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We were going to the beach... again. I don't know why, but it was the twin's idea. Luckily, this time, there wasn't going to any guests there with us. We all got into the Limo that was driving us to Kyoya's beach house. The ride was as ordinary it could be for this group.

The twins said suggestive things about Haruhi, Tamaki scolded them, and Haruhi was done with everything. Mori sat and listened silently, and Honey hummed to himself childishly. Emina was lightly snoring with her head leaned against the window. Everything was normal. My eyes began wandering to the male sitting beside me. He had his head in his notebook. Kyoya glanced at me but stayed soundless. "Kyoya," I whispered. I leaned on his shoulder to look at his notebook. He moved it away, and I gave him a curious look. "What are you up to?"

"It's none of your concern," Kyoya answered quietly. I narrowed my eyes at him and leaned closer to him. My tail wrapped around his right hand, and I crossed my arm over my chest.

"Fine. Don't tell me then," I replied. Kyoya let out a grunt and picked his notebook back up. He tried to move his right hand away, but I kept my tail wrapped around it.

"Naozane," Kyoya huffed and turned to me. He began glaring at me, so I glared back. I could feel the others watching, but I didn't care. It's not like we were having a real argument anyway. "What do you want, Naozane?" I don't think I like it when he calls me by my first name... I prefer Kitten.

"You know what I want. Don't make me say it," I grumbled back. I moved my eyes towards the floor. Kyoya rolled his eyes but wrapped his arm around me anyway.

"Of course, Kitten," Kyoye whispered quietly. I leaned into his side and played with the end of my tail which was not holding onto him anymore.

"Don't you understand it's annoying when you guys are constantly watching us?" I snapped at the watching eyes.

"We-we thought you were going to..." Tamaki trailed off. I dropped my tail onto my lap and sent a half-assed glare at Tamaki.

"We are perfectly capable of working out our problems on our own without arguing. Kyoya and I are mature enough to know how to talk things out," I stated through slightly gritted teeth. Kyoya's arm tightened around my waist. He was trying to keep me calm. I let out an annoyed breath and turned to look out the window. By the looks of it, we were almost there.

"Do you like the beach, Nao-chan?" Honey-senpai asked and smiled innocently.

"I don't like the sand," I replied and shrugged. "I don't like being under the sun for too long either."

"Oh... I bet there's at least one thing you like about the beach..." Honey giggled awkwardly and turned away.

"You're so negative," Hikaru and Kaoru said in unison, and I rolled my eyes. The two smirked and began asking Kyoya questions. "Is he secretly cuddly and sweet, Kyoya? Does he like to act like a baby? How submissive id he?" The two twins snickered. I glared at them then at Kyoya to see his response. There was a clear smirk on his face.

"Kyoya," I grunted and glared at him in a warning way. He didn't speak. Instead, Kyoya leaned in and kissed my forehead. I turned away and crossed my arms over my chest. I could feel my cheeks warm up, and my ears were pressed against my forehead.

"Aww, so you're not going to answer?" The twins snickered and complained.

"No," Kyoya answered vaguely. I could feel his eyes were still on me for the rest of the short distance we had left. Occasionally, I would look back at him to glare. He only hugged me tighter when I did that.

Almost as soon as we got there, the others were playing near the shore. The staff members were bringing all of our bags into the house. I grabbed Kyoya's arm and dragged him into the house. "Kitten, what are you doing...?" Kyoya asked as I took my shirt off. His eyes scanned the naked skin.

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