The Plan Is Put In Place

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Ricky's POV

I hope to god that Ashley hadn't heard a word we were saying. I don't need her running off and telling Chris about this. That's the last thing I need.

"What? Did you see a ghost or something Rick?" Ashley chuckled. I shook my head and swallowed the large lump that was just sitting in my throat. "Come on in." I said fumbling with my fingers. "Are you sure you're alright? You look kind of sick." Ashley replied. I nodded. I then moved out of the way and allowed her to go into the living room where everyone else was talking.

"Hey Ashley!" Allie greeted. "Hi Al!." She replied. "So um, what brings you here Ash?" I asked curiously. "We can talk about that later, for now I need to talk to the girls alone." She replied while turning to look at them. I just nodded and walked over to where Ryan and Balz were to join their conversation.

Ashley's POV

"Hey, I may have an idea that might just work. And it will make things happen soon. Like tomorrow night soon." I grinned. "What's the plan?" Allie asked.

"So what we're going to do is partner up, like all of us girls and then all of the guys. Us girls are going to get a whole bunch of information from Jess, and the guys get a whole bunch of information from Ricky. We are going to use that information to write clues that will draw them to each other. This would be tomorrow night through dinner of course. And then, we are going to tell them that we've set them up on a blind date. So all of you set up the date and I'll get the info. Allie, fill in Ryan and get him to get the information out of Ricky and tell the rest of the guys to help you set up the date. Oh! and do not, I repeat, do. not. Whatever you do, don't tell Ricky, Jessica and most importantly, do not tell Chris about any of this. He doesn't approve of her dating any of his friends." I said.

"So what's the info going to be about?" Kelly, Angelo's girlfriend asked. "The information is going to be about each other. So tell Ryan that he needs to collect any information about Jessica that Ricky is willing to offer. And by information, I mean things that he likes about her." Allie nodded and then walked over to Ryan. She pulled him off to the side where I saw him nod his head a mile a minute and then he approached Angelo.

Step one is complete.

"I'm going to grab Jessica's stuff and her car so I can return it to her. She wasn't in the mood to come over and get it. Lucky me found you guys here so it worked out perfectly." I chuckled. "Bye everyone!" I waved and then turned on my heels to collect all of Jessica's stuff.

Once I was done, I asked Ricky for Jessica's keys and then took her belongings back to her house. And the funny part of this, is that Chris never even knew about her staying a Ricky's. I know he doesn't. After what Rick did, Chris would of definitely kicked his ass for this too.

Ricky's POV

"Hey Rick?" Ryan asked as he approached me in the middle of my smoke. "Yeah?" I replied while Ryan was now lighting a cigarette of his own. "Tell me what you find so special about Jessica? I mean, you can have any girl you want, but the one you can't have you want the most." He said. I took a drag of my cigarette before answering his question. I'll give him some credit for this question, I've never really thought about it until now.

"Well, to tell you the truth I've never thought about it until now. But I guess I just have to say that it's her beauty and her great personality that capture my attention. The way she views life and the way she expresses herself attract me. I don't know why, but I guess I like the challenge she offers me." I replied.

"So..." Ryan trailed off. "What do you like about her the most?" He finished. "Her gorgeous green eyes and how she's like a girl version of me. Except it's a totally different person who has boobs and a nice ass." I smiled.

"You have a nice ass too Rick, so your point is invalid." Ryan said seriously. "Thanks?" I laughed. "No problem buddy!" He said as he slapped my ass and walked away with the cigarette hanging from his mouth. He better not bring that into my house.

I finished my cigarette and then proceeded back to my house where everyone were still hanging out. Seriously they've been here almost all day.

And Without You, I'm Hopeless  - Ricky HorrorWhere stories live. Discover now