The Death Of Me

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Ricky's POV

It's been a week since I dropped off the letter at Jessica's. I hope Chris didn't read it, because that would be bad.

Anyways, yeah, it's been a week and I'm starting to lose hope. I mean, I did state in the letter that I didn't expect her to reply to me. But I really wish that she would.

Suddenly my phone buzzed in my pocket. I had a new text message. When I opened it, I saw that it was only Chris.

Chris: band practice at three

Ricky: alright, I'll be there

I was kind of excited because that means that I get to see Jessica today. Wait. What if she knows that it's me? That would be worse than Chris reading the letter because at least Chris is clueless when it comes to shit like that.

I decided to get ready since it was one o'clock now. I put on some black skinny jeans, a blackcraft tee, and my all black vans. I quickly brushed my hair and then grabbed my car keys.

I was going to leave early so I could go grab something to eat on the way there.

Hey, a man has to eat, right?

When I got outside, I didn't really have any motivation to check the mail, but something told me to anyways so I did. I had a package; which was likely to be my new guitar strings, some random shit such as flyers, and a letter.

I got a letter? Was it from Jess? I ripped it open in anticipation and started to read it.

Dear mystery admirer,

I don't know who you are, or where you are at this very moment, which I'm hoping is not stalking me haha. I think it's very sweet that you like me and all. I'm very suspicious on who you are though because you mentioned that you know my brother and his little rule. The only ones he won't let me date are his friends and band members. If you're one of his friends though, that could be anyone. He has quite a few friends, and the chances if you being in his band are very little. I mean it would be nice to think that one of them like me because I like one of them too, but that's besides the point. Anyways I appreciate you writing to me, it makes you a unique person and I adore that in a guy. You never know, you may have a chance with me. Fuck what my brother said.

Don't tell him I said that!

I wish you as well a good day and I hope to see you soon too!

Ps. you're not a waste of my time, I would really enjoy writing back to you.


I'm surprised that she even wrote me back. After I finished reading it, I went back into the house and began my letter back to her.

I think out of the whole letter I was most happy about the part where she said that she didn't give a shit about Chris's little rule. I mean, why can't I just date her? It's not like I would intentionally hurt her or anything. But why would that matter to Chris? It's his sister's life not his.


I'm glad I'm not a waste of your time. I really like talking to you even if it is through letters. I know you'd like to address these letters to me and we would actually know each other and all, but I can't do that. If you knew who I was you'd stop talking to me. I can't lose you, you're a special part of my life and I can't let you slip out of my grasp. This is probably sounding really creepy to you, but again, if you knew who I was you'd be thinking differently. We aren't strangers at all and the whole 'I have feelings for you' would ruin our relationship we share now. I like the role I play in your life even though it's not enough for me. If you can figure out who I am however, and you still want to talk to me then I'll be more than happy.

I think this whole writing letters back and forth thing is really romantic. It kind of reminds me of a cliche love story like Romeo and Juliet. You'd be Juliet and I'd be Romeo. Chris would be the parents who don't approve of the rivals dating each other. Honestly I think that Chris is a big ass bitch. You're a 23 year old woman who is totally capable of your own life. Chris doesn't need to be your babysitter.

~your secret admirer ;)

I put the letter into the envelope and put it in my coat pocket before really heading out to Chris's house this time.

When I got to Chris's house, I got out of the car and quickly slipped the letter into the mailbox. I'm hoping that they haven't gotten their mail yet today.

I walked back up the driveway and up the stairs of the little front porch that they had and knocked on the door.

No one answered. I knocked again.

This time, I heard the door unlock and Jessica stood there looking hot as fuck today. What's the occasion? Not that I care, cause she looks good.

I swear this girl will be the death of me.

Jessica's POV

"Jess!" Chris yelled from downstairs. I was currently in the middle of straightening my hair. I walked down the stairs and greeted Chris in the living room. "What?"

"Your boy toy is coming over today for band practice." He said and smiled wickedly. He really knows how to piss me off. I gave him the old 'I'm going to kill you look' and then he backed up with his hands raised in the air as a sign of surrender. It's almost like he doesn't remember the last talk we had about all of this.

"Just because we kissed ONE time when he was drunk doesn't mean that he's my 'boy toy'." I said through gritted teeth. "He probably doesn't even remember! Just let it go! You know, you really know how to get on my last nerve you douche bag!" I snapped. I'm done with him.

I feel like all we do is disagree on everything and then argue about it. Like if you can't grow up and stop being a bitch then I'm going to move out and pretend that I'm not even related to him just so I can have a normal life.

I turned on my heels and went back to finishing what I started.

When I was done straightening my hair, I thought that I should put something better on. I chose a black crop top that showed off some of my mid-drift, half red and black jeans from hot topic, and my all black vans. I also put on some eyeliner and mascara.

I made my way down stairs once again and plopped myself on the couch.

I heard a knock on the door, but I didn't answer it the first time. "Chris! Door!" I yelled. No answer. He was probably setting up the practice room. I got off of the couch to so I could open the door and when I opened it, surprise, surprise. Ricky was behind it.

He looked good today.

"C-come in." I stuttered. Fucking hell. The way this man makes me feel. Weak at the knees, butterflies in my stomach. I almost feel drunk sometimes because I stutter on my words too.

Haha, I'm intoxicated alright.

With his love.

And Without You, I'm Hopeless  - Ricky HorrorWhere stories live. Discover now