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As soon as I walked on to school grounds, I noticed the people staring. "N-Nao-kun?" stuttered a girl. She held her hands close to her chest. In her shaky hands, she had her phone. "Have-have you seen the pictures?"

"Pictures?" I questioned and narrowed her eyes. She nodded hesitantly and held her phone out in front of me. "Pretty much the whole school has seen them." My breathing hitched and my eyes widened as I saw the photos on her phone screen.

"Fuck," I muttered. "Uh, thanks," I whispered before quickly walking to my classroom. Kyoya was standing beside Tamaki. Neither of them was speaking to the other. I guess there was still some tension.

"Have you seen them? The photos?" Kyoya asked as I approached them. I nodded and sighed. My arms crossed over my chest.

"What do we do?" I mumbled. I glanced around the room. The students in here were staring at us.

"I-I don't know," Kyoya responded. "If it wasn't for the second or third photo, we could have played it off. I'm going to work on finding out who leaked those photos. Don't answer any questions about it for now." I sighed again and plopped down on my desk.

There were three photos in total. The first was of Kyoya and I sitting in the cafe together. It didn't look like we were on a date. The only thing wrong was that you could see the unpigmented skin on my neck.

The second was of Kyoya and I walking down the street together. Our hands were clasped together, and my tail was loosely wrapped around his wrist.

The third was the worse. Kyoya had his hands tightly on my waist. Our chests were touching, and my arms were around his shoulders. We were kissing, and both of our eyes were closed.

I glanced around the room and glared at the students who were still staring at me. They instantly looked away. Idiots. They should mind their own business.


Kyoya, Tamaki and I walked out of the room before anyone could approach us. Kyoya had sent a text to everyone in the host club for an emergency meeting in the club room.

"I never pictured them as gay."

"Omygosh. I. ship. it."

"Ew. did you see that stuff on his skin?"

"It's not gross! It's cool and makes him unique unlike you, you shallow basic bitch."

We sat in the host club in silence. We were waiting for Honey-senpai and Mori-senpai to arrive. The twins sat down across from me, but I didn't lift my head to look at them. I knew I would probably cry if I did. I tried ignoring the comments about my skin, but I couldn't get it out of my head. "Naozane?" One of the twins whispered.

"You okay?" The other added hesitantly.

"Ugh, leave me alone," I growled and turned away from them. I could see Kyoya walked towards me from the corner of my eye.

"Leave, you two," he said in a cold voice. The boys left without arguing; they could tell there was something wrong, and it was something they should let Kyoya handle. "Kitten? Do you want to talk?" I shook my head. "Will you look at me?" I thought for a moment but then repeated my previous actions.

"I'm fine, okay? Just leave me alone," I grumbled and swatted his hands away when he tried reaching towards me.

"Naozane, I know you're not. I know you know that too," Kyoya replied sternly. He held my chin between his thumb and index finger. "Tell me what's wrong, please?" He lifted my face, so I was looking at him now.

"You heard what they were saying about my skin, Kyoya. You already know why I'm upset," I mumbled.

"You're beautiful, adorable, and incredibly attractive, Kitten," Kyoya replied. He pulled me up, so I was standing in front of him. "I love you the way you are, but you don't need approval from me or anyone else. You shouldn't care about what other people think."

"I love you so much, Kyo," I whispered. Kyoya smiled softly and wiped the stray tears. "Please, don't ever leave me; I need you."

"The same applies from me to you, Nao," Kyoya mumbled. He pulled me into a hug. "You're such a good kitten. You're my good kitten."

"K-Kyoya, don't," I growled. He let out a small chuckle. We both stood there in each other's embrace until the two third years entered.

"Nao-chan!" Honey-senpai cried and ran towards me. "They were saying really mean things that weren't true! I-I know Kyo-chan said not to say anything but I couldn't help it! I had to stop them!" He hugged my legs.

"It's fine, Honey-senpai. Thanks for defending me," I responded and patted his head. Kyoya had walked over to where the twins, Haruhi, and Tamaki were standing. Honey had let go of me and gave me a nod before skipping towards the others.

"Naozane," Mori-senpai grunted. His hand raised and softly pet my hair. It didn't last long. "It'll be okay."

"I-I uh, yeah. Thanks," I mumbled. Mori wiped off a tear on my cheek and followed his cousin.

"Everyone is talking about the photos," Haruhi pointed out. "People keep asking us about it."

"Yes, I figured that would happen," Kyoya sighed. "I was thinking, Naozane, we shouldn't hide it."

"You-you think? How would that turn out? What about the host club?" I responded. He shrugged. This was sort of out of character for him. Usually, he'd care about things like the host club's popularity and income.

"Do it. You guys should come clean about your relationship with the rest of the school. That way you don't have to hide it," Tamaki suggested.

"What-what about my vitiligo?" I mumbled and glanced at the floor. Kyoya stood up straight and walked towards my backpack. He grabbed the packet of makeup removers and approached me.

"It's part of who you are, Kitten. Don't hide it," Kyoya mumbled. He wiped the concealer away. He added, "Let's tell them the truth."

"O-Okay," I whispered. "Fine."

WC 1033

Before I accepted the fact that I wasn't straight, I used to be borderline homophobic. I avoided LGBT related topics, and now my whole life is gay.

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