Life Goes On

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Jessica's POV

"I've missed you so much these last two weeks Jess." Ricky said sadly. "Don't be sad babe, I have you now and that's all that matters right?" I asked. He shook his head and smiled.

"Want to watch a movie, love?" Ricky asked. "Of course! Put one in." I urged happily. "We can have a movie night like we used to!" I loved our movie nights, although they were secretive. I never told Chris about them because he would've killed me and assumed that Ricky and I would've been doing other things other them watching a movie. But it's been almost two years since we've had one, which is why I'm so damn excited.

I went into the kitchen and grabbed Ricky and I a drink while he got some blankets and picked out a movie.

"Sorry I took so long, I was trying to find something." Ricky said out of breath from running down the stairs. "You didn't have to run." I laughed. "I know, but I don't like to keep you waiting." Awe, how sweet is my darling Ricky?

"What movie are we going to watch babe?" I asked Ricky as he was searching through the movie cabinet.

"I was thinking instead of a horror movie, we watch a Tim Burton movie instead?" A smile tugged at his lips, he knew I was a sucker for Tim Burton movies. "Oh yeah, what movie did..."

I was cut off of by my phone ringing. "Put the movie in, I promise I won't take too long." I smiled sympathetically. Who would call me at this time?

"Hello?" I answered. It turned out to be Ashley. "J-Jess, Chris I-is in the hospital you n-need to come now!" She cried. "What!" I shrieked exasperated. "Yeah, just come quick, I-I'll explain e-everything later." I quickly hung up the phone and stated crying.

"Baby, what happened?" Ricky rushed to my side and comforted me. "We need to get to the hospital now! Chris... Chris is in the hospital!"

"It's going to be fine Jess, let's just get to the hospital so we can see Chris okay. I promise you he'll be okay." Ricky kissed my temple and helped me up off of the couch.

"And what happens is he's not Ricky? What will I do without him!" I cried harder than before thinking about all of the terrible things that could've happened to my brother.

Ricky and I practically ran as fast as we could to the car, well as fast as I could which was more like a jog.

When we got to the hospital, I unbuckled my seatbelt as fast as I could and got out as Ricky turned off the ignition. "Come on Rick! We don't have all day, Chris could be dying for all we know!" I shouted through the quiet parking lot. For a hospital, the lot was almost half empty.

"I'm coming! Hush up!" he exclaimed in a rush. I wasn't really going that fast, so he caught up to me in no time and took my trembling hand in his squeezing it for support.

"I love you." He added quickly as we walked thought the door. "Love you too babe." I said quietly. I was so scared at the moment. Well definitely of my brothers condition, but I was more scared of hospitals. They gave me the creeps. I don't really know why I hated them so much, I just did.

"Do you know what room a Christopher Cerulli is in?" Ricky asked the receptionist. I'm glad he asked instead of me, because I never would've been able to talk.

"He's in room 216." She said as the gum in her mouth made a popping noise. Well she wasn't irritating at all! I thought sarcastically. I mean her voice was full of pure annoyance. Like what did we do to you lady?

"Jessica, let's go." Ricky tugged on my wrist. "Sorry, I was thinking." I muttered.

We made it to the elevator and I almost pissed myself because of how scared I was.

Finally after what felt like forever the elevator made a 'ding' noise and the doors opened before us. "I'm scared Ricky." I said starting to shake a bit. "It's going to be okay Jessica, I promise you." he said for like the third time tonight.

I wonder what he would say if everything wasn't alright?

And Without You, I'm Hopeless  - Ricky HorrorWhere stories live. Discover now