Band Practice

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Jessica's POV

"C-come in." I stuttered. Ricky just flashed his sexy smile and walked into the house. "Chris!" I yelled. This time he walked up from the basement where the band practiced.

It was actually quite nice down there, it was a finished basement with a good sized tv and a couch as well as all of their instruments.

"What do you want Jess?" Chris said with a smile on his face as he looked between Ricky and I. "W-well I'm j-just gonna go upstairs if you need me just call m-me." I stumbled over my words. Fuck you Richard Olson, fuck you.

"Why don't you stay and watch the practice like you always do?" Ricky asked. I couldn't deny the fucker. "S-sure." I muttered. Chris still had a huge ass smile on his face. "Before we start, can I talk to Chris?" I asked politely. "In private?"

"Sure, I'll just step outside." Ricky replied.

As soon as he was gone, I dragged Chris by the arm into the living room. "First of all, ouch! And what is ever so important that you have to talk to me about?" He wondered out loud. "Why are you screwing with my mind!" I growled. "Calm down Jess, what are you talking about?"

"What am I talking about? You must be an idiot to not know what I'm talking about! I'm talking about smiling and picking on me for being all what do you call it? In love. But yet you don't want to give me some respect and actually form a closer relationship with him then we already have. It's either you're giving me the okay or you're going to be a bitch and let me love some homeless guy on the streets! Cause that's all you seem to be trusting is fucking homeless people!" I seethed.

"Fine, then I guess my answer is no. I will not tolerate you to date Ricky and I don't give a fuck if he's begging on his knees with you. It's a no and it always will be." He said seriously.

"You know what Chris? I'm moving out! I can't stand you anymore! I'm sick of the games and the mind fucks. I'm done!" I yelled.

"Don't you think you're being a little over dramatic?" Chris said annoyed. "You should ask yourself the same question sometime. Rethink about how much of a dick you really are."

I ran up the stairs and slammed my bedroom door behind me. I opened my closet and pulled out my large black suitcase. I shoved as many clothes and necessities would allow me at least a week without coming back here. I know I have to come back, but at least a week would allow me to cool off.

I lugged my suitcase down the steps and out the front door. "Woah, where are you going?" I heard Ricky's voice call out from behind me concerned. Honestly I forgot he was there and his voice scared the shit out of me.

"I um, I'm leaving." I said quietly and then started to walk out the door again. "Wait, Jess! Where are you staying?"

That's a really good question, I never thought that far ahead. "I don't know, a hotel maybe?" I thought out loud. "Well, why don't you just stay at my place?" Ricky offered. "Oh I can't do that, I'd be too much of a bother."

"You're not a bother Jessica! I love hanging out with you." His smile peeked through his perfect pink lips and I just melted right then and there.

"But I just can't stay with you right now, Chris's policy." I was agitated about his fucking rules. He doesn't own me and he not my parents so who the fuck does he think he is? "Fuck Chris! He doesn't need to know." Ricky replied.

"I guess you're right." I smiled. "Here, meet me at my house." He handed me his house keys. "I'll see you there." I smiled once more. I took off towards the driveway and opened the mailbox to grab anything that was mine before I left. And guess what was in it. A letter.


I'm glad I'm not a waste of your time haha. I really like talking to you even if it is through letters. I know you'd like to address these letters to me and we would actually know each other and all, but I can't do that. If you knew who I was you'd stop talking to me. I can't lose you, your a special part of my life and I can't let you slip out of my grasp. This is probably sounding really creepy to you, but again, if you knew who I was you'd be thinking differently. We aren't strangers at all and the whole 'I have feelings for you' would ruin our relationship we share now. I like the role I play in your life even though it's not enough for me. If you can figure out who I am however, and you still want to talk to me then I'll be more than happy.

I think this whole writing letters back and forth thing is really romantic. It kind of reminds me of a cliche love story like Romeo and Juliet. You'd be Juliet and I'd be Romeo. Chris would be the parents who don't approve of the rivals dating each other. Honestly I think that Chris is a big ass bitch. You're a 23 year old woman who is totally capable of your own life. Chris doesn't need to be your babysitter.

~your secret admirer ;)

As I read through this letter, I realized that moving in with Ricky for a little bit was probably the best idea. I mean, maybe we could bond a little and strengthen our relationship.

I've decided to put off writing back my little pen pal if that's what you'd call it. I'm not really in any sort of state to put my feelings out there or put out any sort of emotion. I just want to clear my mind of things. And right now I was doing a pretty damn good job of it.

"Hey! I'm home!" I heard Ricky call after closing the front door. "Hey!" I called back.

"So what's up?" Ricky asked as he plopped beside me on the couch. "Nothing much, just clearing my mind of things." I replied. We sat in a comfortable silence before I broke the ice. "So.. how was practice?" I asked. "It went really well, except for the part where Chris kept glaring creepily at me. I don't really know why though." He replied with a bit of confusion laced in his voice.

"I don't really know either." I confessed. Which was a complete lie. He was being rude to Ricky because I liked him, but Chris wouldn't let me date Ricky so I left. I swear he's putting himself in deeper shit then he already was by doing that.

And right now I could give two fucks about what his little rule is. All I can think about is just leaning in and kissing Ricky softly... Wait. No. Stop thinking like that Jess! You're going to ruin your friendship! Ugh, why can't my life be normal! Maybe if it weren't for Chris it would be.

"Hey, Jess?" Ricky asked. "Yeah?"

"I uh, I saw this letter on the table." He blurted out while holding it in between his fingers. Oh fuck. "What about it?"

"Well this guy really seems to like you." Ricky said quietly. "I don't know, if he really liked me then he would've said it to my face." I replied. "Well maybe this guy isn't like that."

"And what makes you think that?" I was curious to what he had to say. "Maybe this guy didn't want to say it to your face, maybe he wanted to make you fall in love with his personality and not his looks."

"Then I'd say he's a smart man." I chuckled. "What if I told you that I knew who it was." I wanted to know more than anything who the mystery admirer was. "Who is it?" I asked. "That my dear, I can not tell you." Ricky said. "And why is that?"

"Because he wants you to find out who he is." He said in a 'duh' voice.

"Why?" I asked again. "Because he wants you to see that in reality he's right in front of you. Love is blind Jess, but clearly you're just blind and too oblivious to see him and his unconditional love for you." Wow. That was deep Rick.

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