Intoxicated I Love You

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Jessica's POV

I've been holding up for three days now and the silence is killing me. When I say silence, I mean how Ricky and I haven't spoken since that night I got here. Why? Honestly I don't know. Maybe we've both been busy?

Anyways, I was only going to spend three more days here before I go home and confront Chris once again.

"Hey, Jess?" Ricky said as he walked by me. "Yeah Rick?" I questioned. "I was wondering if you wanted to go to a party tonight at Allie and Ryan's house with me?" He said rubbing the back of his neck.

"Like as your date?" I asked. "No! Not at all! I just wanted to know if you'd go so you wouldn't be home alone tonight." He answered all too fast. That wasn't suspicious at all. "Alright, I'll go with you." I smiled. "When are we leaving?" I asked. "An hour?"

"One hour?!" I yelled as I ran up the stairs to change.

"I'm ready." I said as I walked into the kitchen after changing, only to see Ricky drinking a cup of coffee. I swear that man lives off of that stuff.

I was wearing the usual band tee and skinny jeans combo. I don't get dressed up.

"So.... Is Chris going to be there tonight?" I asked Ricky. He moved his head up and down. That's a yes. Great. I wasn't ready to see him yet. "We should probably get going now Jess." Ricky said as he grabbed his car keys off of the counter. "Yeah, we should go." I mumbled. This is the most we've talked in all of the three days I've spent here.

I walked out of the house after Ricky and then headed for my car. "What are you doing?" Ricky asked. "Getting in my car?" I stared blankly back at Ricky wondering why he'd ask that.

"Why don't we both just take my car? It would be a waste to take your car and my car." He replied. Well that was a true fact. It would be pointless to take my car and his. And what if he gets drunk again? I remember the last party we went to.

Flash back~

"Rick I think that you're drunk."

"I a-am not-t drunk!" he said stuttering over his words. He definitely was. "Prove it then" I said calmly with my arms crossed against my chest. Ricky walked over to me and stood too close for my liking. "How are you proving this Ricky, make it quick I want to go home." I exclaimed.

Ricky leaned forward and pressed his lips to mine forcefully. "What the fuck Rick!" I yelled. "I l-love you J-Jess!" He replied. No he doesn't that's not possible. Who wants to love me? A girl who can't step out of the house without her older brother getting worried? A girl who has too many problems to be fixed?

"You don't love me Ricky, you're drunk go home. Actually, get someone to drive you home since you're fucking wasted out of your mind right now." I said with tears brimming my eyes. The man I love is sharing his feelings for me through his drunk words. Nothing he just said is real, and it's messing with my mind.

I hopped in the passenger side of Ricky's car.

"What are you thinking about Jess? I can tell you are deep in thought." Ricky asked as he looked over at me. His blue eyes were urging me to share.

"Nothing." I noticeably lied but I didn't care. I wasn't about to go down memory lane with someone who probably didn't even remeber what he did.

Ricky dropped the conversation and we just drove in silence. I hope I didn't just make this awkward.

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