Who Is She?

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Jessica's POV

Ricky never talked about a Max. Strange. But whoever she was, she seemed important to him.

Suddenly I felt a surge of jealousy as she hugged him. He smiled as was she. Did he cheat on me with her? But Ricky wouldn't do that would he?

That's when I saw it. His key necklace dangling around her neck. I felt my heart break. Ricky wouldn't have just given that to anybody. Max had to have been important to him.

I turned around and looked at the ground as I walked away. As I was walking I happened to bump into someone. "I'm sorry..." I started to say. "Oh it's only you." I looked back at the ground. "It's totally fine Jess, now what's wrong, I can tell there is something bothering you." Ryan replied.

"Who's this Max girl?" I sighed, my eyes full of curiosity and at the moment betrayal. "She's a really good friend of ours, we actually met her at warped." Yeah a 'really good friend'. I thought to myself. "Oh." I choked out. It was lame to reply with that, but it was all I could muster.

"Are you alright Jessica?" Ryan asked concerned. "I'm fine." I mumbled and I walked as fast as I could to my old room.

Luckily, my bed and all the rest of my stuff I had left behind were still in here. I thought Chris would've thrown it out or something.

Anyways, I got in my bed and just laid under the covers trying to hide my soft cries. I can't believe Ricky did this to me. And I can't believe Chris was right.

He hurt me and mine of them told me. What friends they were. Especially my own brother I trusted him enough to tell me everything. Why would he keep this a secret? At least this of all things.

Was this some kind of cruel joke. I was hoping that was the case. Although I'd still be pretty pissed.

I spent a whole hour and a half thinking about all of this nonsense when there was a soft knock on my door. I threw the blanket completely over my body quite quickly. I didn't need anyone seeing me like this.

Ricky's POV

I spent a few hours catching up with Max and Jinxx, her boyfriend. Yes, Jinxx from Black Veil Brides. Those two are just the cutest. I remember at warped when they just remind me of Jess. At the time I wasn't with her, but I made it official when we played the Scranton show. That night was the last night I saw her before she ran away.

Of course Motionless had to finish warped so I never had the chance to look for her until it was over. And trust me those were the longest weeks of my life. But Max got me through the rough times.

I also remember on her birthday how I surprised her with my key necklace and HIM tickets. She loved them.

Or the first time we met. That was a great memory too. I mean, almost every memory with her was. But being with Jess has been better. Jessica has been there for me since I joined Motionless. I also remember the first time we met.


"Hey Ricky, right?" Josh asked with a bit of an eye roll and an attitude. "Yeah and you're Josh?" I replied. "Chris has told me a lot about you." He laughed. "It better have been good things." He shook my hand quickly and then walked away.

What was his problem? I followed him into a living room, where I'm guessing that the rest of the band was. I mean who else were all of these guys?

"The new bassist is here." Josh said very monotonously. All of their head snapped in my direction and I instantly exchanged a glance with the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. But of course she must be someone's girlfriend, I mean how can she not have one? Especially with all of these guys being here.

"Hey Ricky, let me introduce you to the rest of the band." Chris spoke. He snapped me out of my thoughts pretty quickly. I looked around the room and waved at everyone.

"So this is TJ, Ryan and Angelo." I waved. "Hey." TJ said with a smile. "I play guitar, Ryan plays guitar, he just joined the band not too long ago so your not the only new one." TJ chuckled. "Sup." Ryan mumbled. I just smiled at him too. "And Angelo over here plays the drums." TJ finished. "Sweet." I replied. I didn't really have many things to say here I was quite nervous.

"This is Josh, but we call him Balz, and my sister Jessica." Chris finished. I waved at Josh even though I already met him at the door, and he just stared at me. I moved my gaze from him to Jessica. Of course it had to be Chris's sister right? Just my luck. "Hey." I mumbled my cheeks probably flushing a bright pink.

And ever since then she's been my best friend. We ended up bonding over The Nightmare Before Christmas as that was my favorite movie at the time as well as hers.

"Ricky!" Max shouted breaking me from my thought. "What?" I questioned. "You zoned out for quite a while there, what happened?" She wondered. "I was thinking." She smiled. "About Jess? Don't deny it cause I can tell." I laughed. "Anyways, Chris was looking for you." I nodded. Why was Chris looking for me?

I got up off of the couch and walked around Chris's house looking for him.

"Looking for me?" someone said behind me causing me to jump slightly.

I turned around to find Chris looking down at me. "Actually yes. Max told me you were looking for me." He nodded. "I was wondering if you've seen Jessica?" Now that I think of it I haven't. "No, I haven't seen her since I got here." I replied truthfully. "Do you know where she is?" I asked. "No, but I'm gonna go look for her, why don't you start in the back yard and I'll start upstairs?" Chris offered. "Yeah."

With that I walked out the back door and into the backyard. Of course stupid me left my jacket inside and it was freezing.

Read KloeLee6 story The Wild One to read more about Max and how she and Ricky/ MIW met her and stuff

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