The Accident

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Jessica's POV

I slipped on my black dress and my heels before applying some eyeliner and some dark purple eyeshadow. I hate dressing up, but this is what my friends asked me to do and I don't want to let them down. I can't believe I'm even doing this. Going on a blind date. The only person that will be on my mind the whole time is Ricky. I just can't seem to let him go.

"I'll be back Jess! I'm going out!" Chris yelled from downstairs. "Alright!" I yelled back. I heard the front door open and then close. I finished applying my makeup and then headed out to my car. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and called Allie.

"I'm headed to the restaurant now, I'll tell you how it goes after." I said. "Good luck girly!" she squealed. I hung up the phone and chuckled at her excitement. All I can say is this guy better be hot.

About ten minutes later, I got a call from the hospital?

Ricky's POV

"What am I supposed to wear Josh, it's not that simple, especially since I don't ever socialize with girls." I asked. "Here, just wear this white button up shirt, your black vest and some black skinny jeans. And wear your black vans. The do your makeup however it is you do it and then bam! your done!" he replied. "Thanks Josh." I said. "Anytime." I got ready and then made my way to the car. But I managed to put the letter in my pocket. I was going to drop it off at Jessica's house after the date.

"Tell me every detail!" he shouted as I closed the door to my car. I nodded and backed out of the driveway. Whoever they set me up with better be worth leaving my house for. I'm not a very social person outside of the band.

I put on my music to release some nerves.

About 15 minutes later, my phone rang. It was Josh. I chuckled knowing he was going to fill me in with his dating 'knowledge'. Which is actually pretty funny.

"What do you want Josh?" I said. "Go to the hospital right now I'll meet you there." he instructed and then hung up the phone. What was happening?

I turned the car around and went back towards the direction of the hospital.

Jessica's POV

"Hello, is this Miss Cerulli?" A lady asked. "Yes?" I questioned. "It seems your brother was in a car accident." She said. "I'll be right there." I said with tears starting to brim my eyes. I drove to the hospital a pure mess. I almost crashed my own car.

Thankfully, I got there okay. How? I don't really know.

I ran into the building and up to the receptionists desk. "Chris Cerulli?" I asked panting and out of breath. "Room 218" she said sweetly. I quickly walked over to the elevator and pressed the up button. I waited for the elevator to come down and luckily it didn't take long. I then got in the elevator and pressed the second floor button causing it to rise.

When it stopped on the second floor, I got out and walked down the hallway until I saw room 218. "You must be Chris's sister." the doctor said. He was standing outside the room like he was waiting for me to get there. "I am indeed Chris's sister." I smiled. "Can I see him?" I asked hopeful. "Not at the moment, he's asleep but as soon as he wakes up you'll be allowed to." Now it was the doctors turn to smile. I sat in front of the room on one of the few chairs available and got comfortable.

About five minutes later however, Ashley, Ryan Ashley, and Devin showed up. "Hey Jess, how are you holding up?" Ryan Ashley asked sadly. "I mean at first I was a wreck, but he's going to be just fine so I've calmed down a bit." I replied. "Where are everyone else?" I said as I looked at Devin. "They'll be here soon, Josh is waiting on Ricky and the we just have to wait for Ryan, Allie, and Angelo." he replied. "By the way I must say that you look absolutely gorgeous!" Ashley exclaimed. "Thanks." I blushed.

"Hey sorry we're a little late." I heard Allie say. "Allie!" I shouted running over to my best friend and hugging her tightly. "I hope you called off the date." I said hoping the poor guy isn't sitting in the restaurant alone. She nodded her head. "Are you okay Jessie?" Allie asked solemnly. "You know I hate it when you call me that." I said as I playfully punched her arm. "I'm guessing your alright then?" Allie laughed. "I've been better. But I'm holding up. The doctor actually told me that he was going to be alright." I said smiling again. "That's great!" She exclaimed. I just nodded and sat back down in my chair.

"Is Chris alright?" Josh asked as he, Angelo, and Ricky approached us. I nodded my head yes. I then looked over at Ricky and he was all dressed up. "Well look at you Richard, don't you look posh this evening." I said while laughing. I'll admit, he looked pretty damn sexy. "And look at you Jessie. Gorgeous as always." he said using that nickname. God I hated that name. "Don't call me that." I said. "Then don't call me Richard." he smiled. His smile makes me melt every time.

"Why don't we let the two have their blind date now." Josh said. I looked over confused and saw that they were all smiling. "Wait. You mean to tell me that he was my blind date?" I said motioning to Ricky. All of their smiles were so big at this point that I though their mouthes were going to get stuck like that. "Go have fun! We'll be here when Chris wakes up." Allie assured me. I smiled at my friends. I was so thankful to have them.

I can't believe that Ricky was my date.

I looked over at Ricky and he offered me his hand. I grabbed it and he helped me out of the chair. We ended up holding hands all the way to the car.

"What do you want to do?" Ricky asked me once we were seated in the car.

"Go to your place? I think we need to talk first." I said. Ricky nodded understandingly and then he backed out of the parking lot and headed for his house.

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