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Gahbzj... Sorry if this seems ooc for them. I felt extra emotional and affectionate when I wrote this. But, that also means this chapter is fluffy.... Maybe a little of the next one too. The chapter's a little longer.

"Why were you such a dick before?" The sound of my voice cut through the silence. I was sitting beside Kyoya in the club room. It was that exact moment when everything went silent unexpectedly. Kyoya turned his head slightly towards me, so he could see me out of the corner of his eye. "You'd always be really cold and distant right before we dated. Kyoya, you'd tease me constantly about Tamaki," I explained. He slowly moved his head back; he was no longer looking at me.

"That is true, huh?" The twins spoke in unison as they popped out from behind the couch. My ears pressed against my head and I glared at the two.

"This conversation doesn't include the two of you," I stated and turned away. "We'll just talk about it later when we're alone." I glanced at Kyoya. He was sitting normally; like nothing had just happened. I sighed and scooted closer to Kyoya. His head turned towards me, and he watched as I rested my head on his lap. I grabbed his free hand and placed it on my head. 

"So cute," Kyoya muttered as his fingers began stroking my ears and running his fingers through my hair.  I closed my eyes and sighed again. He eventually stopped and lifted me up, so I was sitting upright. "Naozane," He said quietly. "Why are you being strangely cuddly?" 

"I don't know. I'm not. Shut up, Kyoya," I sighed and pulled myself onto his lap. Kyoya's arms wrapped around me after shutting his laptop. His face was buried in my neck "Why did you act like that before?" I whispered. 

"I was afraid that I was falling for you. I thought maybe if I told myself that you had feelings for Tamaki, my feelings would fade," Kyoya answered. 

"I love you,"  I whispered quietly. Kyoya lifted his head and turned to face me. Kyoya's hand cupped my cheek, and he held my face in place, so I wouldn't look away.

"You mean it?" Kyoya asked quietly. I held his hand that cupped my cheek and nodded hesitantly. Kyoya moved closer and pressed his lips to mine. We sat there and kissed each other passionately. We may not have been kissing for that long, but it felt like everything slowed down. When we pulled away, Kyoya pecked my nose and replied, "I love you too." A loud squeal and thud came from the other side of the room. Emina was on the floor while clutching her chest and smiling widely. 

"They're so cute," Emina laughed. The twins began laughing and being their usual annoying selves. I rolled my eyes and pushed myself away from Kyoya. I sat in the spot beside him and kept my arms crossed over my chest. 

"Why do you guys always have to ruin the moment?" I groaned and slumped back into the sofa. Everything was going perfectly until Emina interrupted. 

I don't really know why I said it. I always thought I would've confessed that in a more private, romantic setting. I wasn't lying when I said it; I do love him. I've never cared about someone as much as him, and that scared me. I never thought I would completely let myself me si vulnerable to him this early in the relationship. I suppose being trusting an honest... and loyalty too were all essentials for having a healthy relationship. 


For the rest of the small amount of time we were in the host club, Kyoya and I kept some distance between us. I wasn't tired of the other hosts acting so shocked when Kyoya and I would show any affection. They're such idiots. 

When the time came to go back home, Emina and I were the first ones that began leaving. Before I could make it out of the door, Kyoya stopped me. His hand was holding onto my wrist. "Can I come over later?" He whispered close to my ear. I began smiling as I nodded. 

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