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I love writing fanfictions with the protagonist as a neko. I was planning on either continuing Ouran's Neko or writing a Black Butler x Neko Fanfic... but I got a suggestion in a comment on a previous chapter (thank you makmarie12). I'm planning on rewriting a big amount of this fanfiction, so Naozane will end up with Mori-senpai.

Ps. Sorry about the small rant at the bottom. Idk sometimes I just wanna talk to😕😊.


Kyoya laid flat on his back with Naozane laying half on him and the other half on the mattress. Kyoya's arm was wrapped around Naozane, and he gently played with the neko's hair. "What are you thinking about?" Kyoya asked softly. The duvet was lazily pulled over them and rested near their hips. 

"The awkward talk we had with Naga and Kian," Naozane mumbled. "When they found out we were sleeping with each other." Kyoya slightly chuckled and hummed. "I'm just happy that Kian isn't as protective as I thought he was going to be." 

"Yes, well, he's your brother-in-law, isn't he? He care's for you a lot," Kyoya responded quietly. Naozane nodded and sighed happily.

"I think so. I don't know know if they're married yet or not," Naozane whispered. "They've been together for as long as I could remember, but they're so different." 

"What do you mean?" Kyoya asked softly. His fingers continued gently running through Naozane's hair. The neko closed his eyes and began to mumble a response. 

"Kian's very playful and protective; he's an Inu," Naozane paused. "Naganori's more serious and formal. They're so different, but they get along so well."

"Yeah, it's obvious Kian has strong feelings for her, and the other way around," Kyoya replied. Naozane was silent. He lifted his head and looked at Kyoya with an amused look. 

"Her?" Naozane repeated. He chuckled softly and explained, "Naganori's a boy, but they prefer gender-neutral pronouns." Kyoya pressed his eyebrows together and hummed. "Yeah, the uh, author waited until someone called Naganori a girl before announcing that." 

Kyoya let out a small hum, but he stayed silent. The two didn't talk about anything else. Instead, they laid there, enjoying each other's warmth. Nao's ear twitched, and he lifted his head. "What's wrong?" Kyoya's tired voice asked. Naozane glanced at him then back to the door. 

"Get dressed just in case," Naozane whispered. "I think I hear someone coming." Kyoya sighed and rubbed his forehead. Both of the boys got up to put their 

"It's probably just one of the staff members, Kitten. Come back here," Kyoya stated. It was obvious how tired he was. 

"Kyo, I have to go home eventually," Naozane mumbled. "It is a school night." He glanced towards the clock on the nightstand. It 6:30, but the sun was already going down. 

"Later," Kyoya sighed. He pulled Naozane back down to his chest and held him tightly. Naozane sighed and rolled his eyes, but he didn't try to get back up. Soon, Naozane could hear soft snores coming from the guy beneath him. 

Naozane laid there silently. He wasn't tired at all, but he didn't want to wake Kyoya up either. The doorknob twisted and was pushed open slowly. "Hey, Kyoya?" Fuyumi asked. Her eyes met Naozane's, and a smile spread across her face once she saw how the two were lovingly cuddled up to each other. The two guys behind Fuyumi were almost the exact opposite. They both had stern faces and what seemed like permanent displeased faces. They were Kyoya's brothers. Yuuichi was the oldest, and Akito was the second oldest. "Oh, he's asleep. Hello, Naozane," Fuyumi greeted. 

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