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↑↑↑ That has nothing to do with the chapter; I just thought it was kinda funny and a little relatable. 

It's been a couple days since Kyoya and I held hands. I've been avoiding being alone with him. Every now and then I feel him looking at me, but I can't bring myself to look back at him. I think I need to confess to him now. I need to confess before he changes his mind. During lunch, the other students cleared out quickly. The only ones left in the classroom was Kyoya, Tamaki, and me. "Want to go to the cafeteria now?" Tamaki asked me. 

"In a minute," I mumbled. I left my bag in my chair and walked over to Kyoya. He watched as I approached him and stayed in his place. I wrapped my arms around his waist and rested my head on his shoulder. 

"Naozane?" Kyoya whispered. His arms slithered around my shoulders. "Have you made up your mind?" He muttered. I nodded but kept my head down. "Naozane, look at me," Kyoya spoke softly. I lifted my head up gently. Kyoya's hand cupped my chin and turned my head up to face him. 

"I like you, okay?" I said in a harsh voice. I didn't mean to say it like that. I'm trying to work on letting him in. 

"I like you too," Kyoya said softly. He pressed his lips against mine for a second. Tamaki let out a small squeak. I turned my head and glared at him. 

"Tamaki, go to the cafeteria," I ordered. He nodded and left without saying a word. I turned back to the boy in front of me. "Let's just stay like this for a moment," I mumbled. I rested my head on his chest right below his neck. His hands moved down to my waist, and my palms rested on his chest. My tail subconsciously wrapped itself around his arm. 

3rd Person POV~

Tamaki walked into the cafeteria only to pull Emina out into the hallway. "Right after the other kids in the class left, Naozane went to Kyoya and hugged him. He said that he liked him and Kyoya kissed him," Tamaki explained. 

"Aww!" Emina squealed. "This is great, Tamaki! I could tell he likes him." 

"Do you really think they'll fit together perfectly?" Tamaki asked. "You don't think they'll both be too cold to care for each other?" 

"No... well, we can only hope for the best, right?" Emina answered. "Naozane does this thing where he wraps his tail around the person's arm, leg, or another limb when he's beginning to trust them." 

"Do you think he'll do it to Kyoya?" Tamaki asked. The two began gushing over the blossoming relationship in the host club. 


In the host club, both Kyoya and Naozane were sitting together alone. They were conversing over simple topics; they were trying to get to know each other better. Naozane yawned a bit, but never stopped listening. He changed into his chibi form and leaned against Kyoya's leg. "Are you feeling alright?" 

"Sleepy," Nao muttered in his high-pitched voice. "It's okay, Kyo." Kyoya hummed and began typing on his computer. His right-hand stroked the top of Nao's head and the other controlled the computer. 

"How do you feel about dressing up as different forms of officers?" Kyoya thought out loud. 

"No costumes. Costumes bad," Naozane mumbled. Kyoya hummed and smiled at his response. 

"You're right. I should have you dress up in another sailor costume," Kyoya teased. 

"No," Nao grunted and whined. He grabbed Kyoya's hand and hugged it close to his body. "I'll be nice." 

"You will?" Kyoya smirked. 

"Yes, I'll be nice. No more costumes," Naozane agreed. Kyoya chuckled and rolled his eyes. 

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