The First Letter

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Jessica's POV

I walked downstairs after a nice shower into the kitchen, and made myself a steaming cup of coffee.

I looked out the window as I was sipping on the hot liquid before putting it down and slipping on a pair of sneakers so I could make my way outside.

"Where are you going?" My older brother Chris asked as I was about to grab the door handle. I jumped backwards and gasped in shock. "Thanks for making me almost shit my pants asshole." Chris just laughed at my outburst.

I grabbed my almost forgotten cigarettes and then proceeded outside without any interruptions this time.

As I walked around the house and made my way into the backyard, I took my usual spot under the big oak tree. This was my spot, I came here to think and just relax at times.

I took a cigarette out of its box and lit it. I put the 'cancer stick' as Chris calls it into my mouth and inhaled it's sweet toxins.

"Why do you smoke those things? They're so bad for you!" Chris yelled from the window. I swear he says this every time I smoke. "Leave me alone!" I yelled back at him.

"Seriously, Jess! You, Ricky and Ryan all need to quit that! I care about all of you a lot and you don't need to die young!" To make him happy, I put out my cigarette and then got up from my spot. There was no point in enjoying my morning when Chris just ruined it with his 'anti-smoking lecture' for the thousandth time.

I took the long way into the house and saw that the mailman was at our neighbors house. I just stood in front of our mailbox like a creep while waiting for them to give me my mail.

While I was waiting, I must have zoned out. I think I was staring at the squirrels or something. Anyways, like I said I must have zoned out because when I snapped back into the real world, they already passed my house.

I reached into the mailbox and pulled out all of the contents. There were bills, more bills, a hot topic catalogue, even more bills, and a letter? With my name on it?

I decided to go back into the house before I opened the letter. "Here, Chris." I said as I put all of the stuff in front of him. "A Hot Topic catalogue!" He squealed like a child. I just shook my head. He's 27 years old and still acts like a child.

I then bolted up the stairs so I could read this mystery letter.

When I got into my room, I opened it up and just sat there reading it over to myself thinking about who would send this.


I know you won't respond to this letter, but that's ok. I wanted to let you know that I really like you, I think you're beautiful, and I'm writing this letter to you because in reality I know I can't have you. Brothers policy. Chris is a good guy and he looks after you but he's too over protective and wouldn't let us date if we ever tried. Not that you would date me anyways.

I'm sorry this letter is getting too long, and your probably sick of reading this and thinking 'who is this loser?'

I apologize for wasting your time...

Have a nice day and who knows, maybe I'll see you soon~

There were three things flowing through my mind at this very moment.

1: who sent me this letter?

2: should I write them back?

3: what do they mean by see you soon?

I made up my mind on number 2 and decided to reply. There was a return address on the envelope, but I didn't recognize it.

Dear mystery admirer,

I don't know who you are, or where you are at this very moment, which I'm hoping is not stalking me haha. I think it's very sweet that you like me and all. I'm very suspicious on you are though because you mentioned that you know my brother and his little rule. The only ones he won't let me date are his friends and band members.

If you're one of his friends though, that could be anyone. He has quite a few friends, and the chances of you being in his band are very little. I mean it would be nice to think that one of them like me because I like one of them too, but that's besides the point.

Anyways, I appreciate you writing to me, it makes you a unique person and I adore that in a guy. You never know, you may have a chance with me. Fuck what my brother said.

Don't tell him I said that!

I wish you as well a good day and I hope to see you soon too!

Ps. you're not a waste of my time, I would really enjoy writing back to you.


I walked back outside and put the letter in the mailbox and waited for the next letter. When I walked back into the house, Chris was standing there looking all bored. "What's wrong with you?" I asked. "I'm bored." Chris whined. "Then call Ricky over or something!" I blurted.

"You just wanna see your boy toy." Chris said making me annoyed. "How many times do we have to go over this! Ricky is not my boy toy! You of all people should know that, I mean after all it's not my fault my brother is a protective asshole who won't let me even tell Ricky that I have feelings for him!" I took a breath and continued.

"According to you, it won't work out or he'll hurt me, or I'll destroy your band! You know what Chris? What if it did work out but I would never get to find out because you're being such a selfish little kid and won't have some respect for me! I am a grown woman and you can't tell me what to do!" I snapped.

I felt like I had just gotten this huge weight lifted off of my shoulders. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you Jess, but what if it doesn't work out and you really do get hurt or my band is destroyed because I'd kick Ricky's ass for hurting you." The tone in his voice was very sad yet authoritative.

"Don't be sad Chris, you don't deserve my pity, you did this to yourself. What did you expect me to do? Act like I feel nothing for him? I can't help it. You just can't help love." I remarked before walking back up to my room and locking myself in there for the rest of the night.

Why does my life have to be so complicated? I've never felt anything like what I feel for Ricky, and Chris won't let me have the only thing I want.

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