed the beach as much as the others. "What do you write in that thing?" Naozane hummed as his half-lidded eyes watched Kyoya's movements. 

"Information," Kyoya answered shortly. "Curiosity killed the cat." 

"Satisfaction brought it back," Naozane argued. He lazily pushed himself up and sat beside the other male.

"That's impossible. Once something is dead, there's no bringing it back," Kyoya teased. The black notebook closed in his hands. He turned to face the unamused neko beside him. 

"It's a saying..." Naozane said and narrowed his eyes for a second. "You know damn well that I'm going to be curious about what you write. You take that damn thing everywhere."

"Language," Kyoya jokingly scolded. Naozane rolled his eyes and turned away for a second. 

"Oh, please. What are you going to do about it?" The male scoffed. His head moved back towards where his boyfriend sat. "Are you going to punish me? I didn't think you were that kinky." Kyoya let out a breathy laugh and rolled his eyes. 

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