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"Naozane, will you tell me what happened? Please?" Emina asked. Naozane sighed and turned towards the floor.

"Fine," He muttered then added, "Mori-senpai and I were sitting on the couch. He started petting me and it felt good, so I leaned into him. The others came, and Tamaki asked me if I liked him better than the rest of them. I freaked out and ran underneath the couch."

"Really? That's it?" She asked with a small smile. Her older brother shrugged and continued avoiding eye contact. "There's something he's not telling me," She thought and furrowed her eyebrows. "Naozane, do you like boys?"

"What...?!" He gasped and turned towards her. "No! I don't!" He denied quickly. He turned back to the floor and glared at nothing.

"It's not bad if you do. You know we'd all still love you the same way. You are the way you are, and I love you, Nii-san," She whispered.

"Mina, stop," I Naozane replied and continued looking away.

"Fine, but if you need me, I'm here for you," she said. The two stayed silent. They entered the car in silence and went home in silence.

Naozane went straight to his room and ignore Kian's attempts to talk to him. "Just leave me alone, will you?" He said and locked the door behind him.

"Mina, what happened to your brother? Why is he upset?" Kain asked the younger girl. Nori was standing beside them.

"I don't know. It's probably nothing," Mina lied and went to the kitchen for food.


The clock read two. Naozane wasn't able to get any sleep. Partly because of his insomnia, and partly because of his thoughts. He was feeling new things; new emotions he's never felt before. Naozane sighed and ran his hand over his eyes and forehead. "It's wrong. I shouldn't be thinking these thoughts. What would people say if they knew?" Naozane rolled over and laid on his side. "I don't understand this. This is all so confusing. I wish I could talk to someone who understands... Chiro, maybe...?" He rolled onto his other side and played with the hem of the pillowcase. The only noise in the room was the ticking of the clock and the wind that could be heard from outside. "Why do I let Mori-senpai touch me like that? There's something about him and the way his hands feel...?" Once again, he rolled over onto his back. Naozane gave up on trying to get any sleep and snuck down to the living room. He let the old re-runs play as he ate from the tub of ice cream.

Around six in the morning, Nori came down the steps.Naozane's older sibling stood at stared at the younger neko. He was laying on his back still shirtless. There was an empty ice cream tub on the floor with a single spoon. his right arm hung over the edge of the couch. Naozane wasn't asleep, nor was he fully awake. "Nao?" Nori whispered and approached the boy. "What's wrong? You look half dead."

"I can't sleep. Not last night, not an hour ago. Not even now," He grunted and rubbed his forehead.

"How about you stay home today?" Naganori said and rubbed his ears a bit. Naozane hummed in response and closed his eyes. Naga left him there and went back up the stairs to get ready for work. Thirty minutes later, Emina skipped into the room and went over to him with a worried look.

"I hope you feel better, Nao," she said sweetly. Naozane didn't reply. He laid there silently. Once everyone left the house, and it was just the staff and Naozane, he pushed himself off the couch. Naozane shifted into his least favorite form: his chibi form. He tiredly moved towards the staircase and pulled himself up the steps. The tired neko curled up on the covers and fell into the desired deep sleep.


"Can we go see him?" The twins asked Mina once she explained why her brother didn't attend school.

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