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"Eh...? Why are you holding me, baka?" Nao said. His voice was still groggy but high pitched because of his chibi form. Nao kept his head leaned against Tamaki's chest.

"Oh, Emina told me to hold you while she packs your stuff. We have to go to the car soon. Do you want to change back?"

"No. Just hold me," He huffed in a childish voice. Tamaki furrowed his eyebrows, tilted his head, then looked at Emina for an answer.

"He gets like that sometimes. It's fine," She whispered. Naozane nuzzled into Tamaki's chest and hummed.

"Stop talking about me," Nao ordered in a squeaky, muffled voice. Tamaki chuckled slightly, the three went downstairs.

Recap Over. 

"Woah, is Naozane okay?" The twins asked. They were staring at the unconscious Naozane in Tamaki's arms. 

"He's not feeling well. He didn't sleep much," Tamaki answered. He had one hand on his Naozane's head, His arm was across his chest, so Naozane's bottom was being supported. 

"Are you doing okay, Nao?" Emina asked. 

"He smells like coconuts and mint," Nao mumbled. 

"He must be really sleep deprived," Mina hummed and giggled. She reached into Nao's bag and pulled out an orange bottle. Two white pills rolled out onto her hand. 

"What are those for?" Honey asked and watched as she began approaching the sleeping neko. 

"Pills to help him sleep," Emina answered. She pulled Nao's head up and opened his mouth. He tried to fight her and avoid having to swallow the pills. Of course, she overpowered him, and he was forced to swallow the foul tasting pills. 

"I don't need them!" He whined and flailed in Tamaki's arms. Emina rolled her eyes and walked away. 

"Naozane's pretty cute in that form," Hikaru and Kaoru said. They leaned over Tamaki's shoulder and began poking him. Naozane cutely hissed and tried his best to slap their hands away. 

"Will you two just leave him alone?" Tamaki said and shielded Nao with his body. 


Within half an hour, Naozane was passed out. Emina sat beside Tamaki in the limo. Naozane was sleeping in her lap with his face in her stomach. "Does this happen normally?" Kyoya asked. He was sitting across from her and Nao. 

"Not really. Even if he doesn't sleep all night, he usually sleeps the night before. It happens a lot more when he has a lot on his mind," Emina answered. 

"What do you think he was talking about?" Haruhi thought out loud. 

"I-I shouldn't... I shouldn't talk about him behind his back," Mina stuttered out. She dropped her head down and looked at the sleeping boy. Tamaki and Kyoya shared an awkward glance but quickly looked away. 


The next day, Naozane was completely back to normal. The only thing wrong was how nervous he was. He was scared to the hosts again because of how they would react or what they would say. His limbs felt heavy as he entered the classroom. He sat down at his desk, crossed his arms and put his head down; sort of like how teachers would make children do when they were being disciplined.

"Are you not feeling better, Nao?" Tamaki asked with a worried face. Nao lifted his head and glared at the blonde. Tamaki knew he wasn't really angry because of how red his face was. 

"I'm fine," he spoke harshly. Tamaki smiled and chuckled. Somehow, Nao got redder. He put his head back down on the desk and rolled his eyes. He was trying his best to ignore the feeling he got in his stomach when Tamaki smiled at him. 

"Hey, are you gay?" Tamaki asked out of nowhere. "I asked your sister, but she said I should ask you about that." Nao lifted his head once more. He rested his head on his propped up arms. His icy blue eyes moved between the two other second-year hosts. 

"Yes, I am, okay? I don't feel like talking. Leave me alone," Nao replied. He looked away and allowed his bangs to cover his eyes. Tamaki slightly frowned but dropped the subject. He turned back to Kyoya and began talking about where they could go next. 

Just like Nao expected, the Hitachiin twins teased him. They had begun chanting the name Tamazane. Both Nao and Tamaki ignored them and tried not to encourage them. "Do you have a crush on anyone?" The twins asked and leaned on Naozane. The neko rolled his eyes and walked away without saying another word. 

"Can I help you with anything, Haruhi?" Naozane asked as he approached her. "I have nothing else to do." Naozane began helping her prepare the instant coffee. 

"I know you're probably tired of hearing this, but do you actually have feelings for Tamaki?" She asked quietly. She had a small smile on her face. Naozane rolled his eyes and shook his head. "Wait, are you even gay?" She asked and tilted her head. The twins popped out of nowhere and waited for his response. 

"Uh, yeah," Nao admitted hesitantly. He figured that there was no point in hiding it when they'd find out eventually. 

"You are," The twins said and leaned closer to him. "Are you a bottom or a top?" 

"That's not any of your business," Nao replied with a bit of hostility. 

"Are you versatile then? A seme?" Hikaru asked. Kaoru wrapped his arm around his hips and stood beside him. 

"Are you not sure? We can help you," Kaoru teased. 

"Will you two leave him alone?" Tamaki growled. "Get your hands off him." Tamaki pulled Naozane away from the two gingers and held him in his arms. Naozane grunted a bit and let his hair cover his face. 

"This is why they ship us, Tamaki. It's because you don't know how to keep your hands to yourself," Nao hissed and pushed the boy away. Naozane stomped away and sat in the corner by himself. 

"Did we upset him?" Kaoru asked and looked around at the group. 

"He's just embarrassed," Tamaki answered. The blonde walked past the group and sat down beside the neko. Nao's tail was angrily flicking behind him. "Nao?" Tamaki whispered. His ears flicked towards him, but he stayed silent. "I know you can hear me, Nao. Your ears give you away." 

"What do you want?" The neko grumbled. 

"Why does it bother you that they ship us? I never really thought it mattered," Tamaki spoke quietly. 

"It's... it just bothers me, okay? If I do like you, they shouldn't tease us about it. Not-not that I do...! They should just keep their noses in their own business," Nao explained quickly. He crossed his arms over his chest and mentally cursed himself. Tamaki chuckled lightly and the two sat there in silence for a moment. 

"My, my, kitten. You're very flustered," Tamaki teased. "Is it because you have feelings for me?" Tamaki snaked his arm around Nao's waist and pulled him closer 

"Tamaki, stop," Nao frowned and pushed him away. 

"I'm just messing around," Tamaki said and brought his arm back towards his body. 

"I know; stop doing that. Leave me alone," Nao grumbled. He stood up and walked away leaving Tamaki by himself. 

WC 1200

For those of you who comment, I read every single one of them. I just don't always reply. I want to make sure y'all know that.

Can I have any sort of feedback..? Please??

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