Don't Ask, Don't Tell

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Jessica's POV

"You promise?" Ashley asked. "I swear on my fucking life Ash for like the tenth time." She nodded her head. "Okay, well you know how Chris's birthday is in like two weeks right?" I nodded remembering that it was coming up soon. "What about it?" Ashley smiled.

"Well I have been planning a party for him for a while now, and it's getting closer to it and I can't keep a secret for shit. So I've been hiding out away from everyone. Dude, this is fucking ridiculous." I chuckled. "I thought you haven't been talking to me because you were like dying or something." Now it was her turn to laugh. "Sorry 'bout it." Ashley replied.

"Oh my god. Stop it. You hang out with my brother too much." Ashley looked confused. "Never mind" I said as I waved it off.

"So how's Rick." Ashley winked. She would do that. "Fine, we've discussed the wedding and everything already, well the basics at least." Ashley modded. "That's great Jess! Care to spill some beans about it?" I shook my head no. "Not yet at least, not until the decisions are final."

"Awe, but you love me right." She said with puppy dog eyes. "I do love you, but you said yourself that you can't keep a secret for shit. But you can tell me all about Chris's birthday party." A look of happiness appeared in Ashley's eyes.

"Not yet. But I do need you to be the one to get Chris there." Ashley said.

"Of course!" I replied. "Great, just don't tell the guys or anyone about this. Meantime I'll be stuck in here making the arrangements." I laughed. "Your crazy, but I love you." I said "love you too girly!" Ashley exclaimed

Ricky's POV

"Okay, since you promised not to say anything, and I trust you, I'll tell you. So what I was saying is I think something's wrong. With me." Chris said. "What?" He inhaled a breath and began speaking again. "Okay, so I think that I may be slightly crazy." A laugh escaped my lips. "That's it? Your crazy?" I replied.

"Well,allIcanthinkofisAshleyandIthinkImayloveherandI'vethoughtmultipletimesaboutaskinghertomarryme." he blurted really really quickly. "Woah, slow down and repeat that." I asked. "All I think about is Ash, Rick, and I've thought many times about buying a ring and asking her to marry me." That was unexpected.

"Look, your not crazy, just in love. And if you love her that much go for it. We all love Ashley and she'd be a great addition to the Motionless family." Chris smiled. "Thanks man." he replied. "Any time." I said.

"Besides if anyone's crazy it's me." I blurted. "Yeah, for getting my sister pregnant and then asking her to marry you. Your lucky I love your sorry ass." Chris said laughing. "Awe, is Chris getting soft?" He gave me a death glare. "Well I love you too Chris." Why are we having a love fest? This is awkward.

"So when are you going to ask her?" I wondered. "I don't, didn't think that far yet." 'wow, he's great at planning things. Next time I'm planning something I'll ask him to help me'. I though to myself sarcastically.

"Well we better go back down there now." Chris said. I nodded and then followed him back down to the basement.

And Without You, I'm Hopeless  - Ricky HorrorWhere stories live. Discover now