And Without You I'm Hopeless

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I know you won't respond to this letter, but that's ok. I wanted to let you know that I really like you, I think your beautiful, and I'm writing this letter to you because in reality I know I can't have you. Brothers policy. Chris is a good guy and he looks after you but he's too over protective and wouldn't let us date if we ever tried. Not that you would date me anyways.

I'm sorry this letter is getting too long, and your probably sick of reading this and thinking 'who is this loser?'

I apologize  for wasting your time...

Have a nice day and who knows, maybe I'll see you soon~

That was the first letter I ever wrote to her.

I put the letter in her mailbox and walked back home. Which was a long walk, but it was worth it.

And Without You, I'm Hopeless  - Ricky HorrorWhere stories live. Discover now