Cooling Off

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Two Days Later~

Chris's POV

"I can't believe my little sister is pregnant with Ricky's child. And not to mention their engaged too!" I vented to Ashley. She sighed. "Chris, I think it's time you go home and apologize to her, you've been here for two whole days." I knew she was right, I completely understand why Ricky proposed to her. So he could make things right with Jess. And I knew that I was just overreacting. My sister did make her relationship with Rick work and now I was just being an ass. "Fine, I'll go to Ricky's and apologize to my sister." Ashley smiled. "I'll see you later babe." I kissed Ashley and left.

Yup, Ashley and I are dating. Finally, I've wanted to date her for a while. Now I know what Ricky and Jess have been feeling. Then anticipation of dating I mean. And keeping them away from each other was kind of cruel.

The ride to Ricky's was just nerve wrecking. Was her going to forgive me for beating him up? I have to admit I did take things way too far. Or even better yet, was my own sister going to forgive me. I love my sister so much and I don't want to lose her.

I knocked on Ricky's door hesitantly and waited patiently. Suddenly Jessica answered the door. She looked shocked.

"Hey Jess." I said guiltily. I think she sensed my apology coming on because she let me into the house. "Are you here to apologize Chris?" she blurted. I just nodded my head.

"Look Jess, I really am sorry. I can't imagine losing my sister and my best friend at the same time. I admit I took things way to far and now I'm here trying to make things right with you and Ricky." She smiled sympathetically and hugged me. "I love you Jess and I'm really, really sorry." She was crying now. "I accept your apology" she said wiping her tears. "But it's not me who really needs that apology." I nodded once more.

Jessica and I walked into the living room where I saw Ricky sitting and watching Dexter. "Hey man." I said grabbing his attention. Honestly Ricky looked a little frightened. "Look Ricky, I'm not here to beat you up again." I sighed. His features softened. "I just wanted to apologize for being a major dick and taking things to levels I should've never reached. I just love my sister and I'm trying to protect her, but I now know that you'd take good care if her. Jessica has grown up and I know I can't make her life decisions either, so if she wants to date you or now marry you." I chuckled. "She has my full support as do you." They both looked at each other and smiled. "Besides, I can't say I'm not excited to be Uncle Chris. Or that I'm not excited to be related to my best friend either. Welcome to the family Rick!" They both laughed at me.

"I accept your apology buddy, I love you too." Ricky replied. "And I can't be mad at you two for dating when I'm kind of dating Ashley." I smiled sheepishly. "Awe! it's about damn time!" Jessica squealed. "Tell me about it! I've been waiting to ask her out forever." I said dragging out the r.

"So have you thought of any baby names yet?" I asked after some silence. "No, not yet. We haven't really gotten around to it." Jess replied. I nodded my head. "Well do you want it to be a girl or a boy?" I asked. "I want it to me a girl." Jessica replied. "No way, it has to be a boy so I can teach them how to play guitar and then they'll be in a band too." Ricky smiled.

"Well I've gotta get going, I'm gonna ask Ashley if she wants to move in with me tonight. Wish me luck!" I said. "Good luck Chris! Love ya!" Jess shouted as I made my way out the door.

I'm glad everyone is on good terms now.

This chapter was dedicated to KloeLee6~

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