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Jessica's POV

I've let another week slip from my grasp as I thought about what to say to Ricky. I at least needed to apologize even if he didn't want to get back together.

"Jess!" Chris called from the kitchen. "What!" I shouted back. "I'm leaving for band practice, so I'm leaving you with Ashley!" He replied. "Alright see you later." I mumbled to myself as I heard the door close behind him.

"Hey girl!" Ashely said happily. "What's with the pep?" I questioned. "Well, I'm going to take you out today, so you can relieve some of that stress and depression your under right now. Look Jess, I know you love Ricky with all of your heart and it's sad that you broke up and all, but you need to forget about that for the moment and have some fun for like the first time this month. Then maybe I'll take you to see him later. Chris told me that ever since you've broken up he hasn't been the same. He misses you too Jess." Ashley stated. Wow.

"I do miss him, and I know you want me to have fun but I can't do that until I figure out how to fix shit with Ricky first." I replied. "Alright then I'm taking you to see him right now." Ashely grabbed my arm and began pulling me towards the door.

"It's too soon" I thought to myself. He'll never forgive me this soon.

No later than twenty minutes later and we arrived at Ryan's house for practice.

"I can't do this Ashley." I said starting to shake. "Calm down your little hormonal self and just do this for yourself. Do this for your relationship. Fix the fucked up past and continue with your lives no matter what happens." She replied, her words full of wisdom.

"I can do this." I told myself over and over in my head.

I can do this.

I opened the car door and the cold air hit my face turning it a shade of pink. I put my hands in my pockets for warmth and began my way up the steps. I knew he was here, because practice started almost forty minutes ago, and Ricky was never late for anything.

I reached for the door bell and pressed it making a noise erupt from it.

I held on to Ashley like my life depended on it, but really I was trying to keep my knees from buckling with nervousness.

Suddenly the door opened and I saw Chris's face behind it. "God damn it I thought you were the pizza guy." Chris whined. "Shut up. Is Ricky here?" I asked my voice crackling from the cold. "Yeah, want me to go get him?" he asked. "No, I want you to let us in first then you can go get him." I replied.

"Oh right, then come in." He held the door open for Ashley and I then closed it behind us.

"Chris, we need to start practice now." I heard Ryan say as we entered the living room. "Right, girls just stay here until we're done." I saw Ricky get up off of the couch, his head hanging low and follow the guys to the practice area.

"Wait!" I blurted which caused everyone to stop and look at me. Including Ricky. "I need to have a couple words with Ricky first and the he's all yours." I looked at Chris with pleading eyes hoping he would understand. And sure enough he understood.

"Well, we'll be waiting you know where to find us Rick." Chris said as they turned around and started leaving once more. Now it was just Ash, Ricky and I.

"I'll leave you guys alone for a little bit." Ashley said and left in the same direction the guys did.

"Ricky..." I started. "Why are you here Jess?" he interrupted. "I wanted to...."

"To apologize?" he finished my sentence. I nodded my head. "Look, I'm sorry for being a bitch. You know I didn't mean that. I was just jealous." my face was turning red with embarrassment.

"I know." was all Ricky replied with.

"I'm sorry." I repeated. "I'm so sorry Ricky." I felt hot tears roll down my cheeks. "Stop crying Jess, your too good for that." I smiled and wiped some tears, but they somehow kept falling. "I love you." I choked out. "I know." he said.

"I've missed you, you know." I chuckled. "Same here, love, same here." He held his arms out and I jumped into them without hesitation.

"Jessica?" Ricky started. "Yeah?" I replied. "I love you so much, I have since the day I first saw you. You mean the world to me and I would never be able to forgive myself if I never forgave you today. I can't picture my life without you. Your my heart and soul, and so is our little creature." he chuckled. "I love you so much babe, I just love you so damn much. And I haven't slept in days. I woke up in the middle of the night for the last two weeks hoping it was a bad dream, that you weren't there. But I was wrong, and I just want you to know that I'm nothing without you."

That's when the waterworks really flowed. "I didn't think it was possible to love someone this much until I met you." Ricky finished.

"I love you so much." I kissed him passionately.

"Does this mean that you'll still marry me?" I asked hopeful. "You know I still wear the ring everyday." I added. He nodded and smiled wide. "Good, because I wouldn't dream of marrying anyone else other than you." I stated happily.

"Your mine, and no one else's, so I would hope you wouldn't dream of it." I laughed. "And your mine so your the only one I've ever dreamed of."

And Without You, I'm Hopeless  - Ricky HorrorWhere stories live. Discover now