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"This is stupid," Naozane groaned and rolled over on the towel. "My skin feels weird. Why did he have to invite the girls?"

"Quit complaining," Emina responded. "Sit up straight so I can brush your tail." Naozane did what she ordered and groaned. The female neko sat behind him and began running the brush through the fur.

"Do you normally do that for him?" Haruhi asked. She was sitting on the towel beside theirs.

"If I don't, no one will. Plus, I don't really mind," Emina answered.

"Nao-senpai? Haruhi? Are you two planning to go into the water?" A trio of girls approached the three.

"Gosh, no," Nao scoffed. "If I get my tail wet, it's going to be very uncomfortable because of all the sand."

"Then do you mind if we sit here with you?"

"Why would you want to? You girls should be having fun or whatever," Naozane replied. He just didn't want to be bothered by them. Naozane didn't care what they did as long as they weren't around him.

After the girls left and Emina left his tail alone, Naozane laid back down. He began to fall asleep on the towel. Tamaki took a break from sitting with the girls on a rock to come check on them; Naozane to be more specific. "Aw, he fell asleep."

"Why did you have to bring the ladies along with us, Boss?" The twins complained.

"Did you really think you would be invited to this all expenses paid trip and not be expected to host?" Kyoya answered.

"Then shouldn't Naozane be awake?" The twins asked. They began smirking at each other.

"Just leave him alone. He's going to be very angry with you," Mina advised. Of course, the twins didn't listen to her. They grabbed a water gun and aimed it at the sleeping neko.

"Why can't you two just leave him alone?!" Tamaki whispered shouted at them. The twins didn't pay attention to him at all. A stream of water shot out and hit the Naozane's back. Naozane yelped and hissed before jolting up. He turned to them and instantly began glaring. Without saying a word to anyone, Nao stood up and began walking away.

"Oh, he's not that angry," Mina said and lightly smiled. "Don't be surprised if he gets revenge though." She stood up and began jogging to her brother.

"I feel naked," he mumbled and wrapped his arms around his waist. Emina giggled and rolled her eyes.

"You're fine," She replied. "You sleep like that all the time." The two walked along the sore in silence until they got out of earshot. Emina stopped and grabbed onto his wrists. "I need to ask you something, Nao," She whispered. Naozane stayed silent and waited for her to ask the question. "Don't you think... that Tamaki looks pretty hot?"

"You're such a..." He sighed and shook his head. Naozane began to blush at the thought of Tamaki. "Is that all you wanted to ask me?"

"I just wanted to see if you liked him or not. I guess you do," She teased. His face scrunched up in disgust but before he could speak, Emina said, "Just admit it! You do! I can tell."

"Okay, maybe I do a little bit. Don't say anything to anyone, Mina. Plus, he's straight and why would he like me? It's obvious he liked Haruhi," Naozane replied. He turned around and began walking back.

"Well, you won't know if you don't try," Emina argued. Naozane shook his head and hugged his arms close to his body. He sat back down on his towel and kept his arms where they were. His tail curled around his body and his ears were laying flat on his head.

"Do you feel uncomfortable?" Tamaki asked and placed a towel over his shoulders. Naozane slowly nodded and pulled the cloth closer to him. Tamaki hummed and smiled at him.

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