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Jessica's POV

"Hey is Ash here?" I asked Chris. We've been here for almost an hour now and I haven't seen her once. "Yeah, she's upstairs." I nodded and walked up the stairs. We were in the bands practice room since the whole reason we came over was so the guys could practice, and I could talk to Ashley. So I left them to go do what I came here for.

When I approached her bedroom door, I knocked cautiously and waited. Nothing.

"Ashley, it's just me Jessica." I spoke softly. I waited once more. "Jess?" Ashley said from the other side of the door. "Yeah Ash, it's just me." She opened the door quickly and pulled me inside.

"Woah, what's wrong?" I was a little worried. "Listen, I've got to tell you something but you have to promise not to say anything to anybody." She gave me a pleading look. "I promise."

Ricky's POV

"Hey man." Chris said as he walked up to me. "hey." I replied. "Listen, I've gotta talk to you about something and it's kind of important." Chris mumbled, I could barely make out what he said. "Sure, did you want to go somewhere private?" "That would be great."

We walked upstairs into the living room away from all of the guys.

"Rick, I think this is serious." Chris had desperation in his eyes. "What?" what was so bad? "Promise you won't tell anyone?" I shook my head. "I promise. Now spill."

Sorry this chapter is so short... Cliffhanger!

And Without You, I'm Hopeless  - Ricky HorrorWhere stories live. Discover now