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"Kyoya, you're too close," I whispered. As I spoke, I looked at everything but him. Kyoya was really close to my crotch. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw him stare at me and begin to smirk. 

"Too close? Too close to what?" Kyoya hummed. He placed his hand on ny thigh and gently squeezed it. I turned to him and began glaring.

"Kyoya, you know what you're doing. Stop teasing," I scolded and pushed him away. He pulled himself back on me and pinned me down. I could feel his breath on my face.

"You're too cute, Kitten. I can't help myself," He whispered and connected his lips with mine. My tail wrapped itself around his torso, and my legs hooked onto his. I began passionately kissing him back.

When we separated for air, Kyoya stroked the top of my tail that was wrapped around him. "You've mentioned your tail is sensitive. How sensitive is it?" Kyoya whispered. His tails wrapped around it and he began running his fingers across the appendage. I let out a small moan and flipped us over so I was on top.

"You're such a tease, you know?" I growled and began kissing him harder than last time. My hands were on both sides of his head and propped me up. I was straddling him as I gently rubbed my hips against his. In response, Kyoya was holding onto my hips tightly and kissing back. He let out a deep groan and I pulled away. "You have to stay quiet, Kyo. My family is downstairs," I warned. My hips were still moving against his. I began leaving kisses all over his neck. I may have left a few marks.

"Kitten," Kyoya huffed and flipped us over again. "You had your fun," He grumbled and began sucking, kissing, and biting the skin on my neck and collar bones. My fingers combed through his hair and my hips pressed harder against his. The floorboards outside the door creaked, and I began to panic. I quickly pulled Kyoya down on the spot beside me and curled up beside him. He gave me a confused look, but then the door opened.

"Naozane? Kyoya? It's getting late," Naga said. "Kyoya, you're welcomed to stay over if you'd like."

"Um, yes, thank you," Kyoya answered. Naga nodded and moved to close the door, but Kian stopped them.

"If you're staying the night, this door stays open," he said and glared at both of us. The two walked away from the open door. I stood up and went to my closet to change into a different pair of clothes. 


"They'll hear us if we do anything," I stated. Kyoya nodded and sighed. He was wearing a pair of my pajama pants. Since he wasn't that much taller than me, he was going to borrow one of my uniform sets since he didn't want to trouble the staff members. He motioned for me to come to bed, and when I did, he pulled me down beside him. 

"It's late, Kitten. Everyone's asleep. Don't you think you can be a little quiet?" He hummed and held me close to his chest. I sighed and began pulling away, but his grip tightened. "Come on, Kitten, please?" Kyoya whispered hummed. I tried to ignore the obvious tightening in my pants as I gave him a small glare. 

"Kyoya, we'll get caught," I mumbled. I could feel his little friend poking into my thigh. "Crap,"I mumbled. My hand softly rested on his thigh and moved towards it. He hummed in response and did the same. I began gently caressing him through his pants. He lightly bit my shoulder and slipped his hand into my pants and boxers. 

"You're already excited, Kitten," Kyoya whispered against my neck and lightly kissed the spot where my jawline ended. I felt his fingers wrap around my member and gently massage it. I but my lip in order to stay silent. "Don't make a sound, love. They'll wake up," He muttered close to my ear. His hand was now moving up and down at a steady pace. I began to return the favor. 

His pants looked uncomfortably tight. I pushed down the two hems and began stroking him up and down. He bit down harder on my shoulder to keep himself from letting out any pleasure filled noise. Kyoya's hand began moving faster on my member. "Naozane," he grunted. I pulled off the only clothing Kyoya had been wearing. I pushed him onto his back and scooted down to his crotch. Before I did anything, I looked back towards him. His somewhat messy bed-head and glasses-free face made him look perfect. "You don't have to, Love," he whispered. 

"Yes, I know that. I want to," I replied and rolled my eyes. Kyoya's fingers combed through my hair and held the back of my head. I could tell he wanted me to do it too. I held the base of his member and teasingly began kissing the tip. 

"Naozane," he scolded me through gritted teeth. I smirked and licked up his shaft. I lifted my eyes back up to look at him. 

 "Is there something wrong, Dear?" I teased. I smirked and ignored the glare he gave me. I continued with what I was doing. 


My mouth tasted weird. It was sweet but salty at the same time. After I had done that to Kyoya, he did the same to me. Once we were done, we got dressed again and cuddled close to each other. Laying beside him and feeling his finger trace random shapes into my bare skin calmed me. I wasn't worried about Naga and Kian finding out, I wasn't worried about what Kyoya thought about my skin, and I wasn't worried about the future of our relationship. I felt at peace and calm for the first time in a while. 

The next morning, Kyoya and I had woken up on time. Kyoya wasn't happy about having to leave to comfort of the bed. He wasn't as used to getting little sleep like I was. The car ride to school was quiet. I sat in between Kyoya and Emina. His hand found it's way to mine, and our fingers laced together. Emina giggled but stayed quiet. The car slowed until it fully stopped in front of the school. The tinted windows helped keep our relationship in the dark.

"We should've just ditched," I hummed and pecked Kyoya's cheek before Emina opened the door and slid out. The three of us walked down the hallway together. Emina was talking about some recipe she had to make, and I was trying to ignore the students we passed by. They gave us looks and whispered to their friends about us. I looked to Kyoya for an answer, but he shook his head. It was his way of telling me not to pay any attention to them. 

When Kyoya and I got to the classroom, Tamaki approached happily ran towards us. "Hey, guys! You came to school together?" He asked. 

"Kyoya spent the night at my place," I answered quietly so only he could hear. "Why were the girls acting that way?" I asked and turned to Kyoya. 

"Probably gossiping about us making public appearances together," Kyoya answered with a shrug. "It's nothing to worry about, Kitten." I nodded and glared at Tamaki because of the look he gave us. He was fawning over the fact that Kyoya had called me by that dumb nickname. It's not dumb... it's cute... shut up. 

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