Needs To Know What?

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Ricky's POV

"Hey Chris, stay here for a minute alright?" I asked. I needed to make an important phone call. "Okay, but don't be long. I need to get back to my room." I nodded and walked out into the hallway.

I dialed Max's number and waited for her to pick up.

"Hey Ricky, what's up?" Max asked groggily. I forgot it was late. And I felt bad for waking her up because she was asleep.

"Well, Chris is in the hospital and-" I was cut off by Max being all worried.

"What! Is he alright?!" she sounded like she was fully awake now.

"Calm down Max, he's alright. He just had a little seizure is all." I replied. "A seizure? That's pretty serious Rick!" she yelled.

"Max, calm down he's going to be alright." I replied calmly hoping it would calm her down.

"Alright." she sighed. "So he's alright?" Max added. "For now at least. The doctors don't know what's wrong with him though, but they're working on it." I said.

"Well that's good, but I'm still coming down you know." I smiled to myself. "I know you are Max. It's just that there's something else you need to know too." I exclaimed while smiling to myself.

"What? Don't tell me your in the hospital too!" Max was suddenly worried again. "Max! How many times do I have to tell you to calm down!" I chuckled.

"Sorry, continue." She apologized. "Jess had the baby!" I squealed. "Congrats! That's fantastic Ricky!" Max shouted happily. "Yup, so now Auntie Max needs to get her ass over here!" I laughed.

"About that Rick, I think we need to tell Jessica..." She trailed off. Shit. I totally forgot.

"Alright, I agree. I think she needs to know. And if your coming, just call me when you get here. I've gotta go now, Chris is expecting me." I replied.

"Okay, I'll call you. Bye, I love you."

"I love you too Max, stay safe." I said before I hung up.

I walked back into the room where I saw Jess sleeping and Chris was holding Dexter.

"It's about time!" Chris whisper-yelled. "I'm sorry!" I whisper-yelled back.

"Now get out!" I laughed. "Fine! Have your kid back!" he fake cried and handed me my son. "I'll come back tomorrow!" Chris said on his way out. "Alright bye!" I replied.

And Without You, I'm Hopeless  - Ricky HorrorWhere stories live. Discover now