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"Well, now that we know you have his medical records, we would like to ask you to keep his skin condition a secret," Mina stated. She set me down on the floor, and I sat at her feet.

"A deal could be arranged," Kyoya smirked. I growled and glared at him for a second.

"Well, how about we will keep Haruhi's secret a secret and you will keep his condition a secret?" She suggested then added, "We could still spread that rumor. If not Naozane, than me. He is in the club but I am not. You have no control over me, Kyoya Ootori." I shifted back and began laughing. Mina glared at me then turned back to the taller boy. "I have nothing to hide, Ootori," She stated with a proud smile.

"Your silence for mine," He nodded with an annoyed face. Kyoya walked away from us and Mina glared down at me.

"You owe me one," She said and left me there on the floor. "Come on, Zaney! We have to get home!~" I picked myself off the floor and grabbed my bag. After Mina forced me to say goodbye, we left the club room.


The next day when I entered the host club, I almost walked right out. If it wasn't for the twins, I would've left too. "Come on, Nagusa!" Hikaru said.

"You have to change too," Kaoru added. I looked at their outfits and immediately denied. The room was filled with tropical animals and plants.

"There's no way I am going to change into one of those," I scoffed and fought them off me. They began to chase me around. That's how I ended up underneath one of the couches as a cat.

"Naozane isn't changing," Kyoya's voice said from the outside. I poked my head out only to be swept up into Kaoru's arms.

"Aww, why not?" The twins complained in unison.

"Well, I don't have his measurements, and we came to an agreement," Kyoya frowned. His eyebrow twitched in annoyance.

"Sucker," I snickered.

"Like what?" Tamaki cut in. I changed forms while I was still in Kaoru's arms. My feet were flat on the floor, but he had his arms around me while my back was towards his chest. I pulled away from him and answered for Kyoya.

"The information isn't something we need to divulge on," I answered and chuckled. "Kyoya's being bitter because for once, he doesn't have the upper hand."

"Woah, really?!" The twins asked.

"Naozane!" Tamaki gasped. "I forgot. There was something that I wanted to ask you. Are we friends now?"

"Barely," I answered shortly.

"But Emina told me you said that you actually cared if we were friends or not," Tamaki replied with a smile. "You do care! You're just a cute little tsundere!!"

"Shut up, Tamaki!" I groaned and struggled in his arms. "Let me gooo!" I shouted. Mori-senpai approached us and pulled me out of his arms. I looked even smaller in his arms. Mori-senpai had to be at least a foot taller than me. "Um, you can put me down," I scoffed and crossed my arms over my chest.

"Naozane's all small and cute!" Tamaki gushed and squeezed my cheeks between his hands. I swatted his hands away and plopped into the sofa in the corner. How dare they touch me like that? We're all guy, and guys should keep their distance from other guys. It's wrong and inappropriate. A chibi version of my sister jumped into my lap.

"Why do you keep coming here?" I asked and looked away.

"I'm just making sure you're getting along. Why are you being a Mr. Grumpy pants?" She giggled.

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