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There was a small thud in the room. That's what woke me up. I lifted my head from Kyoya's chest to glare at whoever was in here. The hosts were standing by the door. A couple of books that were on the table beside them was now on the floor. "Get out," I grunted and dropped my head back onto Kyoya's chest. I felt Kyoya move under me, but I didn't move. I didn't hear Kyoya say anything, but he turned over and basically laid on top of me.

"Aww, they're so cute," Mina whispered. Kyoya placed his head in my neck.

"Leave us alone," I grumbled. "What do you want?" I ran my fingers through Kyoya's black hair and wrapped my tail around his hips. I guess he dressed us while I was sleeping.

"Breakfast is ready, Nao, Kyoya," Emina said. "We wanted to see if you guys were hungry." Neither of us replied.

"Maybe we should leave them alone," Tamaki whispered back to the group. Emina in agreement hummed. Their footsteps began getting quieter.

"Did you guys see the hickies on Naozane's neck too?" One of the twins asked as the door closed.

"Did you dress me?" I asked. Kyoya nodded. "Aw, you're wearing my clothes." I kissed the top of Kyoya's head.

"You're going to be extra affectionate after last night, aren't you?" Kyoya whispered. He lifted his head, and his eyes met mine.

"Shut up," I whispered and rolled my eyes. "I love you."

"Hm, you are being more affectionate than usual. I love you too, Kitten." Kyoya whispered. "Even with that praise kink of yours."

"Excuse me?" I scoffed and narrowed my eyes at him. Kyoya smirked and placed a chaste kiss on my lips. "I-I do not have any kind of kink."

"Yes, you do, Love. You can't say you don't. Not after the way your body reacted when I called you a good boy," Kyoya mumbled. His chest rumbled as he let out a small laugh. "It's not a big deal, Kitten."

"Shu-shut up. D-don't call me that right now," I whispered. My stuttering only encouraged Kyoya to tease me.

"Are you thinking about last night? You did so well, Kitten. I'm proud of you," Kyoya mumbles close to my neck. I let out a sigh and gently pushed him off. Kyoya laughed lightly as I glared at him. He suggested, "Let's go eat breakfast?" I nodded and lifted myself off the bed. I was wearing a pair of pajama pants, but that was all. I shit another glare at Kyoya who was standing by the door fully dressed in my clothes.

After slipping on a shirt that covered most of the hickies, I followed my boyfriend down the stairs. I didn't care enough to cover all of the purple marks. Naganori and Kian weren't supposed to be back until tomorrow. We walked into the dining room, and a pair of staff members served us.

"Ew, you guys!" Emina whined and covered her red face. "I knew Naozane wasn't really sleeping."

"Hey, I could've been," I shrugged in response. I glanced at Kyoya to see his reaction. He looked bored as he ate silently. "It's not like we-"

"I don't want to hear about that, Naozane," Emina groaned and carried her plate to the kitchen.

"What are those marks? Did you get hurt, Nao-chan?" Honey asked. I glanced at Kyoya for help, but he watched with an amused face instead.

"No, Honey-senpai. It's-It's nothing," I replied. "Don't ask, alright?" The smaller blond nodded. He looked confused, but he didn't ask anything else.

"He can't get pregnant," the twins whispered a little too loudly.

"Don't talk about something that dirty in front of Haruhi!" Tamaki gasped and covered her ears.

"Senpai, I'm not a child," Haruhi growled and pushed him away.

"But Haruhi-" Tamaki began arguing with her, but I drowned their conversation out.

"Naozane and Kyoya are really Mommy and Daddy now," Hikaru said out loud to no one in particular.

"The first daddy had a crush on mommy which made the new daddy angry, and now, auntie has to make the old daddy feel better," Emina mumbled to herself as she walked back in. She realized what she said and froze. "Wait- no... That-that's not true." 

Tamaki's face was red, and his eyes were wide. He looked scared and worried. Kyoya's eyebrows pressed together, and his body was tense. Emina was still stuttering out nonsense. I sighed and rubbed my temples. "Emm, stop talking," I stated. She nodded and held her hands behind her.

"Tamaki had feelings for Kyoya...?" Haruhi muttered. "That's what you guys were keeping from us?"

"Yes, it is. The problem has been resolved... Mostly. It's really not a big deal," I answered. Kyoya's hand grabbed mine from underneath the table. "Don't you too dare say anything about it," I growled and glared at the twins.

"It's like everyone likes Naozane," Hikaru whispered.

"I know. I don't get how they all developed feelings for someone like him," Kaoru whispered.

"What's that supposed to mean?!" I scoffed and glared at them. Kyoya's grip on my hand tightened.

"Yeah, what's that supposed to mean?" Kyoya asked and narrowed his eyes. His glasses gave off a glint from the light. "You said "they all" like there are more people other than him and me."

"Well, um... We-" they were the ones who were stuttering now. I sighed and stood up. Kyoya's hand still held onto mine.

"Let's go upstairs, Kyoya," I whispered. His eyes lifted and met mine. "Let's go," I repeated. Kyoya's dark eyes stared into mine for a second. He let out a sighed and allowed me to drag him up the stairs.

We stood at the top of the stairs. The hosts in the dining room were barely audible to me, which probably means Kyoya couldn't overhear what they were saying. One of the many perks of being a neko. I slipped my hands into his palms and held onto him tightly. "I love you, and I only love you," I whispered. Kyoya pulled his hands away and wrapped his arms tightly around my waist. 

"I love you too, Kitten," Kyoya replied. His lips pressed a small kiss onto my forehead. "Would you like to spend the day with me?" I could hear the hesitation in his voice. 

I don't understand how Kyoya could be so worried about other people's feelings towards me. I wouldn't ever dream of being with anybody but him. I wish he could understand that. 

"How about we just stay in my room and watch movies?" I suggested. The smallest smile spread across his face, and he nodded. 

"That sounds like a wonderful idea, Love," Kyoya hummed. His hand slid down to my ass, and he lifted me off the ground. I sighed and rolled my eyes, but I let him carry me to my room anyway. 


"Nao? Are you in there?" Kian asked and softly knocked on the door. I snapped my head towards Kyoya who was laying beside me. 

"Crap," I  whispered. I laid on top of his chest and covered his neck and mine. "I'm asleep," I whispered. Kyoya's hands rested on my hips and he hummed. He understood what I was doing when I placed my palm on Kyoya's neck. 

Since I couldn't see, I relied on my other senses. I heard Kian open the door slightly, and I assumed he poked his head through. "Oh, he's asleep," Kian whispered. "Did he sleep last night okay?" Kian wasn't as protective and angry as I thought he was going to be. 

"He didn't get a lot of sleep last night," Kyoya whispered back. "We'll be fine here." The room was silent for a second. 

"Okay," Kian replied. "Um, leave this door open." Once I couldn't hear his footsteps anymore, I lifted my head.

"I sort of feel bad for lying to them," I whispered. "But, then they'd make sure we were never alone, huh?" Kyoya nodded, and I lifted myself off of him.

"Where are you going, Kitten?" Kyoya hummed.

"Come with me to the bathroom," I replied vaguely and walked over to the connecting room.

Wc 1375

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