Don't Say A Word

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Chris's POV

I got home at about 12 in the afternoon and all of the lights were off. Jess never gets up this late so I automatically assumed something was wrong.

When I walked through the kitchen however, I found a note on the counter.


I know your wondering where the fuck I am. Well don't worry about me, I'm at a friends house and I don't know when I'll be back. I'm going to be living with them for a while and I wish you well. I'm hoping you won't try to find me, because that's the last thing I want right now. So please do not come for me. I love you Chris, I really do so please take care of yourself and everyone else for me.


I can't believe this is true. Why would she just run off like that? And who is she living with? It better not be Ricky.

I dialed Jessica's number and waited for her to answer.

It rang once

Then again

And again

And again

All without an answer. Why is she doing this? It's ridiculous.

Then I decided to call Ricky. I swear to Satan she better not be over his fucking house right now.

"Hey Chris what's up?" Ricky answered after the third ring. "Is Jess with you?" I asked bluntly. "No, why would you ask that?" He replied. "Don't lie to me Rick, she just left me a note saying she was staying with a friend and that she didn't want me to come find her." I said getting worried. "I'm not lying to you, I swear on my life that she's not here right now. If she was I would've told you a while ago when I got home." he said with worry now evident in his voice. "I'll let you go, I'm going to call the rest of the guys and see if they've heard anything.

After I called everyone, I still had no idea where she was. They all told me that they didn't know anything about this.

Where the fuck are you Jessica?!

And more importantly why are you doing this?!

Ryan Ashley's POV

"You swear on your own grave that you won't say anything!" I asked once more. "I swear Ry, now just tell me what's so important." He asked persistently. "Okay, so something happened to Jessica while you guys were gone and she ended up leaving and now she's living with someone else." I said quickly. "What happened?" Josh asked. "I'm not entitled to say that" I replied. "Then where is she?" he asked. "She's staying with Franccesca in California. And she doesn't know when she's coming back either. But Jess did say that she was coming back sometime in the future." I stated. "Is the reason she left that bad?" I nodded my head no. "It's not bad at all Josh, but you'd have to understand why she left and quite honestly of I were in her position I would've left too." We were interrupted by Josh's phone ringing.

He left the room and came back a few minutes later.

"Who was that?" I asked curiously. "It was Chris. He wanted to know if we knew anything about what happened to Jessica." I hope he didn't say anything. "What did you say?" I wondered out loud. "I said that I had no clue and then just hung up." he replied. Good, he doesn't need to tell anyone anything about this.

"Remember Josh, don't tell anyone! Especially Ricky and Chris!" I confirmed. "Yes ma'am." he replied with a little salute. "Don't call me ma'am it's weird." I said scrunching up my nose. Josh laughed and then kissed the top of my head. "I love you Ry." he said. "I love you too Josh."

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