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"Will you drop it?" I scoffed. "I don't have feelings for Tamaki," he snapped. Kyoya had been making all sorts of innuendos. It's been like that all week. Tamaki had walked away from the two to scold the twins about something. All Kyoya did is a smirk. "Don't look at me like that! You know I don't have feelings for him," Naozane hissed. Kyoya shrugged. Naozane began to have a one-sided argument with himself. Kyoya didn't say anything back, but he watched Naozane accuse him of stuff.

When Tamaki came back, he froze at the sight. Naozane was slightly hovering over Kyoya and glaring at him. He was straddling his lap and kept his hands on Kyoya's shoulders. "It's not- that's not what it looks like!" Naozane almost shouted and jolted away. He kept his eyes on his lap with his arms across his chest.

"Are you two... dating?" Tamaki asked slowly. Kyoya stayed silent and smirked at Naozane's reaction.

"No! Of course, we aren't," Nao scoffed. His face was bright red and his ears were pressed down against his head.

"Then what were you two doing?" Tamaki asked.

"Kyoya was saying... Stuff," Nao answered vaguely. He sent a glare to Kyoya.

"Oh... Okay," Tamaki replied. The three boys sat there in awkward silence for the rest of lunch.


"Kyoya, I don't have feelings for Tamaki in any way," Naozane said. He approached him during the host club to tell him this. "I know it sounds stupid that I keep making a big deal out of this but, I need you to know that I don't."

"So, then do you have feelings for someone else?" Kyoya replied. Naozane opened his mouth to say something but then quickly closed it. 

"That is none of your business," Naozane replied. "My feelings do not concern you, Ootori." 

"Naozane!" Mina shouted and ran into the room. "I have to tell you something super important!" Of course, her shouting caught the other hosts attention. "It's about Hideji too!" 

"Who's Hideji?" The twins asked and hummed. 

"A friend," Nao answered shortly. "What about him?"

"His parents are going away for the weekend, so he's staying with us, okay?" Mina replied. "You two are going to be great friends." 

"Great," Naozane said and rolled his eyes. Even though he rolled his eyes, he still smiled. He walked away from the other hosts and took his sister with him. "Did you invite him or did he ask?" 

"I invited him," Mina admitted. "I know you like him, and I know that you won't ask him directly to see him again. That's why I invited him. Was I wrong?" 

"No," Naozane grumbled and crossed his arms over his chest. 


Naozane and Hideji spent the night in his room. Naozane's siblings were all cautious with this situation. They didn't want to embarrass Nao or make it awkward for either of the nekos. Mina and Nori both thought it was sweet and cute that they both liked each other. Kian, on the other hand, thought that they should be watching them. He was in a "protective dad/older brother mode".

Both boys went to sleep in separate beds but in the same room. Deji slept on a separate mattress in the room; they both wanted to stay in the same room. The blonde neko fell asleep quickly after they both mumbled a goodnight. 

Sometime in the middle of the night, it began to rain. It started off slow and gradually got stronger. Once the rain was at its peak, the thunder started. The loud booms rang through the room resulting in Hideji waking up and looking to the other neko. Deji gave Nao a scared look. A look that he's seen many times before. His younger sister gave him that look all the time before she got over the fact that thunder was loud. Naozane motioned for him to come lay beside him. Without hesitating, Hideji curled up beside him. 

Hideji fell back into a deep sleep. Nao stayed awake and draped his arm around Deji's waist and curled his tail around his. Hideji smiled into his sleep and curled his tail around Nao's. Nao laid there and watched the rain stream down the window. Eventually, he fell asleep and cuddled closer to the blonde. 

The next morning, the boys slept until noon. Mina had already woken up and was watching TV downstairs. Of course, the hosts decided it would be a good idea to come and visit. They wanted to meet who this Hideji they spoke of was. "Why are you guys here?" Mina sighed. "I don't feel like dealing with this right now," she mumbled. 

"We wanted to come and see you two," The twins said. Mina rolled her eyes and began walking to her brother's room. She opened the door and walked in without knocking. At the time, they were still sleeping. 

"Naozane," Mina said and nudged his shoulder. She smiled at the position the two were in. "Nao, wake up. Deji, you too." Both boys opened their eyes and glared at her. "We have guests," She seethed. Naozane instantly sat up and glared at the group. 

"Why did you guys come in here?" Naozane asked. Sekian ran into the room and gasped. 

"Aww! You two were cuddling!" He gushed.

"Is he your boyfriend?" The twins asked. Naozane stuttered out nonsense for a little before Hideji cut in. 

"We aren't a couple," He mumbled. He hugged Nao's waist and cuddled into his side. Hideji closed his eyes and began drifting back to sleep. 

"He's not my boyfriend," Naozane said and nodded. "We're just friends." His cheeks were flushed with a red hue. He avoided eye contact as he combed throught his hair with his fingers. 

"Don't go," Deji whined. He wrapprd his tail around Nao's leg to persuade him to stay. Nao rolled his eyes and laid back down beside him.

"You aren't dating..?" Tamaki asked.

"We went on one date," Hideji said. "Hopefully more in the future." Nao grumbled and closed his eyes.

"You've only been on one!?" Mina gasped. She glared at Nao.

"Yeah, but we've texted back and forth pretty much everyday," Deji answered. He ran his fingers through Nao's hair. "He's a little tsundere."

The two neko boys finally got up. Nao quickly got dressed in the bathroom and sat on his bed. "Why did you guys come here?" Naozane asked as Hideji went into the bathroom.

"We wanted to meet who Hideji was," Honey asked. He was sitting on top of Mori's shoulders. "Why were you sleeping next to each other?"

"He was scared. The thunder scared him, so I let him sleep in my bed," Nao answered and shrugged. "Mina used to do the same thing all the time."

"Sh-shut up," She whispered and pouted. Hideji came back out of the bathroom and sat beside Nao. He wrapped his arms around Naozane's waist. All of the hosts introduced themselves to the blonde neko. 

"You guys seem really close to for just friends," Sekian pointed out. Nao shrugged and set his hands on Hideji's. 

"We are close. I'll probably ask Nao to be my boyfriend soon since he's too shy to ask me," Hideji replied. Nao's eyes slightly widened. 

"I am not," He scoffed. Hideji chuckled and hugged him tighter. 

"Yeah, you are, babe," Hideji replied. 

WC 1225

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