Little Clues Pt. 1

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Jessica's POV

I woke up to a text from Ashley. Wasn't she in my house?

Ashley: Jess, I ran to Ricky's for you and brought you back your car and your belongings. I'm not coming back after this, so I wanted to say thanks for letting me stay and hang out.

Jessica: No problem Ash, anytime.

I guess she did leave. We'll have to fix that soon. We need to hang soon!

Ashley: Your welcome! and I kind of need to ask you a question.

Jessica: anything, ask away.

Ashley: What do you find special about Ricky? What do you like most about him?

Jessica: it's hard to describe over text. come over?

Ashley: haha I was just there! but sure I'll be over soon.

"Hey Chris!" I yelled. "What?" he asked annoyed because he was sitting right next to me on the couch when I yelled.

"Your girlfriend is coming over today, again." I said smirking. If he's going to mess with me I'm going to mess with him. "Ashley is not my girlfriend Jessica." He sighed.

"Why not? I thought you guys fucked last night and everything." I smiled. He turned to me with his eyes open wide. "We certainly did NOT fuck." He said putting emphasis on the not part. "And that was all your doing to put her in my room!"

I admit, I'm pretty proud of myself that I'm actually playing matchmaker. Usually I'm the one getting matched with other people because I'm a loner.

"So... What are you doing today with Ashley?" Chris asked curiously. "You want to hang out with her don't you?" I laughed. He turned bright red and nodded his head yes. "Don't worry, I just need to talk to her real quick and then she's all yours." I laughed.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door. "Why don't you be a gentleman and get the door for Ashley?" I said. Chris gave me the death glare. Well isn't he just crushing hard. So hard that he doesn't even want to get the door for her. Wow. But then again, I can relate. That's how I feel about Ricky. Suddenly I had a cruel idea.

He's going to get a taste of his own medicine now.

"Hey Jess!" Ashley exclaimed pulling me from my thought. "Hey girl!" I said giving her a hug. "It seems like we haven't seen each other in forever!" She laughed sarcastically.

"Let's take the conversation to the back yard?" I questioned. I didn't want Chris to hear what we were talking about. Ash gave me a nod and we walked outside to the backyard under my 'smoking tree'.

"Before we start, I have an idea that you won't like, but it needs to be done for a win win situation." I spoke. "What is it?" Ash asked hesitantly. "Well you know how I promised you that I would hook you up with Chris?" She nodded. "The thing is, he doesn't want me to date his friends, so I was thinking that I would tell him that he can't date my friends either. You being my friend and all...." I trailed off. "I completely understand Jess, I can wait if it means some fun and games for me too."

"Of course! What kind of friend would I be if I just let you stay away?" I laughed. "Don't worry, little miss Ashley is going to be over your house a lot, and she's going to get a little flirty too." She gave me a little wink and I laughed.

"Anyways! Back to you and Rick. The question is, what do you like most about him?" She asked. "Well, I love his eyes and his soft black hair, and the way his tattoos portray him. The little things." I justified.

"You're in deep my friend!" Ashley laughed. "I guess you could say that." I replied.

"What's your favorite quality?" She asked next. "Everything, he's like the same person as me, but at the same time he's the complete opposite. So I guess you could say it's that he's very open, but well kept too. He's got many secrets and things that I don't know about him yet." I replied. "I like the yet part!" Ashley said. "Is that all?" I asked.

"Yup, short and sweet." I nodded. "Well, Chris wants to go hang out with you today, so put on your game face and play the part." I said evilly. I'm so mean. "Just let me talk to Chris first." I said rubbing my hands together. I'm so mean to my poor brother. Actually, what am I saying? Payback is a bitch!

We walked back inside with Ashley trailing behind me. "Hey Chris?" I called out. "Yeah?" He called back. "Can I talk to you for a second?" I asked. He nodded his head a little confused. "What did you want to talk about?" He asked worriedly as we entered the kitchen.

"Well, since you don't want me to date your friends, you can't date mine." I said flatly. He laughed. "All of your friends are girlfriends with the guys..... Wait. Your an evil, evil girl. A very very evil girl." He gave me the death glare. "Besides I told you that you could date my friends! Just not Ricky." He replied. "You can date anyone, just not Ashley." I stated. He looked like he was about to flip out table over. "Anyways, have fun with Ashley, she's waiting for you by the front door." I said as I turned on my heels towards the direction of my room.

Later that night~

I heard footsteps coming up the steps, loud and obnoxious footsteps. It was either Balz or Chris, but Chris was with Ashley.. It better be Balz!

Then there was a knock on the door. Should I answer it? Fuck it. I slowly got out of bed and opened the door with caution. There was no one outside of my door. Instead there was a note?


Get dressed nice and fancy! Tomorrow you're going on a blind date of my choosing! I love you, so I promise you won't be disappointed. Make sure your dress is black though! That's the only tip I'm giving you.

Ps. Balz dropped off this letter if you're wondering.

~Love, Ashley

I knew it was Balz!

"Hey Jess! Mind if I hang till Chris gets back?" Josh asked. "Not at all, you can stay." I smiled. "By the way, do you happen to know who my blind date tomorrow is?" I asked him. "Yup, and I was told under no circumstance to tell you either, so fuck off." He stated with a chuckle. Fine then. Be that way Balz. I guess I'll just have to see for myself tomorrow.

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