Where Is She?!

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Three Months Later~

Ricky's POV

Why would she run away? Why would she leave us wondering if she's okay or when she's even going to come back. I'm so worried about her and I want her back. I mean at this point are we still even dating? I've left so many messages and she hasn't replied to any of them. I'm really starting to question everything.

I can't lose her I think I'm in love with her. I think I always was.

Ryan Ashley's POV

I can't take it any longer, I need to tell Ricky. He doesn't deserve the silence he deserves the answers. I definitely promised Jessica I wouldn't tell Chris, but Ricky needs to know.

The guys ended up finishing the tour after that day, and are now currently home writing the new album. I haven't heard it yet, but it's coming along quickly. They all seem pretty happy with it and that's all that matters. I also know, that on top of the album everyone in their hearts are still worrying about Jessica and I'm not going to lie that it's worrying me too.

That's it, I'm telling Ricky.

"Josh, I'll be back, I'm going to see Ricky. I'm spilling it to him. " I said. "Why did she actually leave Ryan?" Josh asked. I sighed. "She's pregnant." I blurted. Josh's features softened. "So it's Ricky's?" he smiled wide. I nodded my head yes. "Wow, we are really good matchmakers!" he exclaimed. I laughed. "Whatever you do don't tell Chris." I said "Or anyone for the fact." I finished. "Well now I know why you don't want Chris to know so bad." Josh said. "Yeah, because then he'll kill Ricky and endless amount of times. Well I've gotta go tell Ricky, I'll see you later." Josh nodded his head and I walked out the door.

When I got to Ricky's house, I knocked on the door quickly and loudly.

Ricky opened the door his features reading slightly confused. "Hey Ryan Ashley...." Ricky trailed off. "Look Ricky, just let me in we need to talk. Like right now." I stated. He let me in and led me to the living room. "Yeah, good choice, you might want to sit down." I commented. "What's wrong Ryan? Why the sudden..." It's Jessica." I finished. "What about her." Ricky said his tone raising slightly. "I know where she is." I replied. "Where is she Ryan! I need to find her I love her and I don't want to lose her to someone else." he said worriedly. I laughed. "Trust me because of the reason she left Jess isn't going to leave you." I replied. "So you know why she left too?" he said. I nodded. "Why did she leave Ryan? Did you know all along?" I nodded again. "She told me before she left why she was leaving. I was also instructed to never tell you or Chris, but I decided against the order. You deserve to know about this.

"Ryan, tell me what happened and where she is. Right now." Ricky asked impatiently. I sighed. "What happened Ryan!" Ricky said his voice raising slightly. "Ricky." I sighed again. "Jessica's pregnant." He looked at me with eyes pleading for the news to not be true. "Don't lie to me." he chuckled nervously. "Please tell me that's not true." I nodded sadly. Then his face lot up. "What?" I asked confused. "Rye thought of being a family with Jessica just made me think about how happy I would be." This time it was my turn to smile.

"Wait, you still never told me where she is." Ricky blurted. "She's in California with Franccesca." I replied. He nodded and then ran up the stairs. I followed behind him. "Your going to get her back aren't you?" I asked. "Of course, I'm not leaving her to all of this by herself." I nodded. "Good luck." I said before turning around and leaving Ricky to himself. I hope she doesn't hate me for this.

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