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The group of hosts and Emina would be leaving the beach later in the day. Every one of them walked onto the beach together. Naozane sighed as he sat underneath the umbrella. The sour neko rubbed sunscreen over all of the exposed skin. He already had vitiligo; He didn't want sunburns too. After he covered all of the areas he could reach, Kyoya sat behind him and took the sunscreen bottle in his hands. 

It was uncomfortably silent between the two. Kyoya rubbed the cream over his back. "I thought you were angry at me," Naozane mumbled quietly. Kyoya grunted. His hand softly caressed Nao's shoulder before grabbing it and pulling him back. 

"Why would you think that?" Kyoya whispered back. He was pretending as if he wasn't. Kyoya was lying, and Naozane could tell. Obviously, that only angered him. Naozane roughly pulled away and ran his fingers through his hair. 

"You're so secretive, Kyoya! You-you expect me to tell you everything. You act like you're the only one that can keep secrets! I know something was bothering you. We're bonded, remember?" Naozane groaned. Kyoya stayed silent. He looked away from the neko sitting in front of the angry boy in front of him. "Fine. Don't tell me," Naozane mumbled. "It doesn't matter." Naozane sat up. The neko turned his head away from him and quickly left. 

"So... They're actually fighting," Hikaru whispered out loud. He turned to his brother, and both boys had a worried look on their face. Naozane sat down near Tamaki. He didn't sit too close to him, but he was still sitting within arm's reach of Tamaki. 

"Naozane, are you okay? No, obviously, you're not. What's wrong?" Tamaki asked. His body shifted to face Naozane. 

"Fine," Naozane mumbled. He held his legs close to his chest and kept himself faced away. Naozane's eyes watered and he bit his lip in an attempt to keep himself silent. That plan failed, and he let out a small whimper. Tamaki instantly knew he was lying. 

"Naozane, you're not fine," Tamaki whispered he stood up and lifted Naozane up with him. "Come with me," he whispered. The two walked back to the house unnoticed by the others. 


Once Naozane angrily stormed away, Kyoya ran his fingers through his hair and sighed. First, Naozane was angry at him, then Kyoya was upset, and now, he hurt Naozane. He didn't want this to happen. Kyoya saw the tears in Naozane's eyes. He saw the hurt look on his face, and it killed him. He knew he had to make it up to the emotional neko.  


Naozane had explained to Tamaki what happened since they got there. Tamaki did his best to comfort him without making him feel uncomfortable. Naozane quickly wiped his cheek to hide the tears from Tamaki. He saw them anyway. "Naozane, you know Kyoya loves you, right? It's obvious he does." Naozane didn't reply. He hummed, but he kept his mouth shut. 

"I don't want to fight with him anymore," Naozane finally whispered after a couple seconds. Tamaki frowned at the heartbroken neko and hugged him. 

"Then why don't you go and tell him that..? He'll forgive you, Nao, you know he will," Tamaki suggested. Naozane shrugged and leaned into his chest. 

"I love him, Tamaki. I don't know how to deal with these feelings," Naozane whispered. "I've never felt the way I do with anyone else." Tamaki rubbed his shoulder in a comforting way. It hurt Tamaki to hear the boy he likes talking about someone else like that. There was nothing he could do. Tamaki couldn't change the way Naozane feels nor could he change his emotions. 

"Let's go back to the beach, okay? That way you can talk to Kyoya," Tamaki said. Naozane didn't care anymore. He shrugged and let the blond boy pull him out of the house.  

Tamaki held both of Naozane's shoulders and pushed him down to where Kyoya sat. His back was towards them, so he didn't see them approaching. Kyoya let out an audible sigh and mumbled a curse. That's why Naozane's breathing hitched. "Kyoya," Tamaki called in a serious tone. He gently pushed Naozane in front of him. "You both need to talk to each other." Naozane turned back to Tamaki the blonde, in response, sadly smiled at him and walked away. Nao's sour expression shifted into a sad one.

Kyoya didn't understand the change in Nao's expression. Nao could tell that seeing Kyoya and him together upset him at least a little. That's why he was thankful for Tamaki's help. While Naozane was turned away, Kyoya stood up and grabbed Nao's forearm. "I'm sorry," Kyoya whispered. His head hung low, and both of his hands held Naozane's arms.

"I'm sorry," Naozane repeated. He took a couple steps forward and leaned on Kyoya's chest. The two boys hugged each other tightly and ignored the others around them.

"We need to talk," Kyoya said and pulled away first. Naozane nodded, and the two boys went inside the house for privacy. 

"Do you think they'll make up?" Honey-senpai. His hopeful eyes looked to Tamaki for an answer. Tamaki shrugged and glanced in the direction where the boys walk off. 

"I hope so," Tamaki answered. "I don't want either of them to be upset anymore." The group of hosts stood there in silence for a little longer. Emina's ears laid flat against her head.

"Thank you, Tamaki," She whispered and side hugged the taller blond. "Thank you for putting his feelings before yours." 

"I had to do what was right," Tamaki mumbled more to himself and nodded. The others looked at the two with confused faces. Obviously, they had no idea what the two were talking about. 

"is there something you four haven't been telling us?" Hikaru asked. 

"More like us three. Kyoya has no idea," Emina answered half-heartedly. Tamaki gave her a pleading look. Naozane already knew, and he didn't want the others to know. The twins would only tease him. 

"Tell us!" The twins exclaimed. Emina glanced up at Tamaki and shook her head. "Why not?" Both of them spoke in perfect unison. 

"I'm in no position to say anything," Emina denied. She looked away and nervously wrapped her tail around her waist. Haruhi, Hikaru, Kaoru, Mori, and Honey all turned to Tamaki. Tamaki's face turned a bright red as their eyes stayed on him. He began to stammer and stuttered nonsense. 

"Guys, maybe we should leave him alone," Haruhi stated to save Tamaki. Haruhi turned back to the just-as-clueless club members and glared expectantly. The group dispersed and continued wondering what had been going on between the other three. 

"Their hiding something big, aren't they?" Hikaru whispered to his brother. 

"Of course, they are. They would've told us if it wasn't. It's probably super embarrassing to Tamaki," Kaoru answered. 

"Since Kyoya doesn't know about it, do you think it's something that happened between Tamaki and Naozane? It has to be, right?" Hikaru replied. 

"Hikaru, Kaoru, don't make stuff up," Haruhi scolded them. "Whatever it is, we shouldn't pry." 

"But, Haruhi!" Kaoru groaned. 

"Aren't you curious too?" Hikaru asked. "You saw how red Tamaki got." 

"Yes, I'm curious-"

"We're their friends too! They shouldn't have to hide anything from us," Kaoru added and but her off. Haruhi rolled her eyes, but internally agreed with the gingers. There was nothing she could do now...

WC 1240

I'm so sorry. I forgot to update yesterday. I hoped you enjoyed this chapter.

I'm sort of thinking about ending this fanfic soon. It's just a thought; nothings certain right now.

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