2.9K 97 24

This chapter turned out to be longer than I expected. I'll publish the lemon tomorrow. I'm sorry.  

"I hate having to hide it," I muttered loud enough for Kyoya to hear. My right hand held his left while my hand scratched at my neck. Kyoya let out a soft sigh and glanced at me. 

"Your skin or our relationship?" Kyoya asked. I was silent for a second. Kyoya reached towards me and pulled my other hand away from my neck. Both my hands rested in his. 

"Our relationship," I answered. "I don't mean that I love showing a lot of PDA or being overly emotional. I wish we didn't have to go to the next town over to be able to hold hands in public. I don't want you to have to act distant when other people are around. I don't like it when you call me anything but Kitten." 

"I know, Kitten, I know," Kyoya mumbled. A small smile graced his kissable lips. He brought one of my hands up to his chin and kissed my knuckles. I gave him a small glare and Kyoya rolled his eyes in response. "If the school knew about our relationship, it could affect the host club in many negative ways." 

"Ugh, I know," I groaned. I was sick of hearing the same excuse. The car stopped in front of a gate and a few moments later, Kyoya and I were walking into a small diner. It was in one of those kemonomimi gated communities. This way, there wouldn't be anyone that attended Ouran here. 

Kyoya and I sat on one side of the booth. He was looking around the room when he asked, "Have you been here before?" I nodded and picked up one of the laminated menus. 

"I have. With a few family friends, I'd come here often," I explained. "I think the food's pretty good, so give it a chance," I mumbled. The diner was a little old and run down, but the hygiene and overall cleanliness still met the standards. That is what I assumed Kyoya was thinking about as he looked around the place.

A familiar waitress with dog ears and tail began approaching us. Her name was Sunny. The bubbly waitress's aunt owned the diner, so she usually spent non-school nights working here.

"Hey, Zane-san!" She greeted with an ear to ear smile. "It's been a while since you've been here. How are your siblings and Kian-san? Who's your friend?"

"They're okay. This is my boyfriend, Kyoya," I answered.


I did my best to ignore the texts from Emina. She was asking where Kyoya and I had gone and basically had a one-way conversation with herself. I pressed the side button on my phone and read a couple of the messages that appeared on the screen.

Mina: Hey! I know you're seeing these messages

Mina: We're all waiting for you


I sighed and turned back to my boyfriend. "Kyoya," I paused. He waited for me to continue. "You're getting the messages too, huh?"

"Yes, I am," Kyoya sighed back. "This was fun, but maybe we should leave for your house?" He suggested. I nodded and let out another annoyed sigh.

Kyoya began calling Nari back while I sent a quick message to my sister. The Inu returned quickly. She held the check in her hand, so I began reaching for it. "You're not paying, Kitten," Kyoya said and laughed quietly. Nari froze and watched us.

"And you think you are?" I responded. "I was the one who suggested we go on more dates, and I was the one who brought you here." 

"Umm, I'll leave this here for you," She said and let out a small laugh. Once she set it in the middle of the table, I reach out and grabbed it before Kyoya could. I smirked happily and ignored the glares Kyoya gave me. 


I sat in the car seat beside Kyoya and leaned my head against the cold glass of the window. The car pulled into my driveway, but I didn't feel like moving. "Kitten," Kyoya whispered. "Come on, I know you're awake."

"Will you carry me?" I mumbled and shifted my position, so I was facing him. He let out a sigh but began to cradle my body anyway. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and leaned onto him.

"You're so emotional and affectionate even though you try to hide it," Kyoya whispered close to my ear. I growled slightly and buried my face deeper in his shoulder.

"Shut up," I hummed. Kyoya walked through the front door with me in his arms. I couldn't see our surroundings, but I could tell we were inside due to the temperature change and the different scents.

"You guys are back!" Emina exclaimed and ran to us. I lifted my head and turned towards her. "Everyone else is in the living room. Come on!" I grumbled incoherent words underneath my breath and stood on my own feet.

"Nao-chan and Kyo-chan are here!" Honey shouted and ran up to us. "Did you go on a date with Kyo-chan?" The small blond asked and tugged on the end of my shirt.

"Yeah," I mumbled. "It's not a big deal." All of the hosts were sitting somewhere in the living room. When Kyoya and I entered, the twins instantly approached us.

"Kyoya-senpai, Naozane," they greeted with a small nod. "How would you like to play a game with us?"

"Why would we play one of your games?" Kyoya asked and scoffed. His arm wrapped around my waist.

"Oh, come on! It'll be fun!" The two spoke in unison. I rolled my eyes and shook my head. I don't feel like spending time with any of the other hosts right now.

The hosts were sitting in a circle on the floor of the living room. Kyoya and I agreed to stay in the room with them, but we weren't playing with them. The hosts and Emina were playing Truth or Dare because of a certain pair of twins.

"Can't we just sneak out?" I muttered so only Kyoya could hear. He was sitting beside me on the couch. "It's getting late. Let's just say we're going to sleep."

"So eager, little kitten," he whispered back. "Soon, love. Just be patient." I groaned rested my head on his shoulder.

"I don't want to wait, Kyoya. I need you," I whispered. I gently kissed the spot beneath his ear and bit his earlobe. I could feel Kyoya's muscles tense, and I heard his breathing hitch.

"Fine. We're going to sleep," Kyoya said in a slightly sharp monotone voice. "Pretend to be asleep, and let me do the rest." I hummed and closed my eyes. My body fell limp next to Kyoya's. More like on top of him, but oh well. "That wasn't necessary," Kyoya grumbled.

His arms hooked underneath my legs and my arms. I shifted into my chibi form to make it easier for him. Kyoya picked me up and held me against his chest much like earlier. Kyoya began walking towards the door, but he was stopped by my little sister. "Where are you going?" She asked. 

"Naozane's asleep. He seems pretty tired too. I'm taking him to his room," Kyoya lied. I continued acting like I was asleep in his arms. 

"Oh, okay," Mina replied. "Are you going to come back down here?" She asked. Her voice got slightly softer, so she was probably walking away. 

"No," Kyoya replied in a flat tone. Kyoya continued walking to the set of stairs. He carried me all the way into my room and set me down on my bed. I opened my eyes to see Kyoya locking the door. "Kitten," Kyoya whispered.

"Kyo," I hummed. He rolled his eyes and pulled me into his lap. His hands covered most of my torso. My form shifted again, and I turned so I was straddling his lap. "It's still too early. The others will hear something."

"I know, kitten," Kyoya whispered. He laid back on my bed and pulled me down with him. "Just a little while longer, and then you'll be all mine."

WC 1369

People at my school are dumb. If you've never taken any sort of martial art classes and have never been in a fight, you shouldn't try starting fights with wrestlers that went to state.

Most of my friends are wrestlers and I was in it for a semester (I left before the season actually started because I'm not a violent person).

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