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"You look really cute in your costume," one of the guests complimented. 

"Thanks," Naozane grunted. He crossed his arms over his chest and sent a glare to Kyoya. He adjusted the cat onesie he was forced to wear. "I still don't understand why I have to wear this. I already have my own cat ears and tail." 

After their time was up, Naozane went over to Kyoya. He placed his hands on his hips and glared at him. "Next time we have costumes, could you please try to find one made for nekos? The tail part is very uncomfortable." 

"I'll see, Naozane. Is there anything else you need?" Kyoya asked with a fake smile. Naozane rolled his eyes and walked back to his table. He sat there alone and scrolled through his phone. Emina sat beside him and rested her head on his shoulder. 

"You look pretty dumb with that on," she noted. 

"I know. It's not like I have a choice," Naozane replied. "It's all because of Kyoya." 

"Aww, your boyfriend made you wear this?"

"Yeah, but I told him if he didn't I'd be nice. That means I can be as mean as I want," Nao said and smirked.

"Okay, but everything is okay, right?" Mina asked.

"Yeah. You don't need to worry about us, Mina. Kyoya and I can get along well, and if we have problems we can work it out like mature adults," Naozane sighed.  "So, stop worrying and stop watching us when we speak to each other." 

"Alright, alright. I'm just making sure," Emina replied. "I want you to be happy, Nao." 

Kyoya stood in front of Naozane. The two were standing there silently for a couple seconds. "You look adorable," Kyoya teased. Naozane slightly glared and crossed his arms over his chest. Kyoya leaned down to peck his lips, but Nao stopped him. 

"I'm angry with you at the moment," Naozane huffed. He tilted his head away from Kyoya to put distance between their lips. "Maybe next time, I shouldn't have to wear a costume like this one. I'm already a neko; I look dumb." 

"You're adorable, Naozane. Will you just kiss me?" Kyoya rolled his eyes. The neko shook his head. Kyoya let out an annoyed breath and pinned him against the wall. "Naozane, are you really upset over this?" 

"Not entirely. I'm sort of bored too," The shorter of the two answered. "I wanted to see how far I could take this before you got annoyed." Kyoya rolled his eyes again and leaned in to kiss him. Naozane moved his head to the side and shook his head. 

"Naozane," Kyoya huffed. "Why are you being so difficult?" 

"You're my boyfriend, correct?" Naozane replied. Kyoya nodded in response. His hands moved up his torso and chest. They stopped on his shoulders and snakes around his neck.

Nao's POV~

I just want to be close to him but not too close. I want him to want me more than he already does. I know I shouldn't mess with him, but I can't help it. I feel like I can be myself around him. "I like to mess with you, you know?" I whispered. I placed a gentle kiss on his lips. "You should've known what you were getting into." 

"I know perfectly well," Kyoya retorted. "You can be difficult and hard to read at times. You can be mischevious, you like to mess with people. Only with people you trust. You wrap your tail around someone that your beginning to trust. Just like how you did to my wrist earlier." 

"You know me so well, I think I hate it," I hummed as a puzzled look spread across my face. 

"You don't hate it," Kyoya whispered. He pressed his lips against my forehead. I rolled my eyes and gently pushed him away. 

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