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Jessica's POV

"We are over Ricky! I can't take this anymore! The constant fighting and the lies!" I thought you told me you weren't cheating on me with that.. That slut!" I screamed.

"It was one time Jess and I instantly regret everything! I love you! I want you and only you!" He defended. It wasn't working however.

"I don't care if you want me! I don't want you! Your a liar and a cheater!" I can't take this bullshit anymore.

"Fine! Then maybe I don't want you either! Your too much of a bitch, at least she has a heart!" He screamed and walked out the door slamming it behind him.

I don't like the lying, cheating, bullshitting kind. He can leave my son and I alone, because apparently he doesn't need us anymore. Ricky only needs the slutbag he cheated on me with.

Suddenly my son started to cry and I walked up to the nursery to calm him.

'Hey buddy, it's okay mommy's got you. It's okay you can stop crying now." I cooed.

I swayed him in my arms for about ten minutes, and he still continued to cry. The tears were streaking his plump cheeks and coating his blue-grey eyes.

These were the days where Ricky would sing him to sleep.

"Baby, stop crying. It's okay." I repeated.

But he kept on crying.

I sat in the chair with my son in my arms and I cried. He was still crying as well.

This is the worst day of my life...

Suddenly my eyes snapped open.

"Hey babe. What happened? You were crying in your sleep." Ricky said sitting beside me on my bed.

I didn't answer him, instead I looked slightly passed Ricky and behind him stood Max.

Why was she here?

Ricky noticed me staring at her and then turned to look at Max.

"I think we should tell her now." Ricky whispered to Max.

"Tell me what?" I replied cautiously.

"Don't get mad at us. It's not as bad as seems, just hear me out." Ricky pleaded.

Oh my god. My dream is real. He cheated on me.. With Max!

It's obvious and I knew it, but he denied it! That bastard!

I narrowed my eyes and gave him the death glare.

He put his hands up in surrender. "Jessica..." he trailed off with a sigh.

Honestly how could he not have seen this coming? He cheated on me! How am I not supposed to get mad!

"Jessica." he repeated. "I didn't cheat on you, I just have something important to tell you that happens to include Max." Ricky added with another sigh.

"Of course you didn't cheat Rick! Of course you didn't! Please enlighten me then. What's so important that you need...."

"Max is my sister." he blurted as he cut me off.

"She's what?" I asked. "Repeat that again?" I though I heard wrong.

"Max is my sister." he repeated. Nope I heard right.

"And why haven't you told me sooner!" I shouted. "I may have forgot..." he trailed off. "Bullshit. Tell me the truth." I demanded.

"I just did!" he yelled. Ouch. Ricky's never yelled at me like that before. Maybe he was telling the truth.

"I forgot! I just forgot okay! I found out when we were at warped. You were gone from my life so it wasn't in my mind. And then when I found you I was the happiest person alive! I just wanted to spend some time with my girl!" He started.

"And I love you to pieces, I would never hurt you so I don't understand why you you don't trust me! I'm telling you the truth! Max is my sister okay, she's my sister!" he shouted starting to tear up.

"Ricky..." I started.

"No Jess. Just let me finish." he wiped some tears from his eyes and continued.

"I found out that my parents had given me up for adoption, and I had no connection with her ever until warped tour. Then after warped I had lost connection with her again, but then somehow Ashley found her through Facebook or some shit and so she was at the party. And the only reason she has my key necklace is because I wanted to give my sister a little piece of m to keep with her." he wiped some more tears away.

"Trust me." he pleaded. "Just trust me because I need you. I fought for you and won you. I didn't just win you to lose you, I won you to keep you." I looked deep into his eyes and never have I seen them that sincere.

"Jessica, he's telling the truth. I know this is hard to take in, but it's true." Max added.

I sighed letting out a breath that I didn't know I was holding.

"Listen Ricky, I'm not mad at you. Or Max even, I'm just mad that you happened to forget and not tell me about this earlier. We wouldn't have fought over this if only you told me before we broke up because I accused you of something you clearly didn't do." I replied.

"I know, I'm stupid and I didn't tell you, but I'm sorry for letting you even think I was cheating Jess. I would never do such a thing and not telling you about that was the worst thing I could've ever done." I felt sorry for the poor man at this second, but him not telling me any of this shit before caused us to break up.

"Your stupid alright. But I love you anyways." I smiled a cheesy grin and he kissed me quickly so it wouldn't be awkward for Max who was standing to the side.

"Do you want to hold your nephew then?" I asked Max with a genuine smile. "Of course." she replied.

"I'll be right back, I'm gonna go get Dexter from Chris." Ricky walked out of the room and Max laughed.

"What?" I asked. "It doesn't shock me that your kids name is Dexter." I laughed too.

"Well it's Christopher Dexter, but we've decided to call him Dexter so he and Chris don't get mixed up." I explained.

She nodded her head right as Chris, Ricky, and Ashley walked into the room.

"Did you sleep well?" Chris asked as he kissed my forehead.

"Not really. But that's besides the point." I replied looking into my lap.

"Tell me what's wrong." Chris sighed concerned.

"I had a bad dream is all." I said. I didn't want to go any further.

"I get it sis, just try to get some more sleep. You look like you need it." He exclaimed. "Thanks...?" I trailed off.

Chris jus looked at me and then at Ashley. "I'm going home tonight, do you think you'll be alright for another day or two?" He asked. "I'll be just fine! Go home and spend some time with Ashley!" I chuckled.

"Alright, I'll see you later. I've got to go get my stuff ready so I can leave. Apparently I have to come back when the doctors find out what's wrong with me though. I hate hospitals Jessica, I don't want to come back." Chris said truly terrified. I laughed knowing the feeling.

"Go!" I shooed. He left taking Ashley's hand in his.

I laid back in my bed and used my eyes as Max and Ricky talked about whatever it was they were talking about.

I just laid there relaxing. It felt so good.

Then sleep consumed me and that felt even better. I needed a good nights rest even though I'm pretty sure it was in the middle of the day.

And Without You, I'm Hopeless  - Ricky HorrorWhere stories live. Discover now