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"Stop trying to leave, Naozane," Hikaru said as he grabbed my hand and dragged me back into the room.

"I changed my mind! I don't want to be a part of this!" I shouted and struggled in his arms.

"Naozane! You have to change too!" Tamaki said. He was holding a pair of clothes in his hands. I pushed the twins away from me and shifted into a cat. It would be harder for them to catch me like this. The three of them chased me around the room until I ran passed Mori-senpai and he caught me. I leaned back in his arms and became stiff, so it would be harder for him to carry me.

"Come on, Mori-senpai. He needs to change," The twins said. They were all dressed in sailor outfits. I'd rather not. Mori looked down at me and I shook my head. The end of his lip twitched and he handed me to Tamaki. I hissed and swatted at Tamaki's face, but I didn't scratch him.

"Come on, Naozane. If you don't turn back into a human, I'll give you to the twins," He threatened. I turned back while I was still in in his arms.

"I don't want to wear the stupid costume," I said in a monotone voice.

"Naozane!!!" He whined. Tamaki began pulling me to the changing room with his arms still around my shoulders.

Eventually, Tamaki convinced me to change. When I say "convinced", I mean he dragged me into the changing room and changed me himself. "I could've done that myself," I huffed and loosened the tie thing around my neck. Mori-senpai approached me and tightened it again. I glared up at him, but all he did was smile and pet my ears.

"You look so cute, Nao-chan!" Honey-senpai said and jumped on his cousin's back.

"I do not," I scoffed and crossed my arms over my chest. "Does this mean I can cuss now?" I asked and motioned down to the outfit.

"Mommy!" Tamaki began whining and complaining to him. I laughed and rolled my eyes. I glanced at the very tall third-year who was standing right beside me. He was still staring at me, so I stared back. Honey-senpai was no longer with him.

"Cute," He mumbled and pet the same spots behind my ear. I glared at him but leaned into his touch anyway.

"Sh-shut up," I whispered. Soon, I was fully leaning on him and he was easily supporting me. Probably since I was about a foot shorter than him. Mori-senpai ran his fingers through my hair and gently caressed the tufts of fur.

3rd POV~

"Does Nao-chan like Takashi more than us?" Honey-senpai asked and watched the two. Tamaki, the twins, Haruhi, and Kyoya began watching them too. 

"When I tried petting him, he hit me," Tamaki stated and continued watching. Naozane pulled away from Mori with a huge blush on his face. 

"I-I... uh, leave me alone...!" Naozane said and ran to the other side the room. Mori internally laughed at his behavior and sat at his and Honey's table. 


Once the host club started, Naozane sat with the girl who requested him alone. He continued fidgeting with the hem of his pants. "Is-is something wrong, Nagusa-kun?' 

"It's just that..." He paused and sighed. "These stupid pants are for normal humans. There's no hole in the back for my tail to go through." Naozane spoke a little louder one Kyoya walked by. "Anyway, what do you girls want to talk about?" 

"Um, I think your outfit's pretty cute," She smiled and giggled. 

"That makes one of us," He grunted. "You'd clearly look even cuter," Naozane spoke without thinking. The brunette giggled and blushed. 

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