Forgive Forget And Keep This Secret

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Jessica's POV

When we got to Ricky's, I let myself out of the car and up the walkway to his front door. Ricky unlocked the door quickly and turned the lights on as we walked in.

"What did you want to talk about, I mean I have a pretty good idea, but enlighten me anyway." He said encouraging me to speak. "Well, I want to talk about the party." I confessed. Ricky let out a sigh. "Jess, I wasn't really drunk."

"What?!" I was shocked. "I was never drunk, I just wanted an excuse to kiss you. I really like you Jessica, a lot." Ricky replied. "So you did that to kiss me because you like me?" I repeated. He nodded his head yes. "So when you asked me to be your girlfriend did you really mean it or....?" I trailed off. "If you want me to mean it Jess, then yes." He said looking down. "Are you still searching for my answer?" I asked curiously. "I mean, only if you want to give me one."

"The yes, my answer is obviously yes." I smiled. "Does this mean you forgive me?" Ricky wondered. I nodded my head. "Of course I forgive you. Only if you ask me to be your girlfriend again however" I smiled.

"Jessica, will you do me the honor of being your boyfriend?" Ricky held out his hand and took mine holding it gently as if I were some porcelain doll. "I'd love to be your girlfriend."

Suddenly, Ricky began pulling something out of his jacket. "I meant to drop this off at your house later, but since I have you I don't think these are necessary any more." he said handing me a piece of paper. It read:


I haven't heard from you in a while and honestly these days have been rough on me. I guess I just need someone to talk to. So, where do I begin. I'll just start with the fact that I've made some really big mistakes lately and I know that it's going to take a lot to make amends with this person I've made upset. I just hope they can see that I'm truly sorry and I did what I did for a good reason. Also, I've needed some guidance in my life on what exactly to do withy life. My head is spinning around all of these possibilities that could happen to me if I do what I've wanted to do for a while, which I can't quite tell you because it's a complicated matter. And I'm guessing it wouldn't end well, so I'm kind if debating if I even still want to do it.

Anyways, take care and I hope to see you soon.

P.S. I still can't believe you haven't figured it out yet.

~your secret admirer ;)

I can't believe I didn't see this. It's quite obvious. I just looked over at Ricky and smiled. "I should've seen that it was you!" I laughed. How could I have been so oblivious.

I walked over to Ricky and put my hands around his neck and buried my face into his chest. "You smell good." I mumbled. "Thanks?" he replied with more of a question. I pulled away with my hands still around his neck and stared into his eyes. He was staring back into mine.

Slowly, we both started to lean in and soon our lips pressed together hungrily. He picked me up so my legs wrapped around his waist and brought us to his bedroom.

Ricky placed me on his bed gently and hovered over me. I slammed my lips to his once more.

Quickly, things got heated and I found myself wanting more. I tugged at the hem of Ricky's shirt and he got the message. I slipped it over his head. "Are you sure?" It was too late to turn back now. "Im sure, now shut up and kiss me." I smiled. He placed his hands on both sides of my face and kissed me softly this time before taking off my dress. Slowly, his hands wandered down my midsection and stopped at my hips toying with the hem of my underwear. He pulled them down caressing my legs as he went down, and then tossed my underwear somewhere on the floor.

I then unbuttoned his pants and his breath increased. "Your finally mine." He smiled and kissed me like it was our last time. Surely it wasn't, but it was just so passionate.

After we were done, and left panting and out of breath, I pulled the covers over my body and laid there staring into the dark. I looked over at Ricky and he was looking back.

"Be still my love, for we can not be seen." he quoted one of Motionless's songs, Whatever You Do Don't Press The Red Button.

Although he quoted a song, I knew what he meant. Be careful around Chris, he can't know about this. About our relationship.

And Without You, I'm Hopeless  - Ricky HorrorWhere stories live. Discover now