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Sorry, this took me way too long. I'm running out of Ideas, honestly. None of my fanfics have been more than 35 chapters. 

I stood in front of the bathroom mirror. I was lightly dabbing the foundation onto the bruise-like marks. Kyoya stood behind me and wrapped his arm around my hips. "Is it still noticeable?" I asked and looked at his face in the mirror.

"It's fine," Kyoya answered. "Don't cover anything else, Love. We're going out for lunch in town."

"Kyoya," I sighed and turned around. His arms stayed around my waist. "And if someone sees us together? What if someone from Ouran sees my skin and-" Kyoya pecked my lips, and I stopped talking.

"Everything will be okay, Naozane. You were so obedient last night, so be that good obedient kitten right now," Kyoya whispered. I felt his hand gently caress my tail from behind me.

"Okay," I muttered. "Let me try to cover your love bites." He lifted his head, so I had better access. Once I made sure he wasn't too pale and it wasn't too visible, I pushed him away from me. "Let's get dressed."

I was nervous and scared that something was going to happen. People were going to see us, and I don't know why Kyoya didn't care about this anymore. I should be happy that we're not hiding anything, but I'm scared. I'm scared that the other students aren't going to treat me the same way.

"What's wrong?" Kyoya whispered. "There's nothing to worry about."

"That's not going to make me feel better, Kyoya," I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "I'm going to worry no matter what you say." I walked down the stairs, and Kyoya followed behind me. Kian, Naganori, and Emina were sitting in the living room with the twins and Tamaki.

"Oh, hey," Kian said. "Where are you two going?" I shrugged and glanced to Kyoya who stood behind me.

"I'm taking Naozane out for lunch," Kyoya explained. I nodded and intertwined my fingers with his. 

"We'll be back later," I added. I began pulling Kyoya out to the car before anyone could stop us. 

3rd Person POV~

"Do you think Nao was acting a little different? I think there's something wrong with him," Kian muttered after the couple left the room.

"What do you mean? He seemed normal," Mina answered. She didn't know what they did exactly, but she had an idea. Naganori and Kian glanced at each other.

"He did smell a little different," Naga whispered. Mina's cheeks exploded, and she turned to look at the twins. Hikaru and Kaoru both smirked as they knew what was going on.

"Was he acting like that last night?" Kian asked. His blond ears shifted on his head to show his confusion and curiosity.

"He wasn't with us most of the night," Hikaru answered.

"He fell asleep pretty early, so Kyoya took him to his room and stayed with him," Kaoru added.

"It's nothing, Kian," Naga said and rested their hand on his shoulder. "He probably just feels weird because of his sleeping pattern."

"Sure," Kian rolled his eyes but dropped the subject anyway. "Mina, is Naozane alright?"

"Yeah, he's okay. There's nothing wrong with him," She answered. Technically, it wasn't a lie. Naozane was okay.

"He's fine, Babe," Naga sighed. "He might seem different because he was with Kyoya and his sleeping pattern combined. Even if the two did anything last night, everything is going to be fine."

"Nori," Sekian sighed and narrowed his eyes a bit. "Yes, you're right. Everything will be fine, but they're too young to be doing stuff like that. He's like my little brother too."

"Wh-what..?" Mina trailed off. Her tail vigorously swished around, and her cheeks were bright red. The twins snickered, and Tamaki had a similar expression to the younger neko.

"You know what we're talking about," Naga said. "Naozane and Kyoya both stayed in his room together alone all night? It's obvious what happened. I know you four know what I'm implying."

"If we can't stop them, we need to teach them how to be safe," Sekian mumbled and ran his fingers through his hairs.

"Aww, baby," Nori hummed. Nori hugged Kian's head and kissed his forehead. Sekian's tail began to wag as his significant other showed him affection. "Let's go upstairs and cuddle. I know you're stressed about work, but let's relax right now."

"Eww, PDA," Emina groaned and covered her eyes. "Go do that upstairs!"

"Kyoya and Naozane know how to only show affection in private," the twins muttered to each other. Emina glared at them and threw a pillow in their direction.

"Don't talk about that," She hissed as the adults left the room again.


Kyoya and Naozane walked back into the house. As soon as they stepped into the living room, Kian's head shot towards them. "You guys are having sex, aren't you?" Naozane froze, and his tail that was wrapped around Kyoya's wist dropped. 

"Wh-what?" Naozane stuttered. "You-you really... What? Um... Huh?"

"Nao," Naganori sighed. "Kyoya said you didn't get a lot of sleep, but the others said you fell asleep early. Both you and Kyoya smell different." Everyone in the room was silent. "Look, Kian and I talked about it. We know there's no way we're going to be able to stop you guys, so we want to at least make sure your responsible."

"Oh, jeez, no. Please don't," Naozane groaned.


Kyoya sat quietly with a light blush on his face. Other than that, he was completely indifferent about the situation at hand. Naozane was the opposite. He was a blushing and fidgeting mess. Once the older couple was done talking, Naozane grabbed Kyoya's hand and pulled him upstairs. "Oh my gosh, that was horrible," Naozane groaned. "I'm sorry."

"It's fine, Kitten," Kyoya mumbled. "Better them than my family."

"Your parents would not," Naozane scoffed and rolled his eyes. He walked into his room and left the door open for Kyoya.

"Fuyumi would," Kyoya mumbled. Naozane hummed began to undo the buttons on his jeans. He could feel Kyoya's eyes on him, so he turned around and shot a glare at him.

"St-stop watching me," Naozane ordered. His cheeks were still red. Kyoya smirked and laid flat on Naozane's bed. When the neko changed into a pair of sweats, he quickly laid beside his boyfriend. "Cuddle me," Naozane mumbled. Kyoya hummed and wrapped his arms around him.

"Clingy," Kyoya teased. Naozane lifted his head and glared. The glasses-wearing boy only smirked.

"You're the one that won't leave. You've been here for almost a full day," Naozane argued. He sassily shoved his face back into Kyoya's shoulder. "Shut up." 

"Are you implying that you want me to leave?" Kyoya grunted. He began to get up to leave, but Nao tightened his grip to get him to stay. 

"You know that's not what I meant," Naozane grumbled. His leg wrapped around Kyoya's hips. "Stay for as long as you can." 

"I can't stay here forever; I have to get home eventually," Kyoya answered. His hand caressed Nao's clothed hip. "I don't mind your clingy episodes. You're such a cute kitten." 

The two laid there in silence and enjoyed the warmth that came from the other. It was a colder night, and neither of the boys thought to use the blanket they were laying on top of. Naga and Kian walked up the stairs. 

"They'll be fine, Kian. You don't have to worry about them," Nori whispered to the Inu. 

"I just hope Nao's not too angry," Sekian answered in a hushed tone. 

"If anything, he's just embarrassed. I'm sure he'll be okay eventually." The two glanced inside the room. Both boys were curled up close to each other, and the room was silent. "See? They're fine." Naganori grabbed Kian's hand and dragged him to their shared rooms. 

"I-I... I love you," Naozane whispered. 

"I love you too," Kyoya replied smoothly. 

WC 1303

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