Out Like A Light

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Ashley's POV

We walked about three feet before...

Oh shit. The lights went out

"What happened to the lights?" Ricky asked. Jessica was holding on tightly to my arm.

"Jess calm down, it's alright." I heard her breathing increase. That's not good at all. "Do you have any flash lights or anything?"he asked clearly unaware of Jessica's state.

"I think I'm gonna have a panic attach Ash." she whispered. "It's alright Jess I've got you, your. It gonna have a panic attack. We'll turn the lights back on and it'll be okay." I whispered back.

"Ashley?" Ricky called out. "Sorry Rick, there in the kitchen. Second draw on the left of the sink." I replied. "Thanks."

Suddenly I felt Jessica grab on to my arm tighter. "Your going to be just fine Jess, hold on a little longer." I exclaimed. "I can't." she choked out and then passed out. I held her up for a few seconds before I couldn't anymore.

"Ricky!" I yelled panicked. "Whats going on?" he yelled back. "Jessica just passed out!" I replied. "Shit, Ash. Hold on!" I heard footsteps running across the hard wood floors. A light aiming at us in the process.

Ricky got to is no time, and then helped me move Jessica to the couch. "Jess, baby?" he whispered into her hair. "Come on, it's alright. You can wake up now." I felt so bad at this moment. If I only...

My thoughts were cut off by Ricky. "I completely forgot that she gets panic attacks. I should've known it could've happened. I'm so stupid." he mumbled to himself.

"Your not stupid Ricky, how could you have known she was going to have one today?" I questioned. He didn't answer. "Exactly my point, now help me get her to the car. She needs to be home resting and not on my couch." He nodded. "Take good care of her Ricky." I invested a lot of trust in him that moment.

"I'm the one marrying her remember? I think I can take care of her." I chuckled. "Right, just be careful." now he chuckled a bit. "Look where that got us last time I was told that." We both just looked over at Jessica's sleeping or rather passed out figure. I have to admit, she truly was beautiful.

Her hair was a raven black like Chris's, although both of their color was fake. Not natural at all. And her eyes were a really pretty golden. Prettier than Chris's. Wow I just called my boyfriend pretty. Anyways, she had a full sleeve of tattoos but you couldn't see it through her jacket since it was October it was typical weather for a jacket.

She had a lip ring on the left side of her lips and a nose ring on the right. I never really observed her until this day. like truly looked at her. Through her personality and into her beauty, her actual being.

"You've got a keeper Rick." I blurted. "I know, I went through hell and back for her. And I'll keep fighting my way through the demons for her love."

And Without You, I'm Hopeless  - Ricky HorrorWhere stories live. Discover now