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I don't understand why this is bothering me so much, and I don't understand how Kyoya could say something like that so easily. When I began getting to know the Tamaki and Kyoya, I could see the obvious friendship between them. It's the kind of friendship where they have almost nothing in common, but the two still get along. It reminded me of my relationship with Mina in a way. 

I know he is following me to my room. Kyoya grabbed my wrist and held me against his chest. "Naozane, listen to me." Kyoya's voice was low and gravely. I could feel his warm breath on my neck, and it took all my strength to not kiss him. 

"I don't want to listen," I replied and harshly pulled away. "Just leave me alone for a little." I entered my room and closed the door behind me. He was on the other side of the door, but he didn't knock or try to talk to me. I could already tell I wasn't going to sleep much. 


When dinner time came, I stayed in my room instead of going downstairs. Emina had given up on getting me downstairs. I thought they would leave me alone at least until the end of dinner. But someone had to come and knock on the door. "Naozane? Are you in there?" It was Tamaki. "I uh, brought you some food." I got up from my comfortable spot and slowly walked towards the door. The light from the hallway came streaming in through the small crack between the door and the frame.

"Why aren't you downstairs?" I asked and cautiously looked at him to the plate of food in his hands. The blond in front of me answered with a happy smile on his face.

"I wanted to check up on you. I brought you food too." I rolled my eyes and moved to the side, so he was able to enter. The door was locked again, and the lights were turned on. Tamaki sat on the end of my bed, and I sat near the headboard. He handed me the plate of food and smiled again. 

"There's nothing wrong, so you can leave now," I said coldly and began eating. Tamaki let out a sigh and turned his body towards mine. I looked at him with an expressionless face and w3aited for him to say something. I already knew what he was going to ask.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Tamaki asked. I huffed and rolled my eyes. The plate of food that was in my lap was now sitting on the nightstand. 

"I'm only upset about something Kyoya said earlier. Don't pry into it," I replied. Tamaki looked away for a second. He seemed like he was thinking about something. Tamaki turned back to me and hugged me. 

"It's okay, Nao!" The blond beamed. He kept his arms around my shoulders and held me close to him even when I struggled. "I'm sure he didn't mean whatever he said. Kyoya loves you." 

"He didn't say something against me. He meant what he said too. I know he did, and that's why it bothers me," I whispered. Tamaki began petting my ears but I ignored the affection. "You guys are close. You are his friend. I don't understand why he would say that..." 

"Well, what did he say?" Tamaki asked quietly. I sighed and mentally debated whether or not I should tell him the truth. 

"He said you guys weren't friends. Kyoya said he only hung around you because it benefitted him," I whispered. Tamaki hummed, and I heard him sigh sadly. "Tamaki, don't be upset. I know he cares about you. He just doesn't want to show it." I pulled away from him to face him. Tamaki's eyebrows pressed together slightly, and I could tell he was still hurt. 

"Yeah, I know that Kyoya's distant," He muttered. I groaned and internally cursed. Now, I had to cheer him up. 

"Trust me, Tamaki, he care's about you. You're one of his closest friends. Kyoya won't admit it, but I know it's true. Let's just talk about something else, okay?" I sighed and scratched my ear a little. 

"Okay, fine. You should eat," Tamaki said and motioned to the hardly touched plate of food. I nodded and brought the plate back into my lap. "What do you want to talk about?" 

"Why are you so close to my sister?" I asked and narrowed my eyes a bit. Tamaki's eyes widened, and a visible hue appeared on his face. I chewed the seafood slowly and narrowed my eyes even more. "Do you have feelings for her?" 

"N-No! It's not that..." Tamaki trailed off and looked at the floor. He's being suspicious. "She's not the one I have feelings for." Even though he mumbled very quietly, I could hear him clearly. Tamaki wouldn't make eye contact with me. He was visibly tense. Could he... could he have feelings for me? The way he hugged me, the small affectionate actions, and the nice things he'd say to me only helped my suspicion. 

"Tamaki," I mumbled. "Do-Do you have feelings for me?" I asked quietly. Why the fuck did I ask that?? I should've just kept my mouth shut. I'm such an idiot. I wouldn't be in this situation if I just ignored him. Instead of speaking, he nodded slowly. I sighed and rubbed my face with my hands. 

"Just-just pretend I didn't say anything. It's only a small crush; It's nothing compared to what you and Kyoya have," Tamaki whispered. 

"I'm sorry, Tamaki," I responded. I genuinely felt bad for him. "You know I love Kyoya." He nodded and glanced around the room. 

"Yeah, I know. I'm sorry," He whispered. It's not like he can control who he develops feelings for. "It's getting late. I should leave you be." Tamaki began walking to the door, and I followed him. When he was turned away from me, I hugged him. 

"I really am sorry that I can't reciprocate your feelings. Let's just pretend this didn't happen, okay?" I whispered. I dropped my arms to my sides. 

"Yeah," Tamaki said with a small, sad smile on his face. He left the room, and I went back to my bed. I don't know why I hugged him. That was weird, wasn't it? He's going to think I'm going soft... eww. 


I ate the food Tamaki brought me within ten minutes. The house was silent, so I think everyone went to bed already. I paced back and forth in front of the bed and ran my fingers through my hair. I hope Kyoya isn't upset with me. I wonder if he's still awake. Maybe he'd let me sleep with him..... sleep in his room, I mean. I wanted to go to him, but I wasn't sure how he'd react. 

I dropped my hands to my sides and groaned quietly. Without giving it another thought, I left my room and went to my boyfriend's. His door was unlocked, but the lights were off. I could see the outline of Kyoya's body underneath the covers. Without making a sound, I fully entered and shut the door. "Kyoya," I whispered. 


Maybe he was sleeping? I stood over his body now. His eyes were open, and he was looking at me. "Kyoya," I repeated. 

More silence. 

I sighed and crossed my arms over my chest. I fought the urge to glare. "Kyoya. You're obviously awake. Stop ignoring me." 

He said nothing. He only stared. 

"Ugh, fine. Be that way then," I groaned and angrily threw my hands down. "I don't want to argue with you. I'm trying to fix the problem, but if all you're going to do is stare, then I'm leaving," I angrily grumbled. I made sure to keep my voice down because of the others. I turned away from him and took a few steps towards the door. 

Kyoya grabbed my forearm. His head was tilted down. His face, which was free of his glasses, slowly moved up. Kyoya's eyes met mine. He looked so damn attractive like that. "Kyoya," I groaned slightly. 

"Naozane," he finally said. Kyoya began pulling me back to where I was standing earlier. There was something in his eyes. If I didn't know any better, I'd say it was lust. 

Wc 1394

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