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"Naozane, can I ask you a few questions?" Kyoya asked. Naozane nodded and glanced at his for a second. "What are the popular opinions about kemonomimi and regular humans seeing each other?"

"They're not super disliked, but they're also not favorited. It's sort of in between. Most people also think that they shouldn't reproduce. People would rather have them adopt."

"What if a hybrid of the two were produced? How would that child look?" Kyoya questioned.

"It really depends. I've met a couple people like that. They usually only have the tails or ears; not both of the animal features," Naozane answered. "It's not like the community exiles them either because of the way they were born. It's just not ideal."

"I see," Kyoya hummed. He opened his mouth to ask another question but he was hesitant. Kyoya decided against it and asked a different question instead. "What if it was two different kinds? Like a cat and a dog? Or a snake and cat?"

"Well, snakes have scales but no tails. They have fangs too. If it was two different types, it's a fifty-fifty chance," Naozane stopped and hummed. He thought for a moment or two. "How do I put this... if there was a cat who happened to be a hybrid of a fox and cat, and they reproduced with a snake, it's a fifty-twenty-five- twenty-five chance. Does that make sense?"

"Yeah, it does. Thank you," Kyoya replied. Naozna turned his head towards him fully.

"Why are you asking about this stuff?" Naozane asked. Kyoya turned to him and answered with a smile.

"Information about kemonomimi is hard to find, you know? I'm only asking so I could get to know more about your type," Kyoya answered. Naozane nodded to show he understood. The two sat there in a comfortable silence. They were in the host club room after school. The club was closed today for meetings and planning.

The other hosts messed around and came up with way too complicated ideas. Kyoya reached over and clasped his hands with Noa's. Naozane returned the sign affection but didn't acknowledge it any other way.

Both boys spent most of the time like that. They held hands and kissed each other's cheeks or foreheads, but not really anything else. Naozane told Kyoya he wanted to take things slow. Kyoya didn't want to force him into anything or make him uncomfortable.

The club had their normal boring meeting. Like usual, Naozane didn't really pay attention unless his name was called. Kyoya and Naozane continued sitting by each other with their finger laced together. "They're holding hands! PDA!" The twins screamed. Naozane rolled his eyes and ignored their comments.

"Is that a big deal?" Kyoya scoffed. The twins nodded quickly.

"You both aren't very emotional people. Seeing you two be close like this, is rare," The twins explained in unison. Naozane rolled his eyes and pulled Kyoya's arm over his shoulder. Naozane had his arm wrapped around Kyoya's waist. He only did this to mess with the twins.

"Kitten, doing that will only encourage their behavior," Kyoya said in a low voice.

"So will call I me Kitten," Naozane replied. He glanced at the boy neside him. "Plus, it's not like you mind anyway. I know you like the affection, Kyoya."

"How could you possible know that?" Kyoya asked with an amused tone.

"Uh, n-no reason in particular," Naozane replied.

The truth was that the two were already mates. It happened rarely with a human and kemonomimi. When a neko loved another and the feelings were reciprocated, the two formed an emotional bond.

Kyoya have him a weird look but didn't question him any further. He knew he was hiding something, and he was going to find out. "If you say so, Kitten."

Kitten {OHSHC}Where stories live. Discover now