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I published something yesterday titled Falling For You. It's a rewrite of Forbidden Love. Some will Now what I'm talking about, others will not. The original isn't published.

As soon as I entered my room, I removed the sky blue blazer and white dress shirt. I grabbed the makeup wipes and cleaned the makeup off my neck. The splotches of different colored skin were now visible. "ZANE!" Sekian shouted. "You're back! Do you want to go out with us to eat later? Come downstairs with me!" He asked happily. 

"Can't I get dressed first?" I asked and pulled the t-shirt over my head. 

"I still don't understand why you hide it. It's not gross, you know?" Sekian said and slightly tilted his head. 

"Kian, I don't feel like talking about it right now," I sighed. "Alright, let's go." He grabbed my hand and ran out of the room with me. We sat on the couch and began watching some kids' movie. 

"Seki-san! Nori-san! Guess what!?" Emina asked and ran into the room. Nori was being dragged in behind her. "Nao made some friends!" 

"They aren't my friends," I scoffed, but no one listened. 

"It's about time," Nori said. I shot a small glare at them, but Nori just smiled. 

"Oh! That's great, Zane! What are they like? How many friends and is it a boy or a girl? They should come over sometime. Are they fully human?" 

"Stop asking so many questions. They aren't my friends," I replied.

"His name is Tamaki Suoh. He's fully human too," Mina answered and sat down next to him. I rolled my eyes and leaned back against the sofa. "Nao's going to deny it, but he actually does like to be around him." 

"I do not," I cut in. Mina glanced at me then to Sekian and nodded. 

"See? I told you," She replied. 


"You're Emina Nagusa's brother; the guy that Tamaki's obsessed with?" There two ginger-haired twins asked. They were in my little sister's class, and they were members of the host club. 

"Yeah, do you want something?" I replied and rolled my eyes. 

"Why won't you join the host club?" They asked in unison. 

"Why won't Tamaki give up? It's been a year and my answer hasn't changed," I replied. 

"Who knows what goes through his head," Another first-year, Haruhi asked. The brunette was dressed as a boy, but she was a girl. Her scent was too feminine. 

"Right," I mumbled. Mina skipped up to me and smiled. Tamaki was following behind her. Emina begged and dragged me to the host club room. "Look, I have a bunch of homework and studying to do. I'll talk to you tomorrow, Tamaki," I said without thinking. 

"Okay. Bye, Naozane!" He smiled. I picked up my backpack and left the club room. I passed a couple other students on my way to the front door. None of said anything to me until I passed by two guys. 

"That's the kid I told you about. The weird neko one with the hot sister," He said out loud.

"Excuse me?" I stopped and glared at him. 

"You heard me," He snickered. The other guys looked slightly pissed but ashamed. 

"Hey, just leave him alone," The other boy mumbled to him. 

"He's a freak. Just look at how short he is. That and the ears make him just look gay," He spat. He took steps closer to me until I felt uncomfortable with him this close. 

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