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I didn't bother with the concealer today. Mori already knew, and I doubt Honey-senpai would say anything bad about it. I slipped on another one of my many hoodies and trotted down the stairs with Emina beside me. A couple minutes later, the two third years were here. "Naozane!" Honey said happily and hugged me. "Hey, what's that on your neck?" He asked. 

"I have a skin thing, Honey," I answered vaguely. "You just haven't seen it because I cover it with makeup." 

"But why do you hide it?" He asked and gently tilted his head. 

"Because it's gross," I replied. The four of us stood on the porch.

"It's not gross! It makes you different and a good different because you aren't like anyone else," Honey-senpai replied and smiled. I stared at him for a second or two then sighed and looked away. "Do the others know?" 

"Kyoya was first, then Tamaki found out because he doesn't know how to knock. I told Mori-senpai yesterday, so it's only the twins and Haruhi that don't know," I answered. My tail was wrapped around my thigh. I don't know why I was worried. 

"Oh, is that why Emi-chan let Tamaki and Kyoya go in only?" Honey asked and I nodded. 

"I thought you were dead set on not letting anyone know? That's why I threatened Kyoya-senpai for you," Mina said replied. She set her hands on her hips and smirked. 

"I was, but then someone convinced me it was okay," I shrugged and looked away.

"Was it Tamaki-senpai?" Mina asked and I shot a glare at her. 

"It doesn't matter who it was," I answered. I pushed my hands into my pockets and began walking to the car. "Anyway, we should go." The two third-years followed me and Mina went back inside the house. 

"Are you going to tell Hika-chan, Kao-chan, and Haru-chan?" Honey asked. I shrugged unsurely. "I think you should, Nao-chan. They're your friends too." 

"I know that but," I paused and shook my head. "They won't respond badly, will they?" 

"No! They're nice! They won't say anything bad," Honey-senpai replied. Mori nodded in agreement. We sat there for a minute or two in silence. "Can I touch your ears?" He whispered. I let out a slightly annoyed breath and nodded slowly. He reached up and began stroking the ears on my head. "They're so soft," He giggled. I hummed and closed my eyes. 

"Okay, that's enough," I replied and pulled away from him. He giggled again. 

When we got there, the driver dropped us off right outside of the gate. We approached the man in the little building that controlled the gate. After he let us in, I lead the two to where most of the stores were. Both of them seemed slightly amazed by it; Honey-senpai was more that Mori-senpai. I don't really understand why either; there wasn't that much of a difference. The houses and streets were pretty much the same. The only difference was that everyone had some sort of animal ears or tail. "You two better not get lost. It's such a pain to find a normie here," I mumbled. 

"We won't get lost, Nao-chan!" Honey said as he clung to Mori's back. I hummed and turned the corner when necessary. Right when the shop was in sight, a mouse jumped onto me and latched herself around me. 

"Baby!" She screamed and hugged me tighter. 

"Who's that, Nao-chan?" Honey asked and tilted his head. 

"Hi, I'm Miwa," She said happily. "Sekian, Naozane's future brother-in-law is friends with my older brother." 

"Future brother-in-law?" I repeated. She scoffed and placed her hands on her hips. 

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