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"I see what you're doing! You want me to invite the hosts to a sleepover here!" Emina let out an overdramatic gasp. She narrowed her eyes at me and hummed. "But, what's your motivation? You'd normally be against the idea of a sleepover. . . Usually, you'd only want to be around the guys at school." 

"Can't you just do me this favor?" I scoffed and rolled my eyes out of habit For obvious reasons, I can't tell her the real reason. "Fine. Forget I said anything," I huffed and began making my way to the door. I've already put the idea into her head; I know my sister better than anyone. She'll think about the idea and eventually want to have a sleepover. 

"Naozane!" Emina whined. "Okay! Okay, fine. That does sound like a fun idea," she began trailing off. Her eyes shifted to yhe now empty spot beside her then back to me. Emina asked, "Can you at least tell me why? Is it because you want to spend more time with Kyoya?" A smile spread across her face.

"Even if it was, would you really want to know?" I asked. My eyed narrowed at her for a second. Mina was silent for a moment; she was probably thinking about it. Her face scrunched in disgust, and she vigorously shook her head.

"No, please, keep that information to yourself," Emina answered. I nodded and turned away to hide my smirk. "I'll invite them over for this Friday, okay?" Instead of saying anything else, I nodded and continued making my way towards my room.

I flopped onto my bed and brought my phone in front of me. Once, I unlocked the device, I called the most recently contacted number. He He answered right after the second ring and instantly began talking. "Kitten," his semi-monotone voice that I loved so much greeted. "Did you talk to her?" 

"Yes, I did. She may have an idea on why I brought the subject up, but she agreed to it," I explained. "I'm sure she'll invite everyone over and start planning everything soon." 

"Hmm," Kyoya grunted. I could practically hear his mischevious smirk. "That sounds great. Do you have anything in mind for what we could spend the night doing, Kitten?"

"K-Kyoya, not right now," I whispered. I knew what he wanted me to say. It was too risky to play along. "Not over the phone. There are people in the next room. They'll hear me."

"Well, then maybe you should come over, Nao," Kyoya replied. I stayed silent for a moment. It was only six in the afternoon, but there was school the next day. I instinctively answered with one of my normal defenses, sarcasm.

"Is this a booty call, Kyoya?" I questioned. Emina walked in right as the sentence left my lips. Her eyes met mine for a second before she cringed and instantly walked right out. I internally laughed at my sister's reaction; her reactions were a little amusing.

"And if it is?" Kyoya replied with a cocky voice... cocky... "You know I wouldn't, Naozane. I'm only trying to spend alone time with my boyfriend."

"Alone time? This still sounds like a booty call, babe," I laughed. "You can wait until Friday night."

"So, you admit you have something planned?" Kyoya replied with an amused hum.

"If you keep teasing me, there might be nothing planned at all," I scoffed and rolled my eyes. I knew my cheeks were red by now.

"Fine, darling. We'll talk about something else. What do you want to talk about?" Kyoya asked. He let out a small chuckle.

"We-we should go on more dates," I muttered. Okay, maybe, I was slightly embarrassed talking about this. I'm not good with emotional stuff, and I wish I was better. I'm trying, okay?

"Are you asking me out, Nagusa?" Kyoya replied. I could hear him stifle a laugh.

"Don't call me by my last name, Ootori," I answered and slightly growled. "I'm only suggesting that you should take me on more dates. Be the good dominant boyfriend you are, and take me out more."

"Stereotypes, Kitten. Nothing is stopping you from taking me out on a date," he teased. I could tell he was enjoying this. My face had to be a bright red too.

"Only if I could top," I responded. Kyoya scoffed before denying quickly.

"That's not going to happen," Kyoya stated. I rolled my eyes and sighed. Maybe one day...


I sat at my desk which was next to Tamaki's. We still had some time until the first bell rang, so Kyoya wasn't here yet. At the moment, we were talking about how Tamaki's feelings have affected Kyoya and my relationship. "I don't think he's going to do anything to you, Tamaki. You're being overdramatic," I retorted and rolled my eyes. "The worst thing he'll do is glare at you, be super jealous and protective, or do things to slightly bother and annoy you." 

"But, I don't want him to be angry at me," Tamaki answered. "I don't want that to happen." I shrugged and turned my head away for a second. I had to bite my tongue to stop myself from saying anything rude. 

"Ugh, Tamaki," I groaned. I hesitantly put my hand on his shoulder. "I'll talk to him, okay?" Tamaki's face lit up, and he nodded happily. I rolled my eyes and pulled away. 

"Naozane," Kyoya's voice said from behind me. My ears flicked towards his voice, but I didn't turn to him. 

"Good morning, Kyoya," I hummed. His hand grabbed mine. No words were spoken as Kyoya pulled me into the closest deserted bathroom. The door made this weird shriek as it opened. I thought a school as rich as this would have non-squeakings doors.

All the stall doors were opened and empty There were no other students in the bathroom. "Don't you dare say you don't want me to talk to Tamakai alone, Kyoya," I stated. "He's still my friend, and I won't stop being his friend because of something he can't control."

"He has feelings for you, Naozane. I can't stop myself from being..." Kyoya trailed off and rolled his eyes. A smirk spread across my face. The thought of Kyoya getting jealous made me oddly satisfied. When he admitted it, it was even better.

"Jealous," I finished for him. "I know, but you can't be angry at him. He didn't mean for any of this to happen." 

"Yes, I can't stop myself from being jealous and protecive over my boyfriend. You're my mate, Noazane." His tone was drastically deeper. "Didn't you see the way he looked at you? I saw that look in your eye and the way your cheeks slightly reddened." Kyoya replied coldly. He continued taking steps closer to me, as I backed away until my hands touched the cold ceramic sink. "I'm your boyfriend. I'm the only one that's supposed to make you feel anything similar to that." 

"You are, Kyoya. You don't have to worry about me running off with Tamaki," I scoffed and rested my head on his chest. My hands began gripping his blazer's collar, and I pulled him impossibly closer. "How long until the bell rings?" 

"You want to do something in the men's bathroom?" Kyoya smirked. I rolled my eyes and pressed my lips to his. He instantly kissed back, but it only lasted a few seconds.

Maybe the squeaking wasn't so bad after all. If it wasn't for it, someone would've walked into us kissing. We quickly separated and stood at least arms distance from each other. The guy entered and went into one of the stalls. It didn't seem like he saw anything.

"We should return to the classrooms, Nagusa," Kyoya said in a cold voice he spoke to everyone else in. I grunted in agreement and followed him out the door. 

I hate it when he calls me by my last name. 

WC 1330

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