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Kyoya and I were walking to the cafeteria together. The twins and Tamaki were following us. Tamaki came because he wanted food, and the twins joined because they were curious about how people would react. We stood in line to order food. I apprehensively looked around and glared at the students who were staring. I didn't mean to; it just happened. "Naozane, stop," Kyoya said and cupped my cheek when he saw me glaring. 

"They're staring," I grumbled. "It's annoying." Kyoya dropped his hand and rolled his eyes. 

"Just ignore them," He responded. "It'll be fine." I rolled my eyes. "Don't look at them. Pay attention to me, and only me." 

"Hold my hand," I whispered. Kyoya smirked softly and nodded shortly. He reached his hand out and gently grabbed mine. His fingers slowly laced with mine, and the whole time, he kept his eyes locked on mine. 

"It's going to be fine," Kyoya mumbled. He kissed the tip of my nose. "I love you, Kitten."  

"Yeah, I love you too," I answered. I looked back to the onlooking students and glared. 

"Naozane!" Kyoya scolded and cupped my face with both of his hands. "Stop glaring at the other students. You're a host; you're supposed to be kind to the other students." 

"I'll be kind when they stop staring," I retorted. I pulled his hands away from my face and held them both. "Let's just get out food already. I'm hungry." 


"You guys are serious!?" Emina gasped. She was standing in front of our table. I continued eating and ignored her ranting. "It's great that you guys aren't hiding this anymore! Nii-san, I'm so proud of you for taking off your makeup too. You two are so cute together!" 

"Mina, it's not a big deal," I responded. I pulled Kyoya's arm over my shoulders and leaned into him. "I know we're cute together." Kyoya let out a scoff and chuckle. 

The bell rang, so we gathered our stuff and began to head to the classroom. Kyoya and I held hands freely, and Tamaki lead the way to the classroom. When we sat at our desks, a couple of the other students approached uh. "Are you two dating?" 

"Yes, I am currently in a relationship with Naozane," Kyoya answered with a smirk. 

"Really!? How long have you been seeing each other?" She gasped. Her eyes twinkled. 

"About 20 chapters," Kyoya answered. He looked over at me and smirked. In response, I smiled back at him and rolled my eyes. 

"Nao-kun? Um... wh-why uh," She stuttered.

"Let me guess. Why is my skin the way it is?" I asked. She hesitantly nodded. I sighed and looked at my boyfriend. He was giving me a look that was saying "be nice or I'm going to punish you"... something like that. "I have a skin condition called vitiligo. It's a disease that results in unpigmented blotches on my skin. That's all it is." I rested my head on my hand and stared at Kyoya boredly. The bell finally rang, and the teachers ordered the students to sit at their desks.

The desks were arranged in groups. One group only had two desks. Naozane had convinced Tamaki to trade desks with him, so Naozane and Kyoya both sat beside each other. "I expect you to be nice to the other students, Nao. No matter what they say, don't lose your temper." I glared at him and crossed my arms over my chest.

"I can't promise anything, Love," I responded. I leaned back in my chair, and Kyoya did the same.

"Be a good, obedient Kitten, and you'll get rewarded," Kyoya mumbled quietly. His hand rested on my lap and squeezed it gently. Well, damn. Now I have to be nice. "Understand?" I nodded in response, but he sighed. "Use your words, Kitten."

"Y-yes, Kyoya," I mumbled. He hummed in approval and removed his hand right as the teacher turned around. We continued acting like we were paying attention, and I ignored the growing feeling in my pants.


We were just leaving the classroom and heading to the classroom. Kyoya and I walked beside each other in silence, and Tamaki was ahead of us. Tamaki would wave and greet some of the people in the hallway. "Are you feeling alright?" Kyoya whispered to me. 

"Fine," I mumbled back and glanced to the people around us. Kyoya sighed and grabbed my forearm gently. 

"We're bonded, love. I know there's something wrong with you," Kyoya whispered. I gently turned my head to look at him. 

"Later," I answered. I pulled my arm away from his grasp. "Don't hold me like that. Hold my hand," I mumbled. Kyoya smirked and grabbed my hand instead. 

"You know, you could always just grab my hand yourself," Kyoya whispered. I glared at him then looked back to Kyoya who was standing in front of us. 

"Shut up," I muttered. My ears twitched towards the people around us. 

"They're so cute together." 

"I never thought they'd be a good couple. They both seem emotionally cut off." 

"It's so sweet that Kyoya-senpai still likes him even is his skin is like that." 

"What is that supposed to mean?! It's not that bad." 

"You're just saying that because your brother has that too, Ichika." 

We entered the club room, and I tightened my grip on Kyoya's hand. "Come with me," I ordered. Kyoya hummed and followed me to the kitchen. I pulled him in and closed the door behind him. "I want to talk to you now." 

"What's the matter?" Kyoya replied. His hand rested where my neck and shoulder met. 

"I'm nervous, Kyoya," I whispered. I looked down at his chest. "I'm nervous about what they're going to say." 

"I'll be right there with you," Kyoya replied. His thumb began to gently caress my jawline. "I love you, Kitten."

"I love you too. Please, don't leave me alone," I mumbled. I trust him. I know I can tell Kyoya my honest feelings. He nodded and pulled me into a hug. 

"Turn into your chibi form," Kyoya whispered close to my ear. I furrowed my eyebrows and thought about it for a second. "Just trust me, Kitten." I hesitantly did. Kyoya cradled me in his arms and placed me on his shoulder. "Come on; let's go." 

WC 1055

Has anyone else ever wanted online friends or friends that don't go to the same school as you, but you're kinda awkward and not great at starting conversations? Funnn. 

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