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Kyoya was sitting at the end of the bed. I was on my knees behind him. I was playing wiyh hus messy hair when Tamaki and Emina entered the room and looked at us in confusion. "What are you doing?" Emina asked and began laughing loudly. 

"Nothing," I answered. Kyoya huffed and kept his eyes glued to his phone. I began tying the longer strands of hair into a ponytail on the top of his head. "Where did you two go?" 

"We were just downstairs," Tamaki replied. The two of them sat on the couch. I wrapped my arms around Kyoya's shoulders and leaned on his back. 

"Were you two talking late last night?" Emina asked. I nodded and snaked my arms around Kyoya's waist. Another girl walked in. She had the same voice as the girl from earlier. 

"It's nice to meet you," She said warmly. "My name's Fuyumi. You're Naozane, right?" 

"Oh, uh, yeah," I answered and nodded. "It's nice to meet you too." Kyoya adjusted his glasses. His hair was still tied up. 

"This is my sister, Naozane," Kyoya explained. "Fuyumi, this is my boyfriend." She looked a bit similar to him. She seemed nice and patient for the most part. 


"Have you ever noticed how they keep getting closer?" The twins asked in unison. I followed their gaze. They were both looking at my sister and Tamaki. 

"I think it's kind of cute," Haruhi added. The two were talking about something. They seemed very passionate about it too. I grunted and rolled my eyes. 

"Aw, Naozane is being a protective big brother," Hikaru and Kaoru gushed. I rolled my eyes and looked at Kyoya for help. 

"Emina did the same thing," Kyoya replied and shrugged. I didn't say anything back and gave him a confused look. 

"What do you mean? Was she protective over Naozane?" Haruhi asked. Kyoya nodded and began explaining. 

"She threatened me about taking care of you. Things like that," Kyoya answered and shrugged like it was nothing. 

"You weren't supposed to tell him that!" Emina shouted. 

"I can take care of myself, thank you," I scoffed and glared at her. "Leave Kyoya alone, alright?" She crossed her arms over her chest and mumbled a couple of colorful words. 

"So, now that Kyoya-senpai and Naozane-senpai are together, does that mean Naozane's is Daddy?" The twins chuckled. "Daddy Tamaki is all single now because Mommy Kyoya left him." 

"Will you two shut up already? Don't call me Daddy!" I growled. My face flushed as I scolded them. 

"Yeah, as if I'd allow Naozane be the top," Kyoya added and rolled his eyes. I sent a glare at him, but it went unnoticed. He held a cup of tea in his hands. Kyoya sat down beside me. We were so close, his leg was touching mine. 

"Why do I have to be a bottom?" I pretty much shouted. Kyoya leaned in closer to my ear and whispered a simple sentence. 

"You'd love to be my submissive; we both know that," He pressed his lips to the spot underneath my ear. 

"Shut up! Stop it, Kyoya!" I groaned and covered my face. I could feel my face getting extremely hot. 

"Alright, so, Naozane is Mommy and Kyoya is Daddy?" One of the twins asked. I wasn't paying attention to which one. Kyoya was sipping is tea, so I decided to mess with him. 

"Yeah, he is," I whispered and hummed. Kyoya almost choked on the tea. 

"I thought you wanted to take things slow?" Kyoya retorted. We were talking quietly so no one else would hear. 

"I'm just teasing, Kyoya. Is it bad to flirt a little bit?" I replied. Kyoya scoffed and wrapped his arm around my waist. My tail coiled around his arm. My eyes met with the side of his face. When Kyoya turned to look at him, the glasses that rested on the bridge of his nose glinted slightly.

"You're so cute, Kitten," Kyoya spoke softly. He leaned forward and kissed my forehead. The others decided to aww just to annoy us. I glared at the group and turned away with a slightly pissed off look. That only made them laugh more. 


I laid flat on my stomach. My laptop was sitting in front of me. Kyoya's face was on the screen. We were currently video chatting. "Why can't we just see each other right now?" I sighed. Unlike me, he was sitting up at a desk. 

"It's already dark out, Kitten. It's a school night, too. Neither of us should be this late," Kyoya replied. His eyes were on the notebook beside him. It wasn't his usual black notebook; it was a school notebook. Kyoya was working on homework. 

"It's not like I get much sleep anyway," I retorted and rolled my eyes. He sighed and dropped his pencil on the desk. 

"Naozane, will you at least try to sleep? You'll feel better when you do," Kyoya replied. I nodded and looked towards the door. 

"Who are you talking to?" Sekian asked. 

"Um, just-just a friend," I stammered. I sat up and moved the laptop away from his view. "Is there something that you needed?" 

"Naganori and I need to talk to you and your sister downstairs, okay?" Sekian said. I nodded. Once he left and sighed and covered my face with my hands. Why can't I tell them about Kyoya? I always freeze up when I try to. 

"I'm sorry, Kyoya. I'm trying to tell them, but..." I trailed off and glanced back at the screen. 

"Naozane, it's alright. You better go and see what they want to talk to you about. I'll see you tomorrow, and promise me you'll try and get to sleep," Kyoya replied. I nodded and wished him a goodnight before hanging up. 

Kyoya's POV~
(probably the only time I'll do this)

The call disconnected, and I closed the screen of the laptop. I know Naozane feels bad about not telling his siblings about us. I wish he'd tell them soon. That way, he wouldn't have to sneak out every time we go on dates. 

I opened the top of the laptop again and typed in my password. All of the tabs were on websites about nekos. Naozane wouldn't tell me much about Kenomimi health, so I turned to the internet. Of course, I only used liable websites. A majority of them said that both male and female nekos went through heat. Naozane said only the female did. 

I don't know if he was right and the websites were fake or Naozane lied because he was embarrassed. The two reasons both made sense, but I think the second one did a little more. If Naozane won't tell me honestly, maybe I should as someone else. Would it be inappropriate to ask Emina..?

WC 1122

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