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Naozane's furry ears twitched in annoyance. Of course, none of the females in front of him could realize that it was because of them. "They're just so cute!" One of them shrieked. Naozane fought the urge to cover his ears. 

"They look so soft and warm. I want to touch them," Another said and closed her eyes while she smiled. 

"Yes, they do. Please don't touch them or me," Naozane replied. His tail curled around his waist and rested on his lap just in case. 

"Good morning, ladies," Tamaki greeted as he approached the group. The ladies smiled, but Naozane rolled his eyes.  

"Good morning, Tamaki-kun!" They squealed back. The smiling blonde sat on the desk next to Naozane.

"How are you doing, Nagusa?" He asked. The tufts of fur 

"Fine," Naozane spit out bitterly. He didn't even turn to look at him. Naozane kept his head down in his books.

"Come on, Nagusa. Emina said that you'd try being nicer," Tamaki said. "I just want to be your friend."

"I don't know what you're talking about. I am being nicer," Naozane retorted and shrugged. 

"Ladies, can we be left alone please?" Tamaki asked the girls. They nodded and smiled again then walked away in a group like a heard of sheep. 

"Nagusa! You said you'd be nicer," He complained.

"I am. Not once have I told you to leave, have I?" He hummed. His eyes quickly moved along the lines of words and only stopped when he spoke.

"So, you're okay with me being here?" He asked. His confused face turning into a smile. Nagusa grunted and shrugged but didn't speak.

"You do want to be my friend!" Tamaki beamed. Nagusa froze and looked at him for a second. He rolled his eyes and continued reading. "Do you like to read a lot?"

"I guess," Naozane said. Kyoya entered the room. His eyed landed on Tamaki and Naozane for a second. Instead of heading over there, he moved towards his desk.

"Kyoya! Come here!" Tamaki said and waved him over. Kyoya rolled his eyes and walked over to the bubbly blond. 

"Good morning, Nagusa," Kyoya greeted. 

"Good morning, Ootori," Naozane replied in a monotone voice and kept his head down. 

"Is Tamaki bothering you?" Kyoya asked. 

"No," Naozane lied through gritted teeth. 

"Nagusa and I are friends now, Kyoya," Tamaki beamed. Naozane's eyebrow twitched, and his fists clenched tighter on the book. He sighed, set the bookmark inside, then closed it. He gave up on trying to read since he's been in the same paragraph since Tamaki sat down. 

"I wouldn't call it that," Nagusa muttered. His hand was propped up on the table and his head rested on it.

"But, Emina said-"

"I don't know what Emina told you, but all I agreed to was that I'd try to be nicer," Naozane replied. The two other boys were silent and so was Naozane. He was sitting in silence with a bored look on his face.

"Can I touch your ears?" Tamaki whispered.

"No," Naozane immediately denied. "Why would you ask that?" 

"They just seemed... soft," Tamaki hummed and continued staring at the tufts of fur. 

"Quit staring at them," Naozane said without turning to face him.  

"But," Tamaki paused for a moment then added, "They look soft." 

"I know what they look like. I'm not going to let you touch them," Naozane replied. His ears twitched a couple times again. Tamaki opened his mouth to argue but instead stayed quiet. Naozane glanced at him then slumped back in the chair.  

"Then can I touch your tail?" He whispered. 

Naozane's POV

"Tamaki Suoh, I'm not going to let you touch my ears or tail," I replied in a monotone voice... Okay, maybe I did like it when people touched my ears but not my tail. Of course, I wouldn't tell him that. The bell rang and the class had begun but Suoh and Ootori both stayed where they were sitting. 

It felt like an eternity. The teacher had been droning on and on about some simple grammar that none of the other students seemed to get. When the bell for lunch finally rang, I gathered my things to leave. "Do you want to eat lunch together, Nagusa?" Tamaki asked. 

"No," I replied shortly. I didn't want to but I was probably going to be forced to anyway. I walked down the hallway as quickly as my little legs would allow me to. Tamaki was easily able to catch up to me. 


"Yeah, yeah," I sighed. "Alright, Let's go." He cheered and followed being me.

"Can I call you Naozane know since we are friends?" Tamaki asked. "Oh, we should hang out after school and on the weekends! Do you live in one of those gated communities? What are those like? How many siblings do you have? Do you know anyone else with different animal ears?" 

"Suoh, stop asking so many questions. I don't like in one of those communities and I haven't since I was younger. I have a total of two other siblings. Of course, I know other kemonomimi types," I replied. 

"But... can I call you Naozane?" He asked after a moment of silence. I began to shake my head. Mina trotted towards us and linked her arm with mine. 

"Why can't he? I thought you guys were friends now?" Mina asked and smiled at me. It wasn't a normal, sweet smile. It was one of those mischievous smiles she does. 

"We aren't friends. We are simply classmates," I replied and kept my eyes forward. 

"He's never going to stop calling you his friend, you know?" Kyoya hummed and stared at me. I glanced at him and grunted. My tail was flicking back and forth behind me. I felt Tamaki's hand brush up against my tail. 

"I swear, Tamaki. If you touch my tail, I won't talk to you anymore," I threatened. 

"He a-actually will. H-He didn't talk to me for three d-days when I did," Mina told him. She nervously chuckled and played with her hair. 

"You didn't just touch it; you pulled it," I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "How'd you like it if I pulled yours?" 

"I'm guessing your tails are very sensitive?" Kyoya asked. Mina grimaced and nodded. 

"It's like being hit in the crotch," I hummed and smirked. 

"Why are you being nicer to Kyoya than me!?" Tamaki whined. 

WC: 1067

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