More Plans Arise

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Ricky's POV

I woke up the next morning, wishing that I would see Jessica's cute little face when I walk down those steps, but we all know that's not going to happen. She went home last night pissed as fuck at me and now I need to create a plan to fix all of this mess. Maybe Ryan Ashley can help me out.

Ricky: Hey! I wanted to know if you'd like to meet me at my house. Bring Balz with you.

Ryan Ashley: Sure, is it important?

Ricky: I guess....

Ryan Ashley: Is this about Jessica?

Ricky: Yup

Ryan Ashley: Alright, give us twenty minutes

I put my phone back in my pocket and waited for Ryan and Balz.

Half an hour later they still never showed up. What the hell was taking so long?

I yawned suddenly feeling exhausted so I decided to go back to bed. I had a feeling that they weren't going to arrive any time soon. After another ten minutes, sleep consumed me.

"Wake up Rick!" I heard someone whisper in my ear. "Go away" I mumbled. "If you want to get with your lady friend, then you need to wake up. Now." They said. I opened my eyes, and it was Allie. What the hell? Why was she in my house.

"Why are you in my house Allie?" I asked. "Because we all want to help you." She said with a tone that screamed DUH! "Alright?" I said hesitantly. I told all of them except Chris, obviously, so I mean I guess it's okay if they help me too. Right? Let's just say yes.

I was already dressed so I just followed behind Allie all the way downstairs into the living room after slowly getting out of my bed.

"So! Let's tell him the plan guys!" Allie shouted over everyone. "I'll do it." Balz volunteered. Allie shook her head in approval and Balz told me the plan. It was really good! This will for sure win her over. I think that Jess will forgive me for what I did after this.

Maybe she's mad because she doesn't feel the same way and I'm ruining our friendship.

It never hurts to try anything though. Maybe she'll give me a shot after all.

Suddenly we were all caught off guard by a knock at the door. I gave everyone a look of confusion before actually finding out who it was. And I was hoping that they didn't hear what was going on. I'm screwed if they did.

Jessica's POV

I was about to get out of the car twenty minutes later with tears still pouring out of my eyes, but Chris locked the door on me. "Open the god damn door!" I yelled as I pounded on the dashboard.

"Jess, please tell me what's wrong. What happened back at Allie and Ryan's house." Chris pleaded. "I'm not telling you, now open the door." I replied. "No, I will not open the door."

"Tell me. Now." He demanded. I laughed bitterly. "You want to know what the fuck happened back there?! I'll tell you what happened! Your asshole guitarist was drunk and kissed me. Again!" I shouted. Chris gave me a glare of disgust and then just got out of the car. I don't think he approves of Ricky kissing me. Scratch that. I know that he doesn't approve, and that's what pissed me off the most. That's why I wanted to keep my mouth shut.

Poor Ashley was in the back seat witnessing all of this. I turned so I was facing her and wiped all of the tears from my eyes. "You can stay if you'd like. For the night I mean." I offered. She gave me a sad smile.

I then proceeded to get out of the car and walk to the house to show Ashley where she'd be sleeping for the night. Which was Chris's room. But she didn't know that.

When I finished setting up Ashley's arrangements for the night, I made my way to my room and fell asleep thinking about how much I hated what Ricky did to me. He tosses my feelings around like a rag doll. But at the same time I can't be mad at him if he's drunk and doesn't know what the hell he's saying. Ugh! That man is just too much to handle.

Suddenly sleep consumed me and I fell asleep with tears still in my eyes.

Ashley's POV

Jess had set me up a place to sleep in this really nice room. It was painted a dark purple and had accents of black and dark reds. The bed that I was sleeping on was black as was the blankets that were spread across it. I took in my surroundings before making myself comfy in the bed. This room was certainly well furnished for a guest room.

After I made myself comfy, I turned off the light and just layed in the unfamiliar bed feeling relaxed and kind of awkward as this were a new feeling of sleeping in a bed other then mine. Somehow it felt right.

Suddenly, the door creaked open and the light turned on. It was Chris. "What the hell!" He shouted sounding scared.

"What?" I questioned. "Why are you in my room?" He asked. "Well um, Jess told me to sleep in here." I said confused. Chris shrugged his shoulders. "That's fine with me." I chuckled and my cheeks turned bright red. Chris then turned the lights off and climbed into bed with me.

When I woke up, I saw a pad of paper and a pencil on the night stand next to the bed.


Thanks for letting me sleep here last night, but unfortunately I've gotta go. You have my number ;) text me soon.

Ashley <3

I didn't need to change since I had no clothes, so I just left. I sat on the front porch and called a cab to come get me though because I left my car at Ryan and Allie's last night.

About fifteen minutes wait and the cab finally showed up. I got my car back just as soon and then made my way to Ricky's house. I needed to go pay him a visit. Something about my friend Jessica was what I needed to talk to about.

I had my plan to get them together already flowing.

I parked my car out on the street in front of Ricky's house. There was no space in his driveway considering that there were a lot of cars parked there already. He had company? Actually, I recognized one of the cars. I remember seeing it last night at the party. Good, it wasn't just any company, they were good friends that I could rely on for help with this.

I knocked on the front door after making my way up the driveway. The door opened to a really pale looking Ricky. "What? Did you see a ghost or something Rick?" I asked. He shook his head no and swallowed a lump in his throat. What's got the cats tongue?

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