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"Is he asleep?"

"Aww! Nao-chan's so cute."

"Good job, boss. You managed to bore him to sleep," they snickered. I rolled over, so I would be facing away from them and let out a hiss.

"I did not!" Tamaki argued. My sister's small, soft hands picked me up.

"Nao?" She asked and held me out in her outstretched hands. "Naoooo?~" She whisper/sang in my ear. I put my paw on her face and pushed her away. I finally opened my eyes and jumped out of her arms.

"How long was I asleep for?"

"Like five or ten minutes," She answered and crouched down in front of me. She was the only one who could understand me. Tamaki picked me up and smiled.

"Naozane! Are you ready to host?" He asked and smiled. I hissed and growled a little.

"He- uh, he wants you to put him down," Mina explained. Tamaki set me down on the couch gently. I sat on the cushion with my chest popped out.

"I don't want to host."

"You already said you would," Emina groaned. "Naozane, behave, okay? I have to leave now, but I'll be back later." She patted my head a little then left. Honey-senpai sat down in the spot next to me and smiled.

"Can I pet you?" He asked sweetly.

"How'd you like it if I pet you?"

He held his hand out and softly pet the spots behind my ears. My chest began to rumble in content, and my eyes slowly closed.

"No! Don't do that! It's embarrassing," I hissed.


A couple of girls requested me. It was those couple of girls that always ask me questions and flirt with me during lunches. "Naozane, you have to change back to normal!" The twin said. I hissed but did so anyway.

"Nagusa-kun? Can we ask you some questions?" One of the girls asked. 

"You can ask, but I might not answer," I replied with a shrug. The group erupted into a fit of giggles. They asked a couple of questions and I answered as vaguely as possible. A small smile formed on my face as I spoke.

"Aww! His smile's so cute!" 

"Nagusa-Kun's blushing now!" I rolled my eyes and let my bangs cover my eyes. I don't want to deal with this right now. 

"It's not a big deal," I scoffed and kept the emotionless face. They saw through it and I knew they could. I found it difficult to look them in the eyes, but I didn't know why. This was no different from when they talk to me in class.  


"How was it?" The twins asked as they leaned over my shoulders. Before I could reply, I was picked up and spun around. The sudden movement frightened me causing me to subconsciously shift into my cat form. I resisted the urge to scratch him and kept my tail close to my body. I meowed loudly and hissed.

"Tamaki," Kyoya sighed and took him from his hands. "This is why he didn't want to join." The twins began snickering, and Tamaki frowned. He began growing mushrooms in the corner...? Kyoya placed me down on the sofa, and I sat there watching him. My head slightly tilted to the right. When Tamaki finally did come towards me, he moved slowly and crouched on the floor. Resist... I have to resist. 

"Naozane...? That's not true, right?" He asked and paused. Resist... "The reason you didn't want to join isn't because of me, right?" He nervously chuckled. Resist! I can't do it. I placed my paw on his nose gently, and in my head, I made a booping noise. Before he could even open his mouth to speak, I trotted away. "See, Kyoya! He doesn't hate me!" 

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