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Some people were asking why I decided to make it a Kyoya fanfiction instead of Tamaki or Mori. I never really explained why or I always forgot.

I made this an Kyoya x Oc because at the time of I was writing other Mori/Tamaki x Oc and I would've mixed then up or confused them.

I honestly do regret making this a Kyoya fanfiction. I think it would've been way better, and it would've made more sense if he ended up with Mori.

I'm really sorry if you are upset over the pairing.


Kyoya left the kitchen with Naozane sitting on his shoulder. Naozane held onto Kyoya's neck and collar in order to stay on. When the host club started, Kyoya sat at his table by himself, and Naozane sat on his lap. 

"Haruhi-kun, are they really dating? What do you think about their relationship?" a couple of girls asked. There were pictures of them kissing and they've already confirmed it a couple times. Isn't that enough confirmation for them? 

"Ha, yeah. They have been for a while," Haruhi answered and glanced over at the couple. "I guess they're cute together. All of us hosts can tell they really do love each other."

"Do you know how they confessed to each other?" asked a different guest. Haruhi thought for a second before shaking her head. 

"No, I don't. Neither of them really talk about their relationship like that," she explained. "I don't think any of us ever really bothered to ask them either."

Naozane listened to their conversations from his spot on Kyoya's lap. He would eavesdrop on a few of the hosts from there. Kyoya gently ran his fingers through his hair and over his ears. "What are you doing, love?" Kyoya asked already knowing what his answer was going to be. 

"Eavesdropping," the neko answered honestly. "They're talking about us." His voice was small but monotone.

"Turn back to your other form," Kyoya replied after a moment of silence. Naozane changed into his BIG BOY form without questioning him. He started to get off of Kyoya's lap, but Kyoya held him there.

"What are you doing? Why did you have me change?" Naozane mumbled and kept his head slightly turned to the side.

"So I can kiss you," Kyoya answered. He began leaning in, but Naozane stopped him. "It's not like they haven't seen us kiss before." Kyoya grabbed Naozane's hand that was holding Kyoya away. Kyoya pecked Naozane's lips quickly. 

"Kyoya, I've told you not to kiss me in front of other people before," Naozane groaned. He glared at the taller boy beneath him and slid off his lap when he noticed his sister in the room. 

"Hey, Lovebirds," Emina smiled as she approached them. "The guests that requested Naozane wanted to know if they can come over here. They're all too nervous to actually approach you two." Naozane shrugged and turned to Kyoya who glanced to Naozane. 

"Of course," Kyoya replied. He picked up his notebook, and Emina nodded and left. Naozane sighed and crossed his arms over his chest. A group of girls began walking towards them with Emina in front of them. Naozane recognized most of them. "Do you want me to stay here with you?"

"Yes, Kyoya. You said you would," Naozane replied. "Stay with me." The four girls sat around the two hosts.

"Oh, Nao. Before I go, are you coming home after the club hours?" Emina questioned. She had her backpack over her shoulder, so he figured she was going to her club room. Naozane hummed and shrugged.

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